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Furusato Shikano
Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan child village dream

1353, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi, Tottori
TEL 0857-38-0030
FAX 0857-38-0031

Opening time 9:00-17:00
※For the maintenance in the hall, I may have a closed day in a hurry.

We enrolled in a trip adviser. Write impressions if you like.
The trip adviser is the largest trip community site in the world

Mutter of the staff

〝 of the interchange building staff is the section of loose "mutter

Crape myrtle of the interchange building bloomed♪

Today's shikanocho is cloudy
The tree of crape myrtle in the interchange building had a flower
A pink beautiful flower is fullsmiley
When you come to this museum, please look at it♪
As you are smoothened, do not climb it…
Hey, there is not readily such a person, too (- -;)
As the break is possible in a cool hall, please drop in
There are chipped ice and the ice-cream cone, toowink
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