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Furusato Shikano
Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan child village dream

1353, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi, Tottori
TEL 0857-38-0030
FAX 0857-38-0031

Opening time 9:00-17:00
※For the maintenance in the hall, I may have a closed day in a hurry.

We enrolled in a trip adviser. Write impressions if you like.
The trip adviser is the largest trip community site in the world

Event guidance

Shikano ourai kouryukan event What's New

West inaba event information

Tottori-shi aoya native district hall "the 15th Aoya High School class exhibition"

In the Tottori-shi aoya native district hall, "the 15th Aoya High School class exhibition" is held.
Other than calligraphy, a picture, a design image, the crafts work which students of Aoya High School produced in a class, the result in various classes except the art is displayed, too.

Period Saturday, December 9, 2023 - January 8, 2024 Monday (holiday)
     Every Monday, the year-end and New Year (from December 29 to January 3) closure
Viewing time 9:00-17:00 (until last entering a building 16:30)
Venue Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room (map)
     2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori
Rate viewing for free

Tottori Prefectural Aoya High School
■The cosponsorship
Tottori-shi culture foundation
Tottori-shi aoya native district hall

Aoya, Tottori-shi native district hall WEB site
"The 15th Aoya High School class exhibition"

Announcement of "shikanocho wattaina saisakuhintenjibumon" display

For from Wednesday, October 4, 2023 to Monday, October 30, shikanocho wattaina saisakuhintenjibumon is held in Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan.
Each cultural organization in the shikanocho displays various works.

Venue Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan child village dream
Time 9:30-17:00

■From Wednesday, October 4 to Monday, October 9
Look after laboratory of Kano book, senryu tower Kano; month, a Kachiya lifelong learning department (bloom of tewayaku salon, the Japanese paper origami field)

■From Sunday, October 8 to Monday, October 9
Ikenobo flower arrangement classroom
[classroom holding (entrance fee 500 yen) experience-based for eight days on Sunday]

■From Wednesday, October 11 to Monday, October 16
Kano pressed flower dream art, comfortable sumi society
■From Wednesday, October 18 to Monday, October 23
Kano mounting classroom, meeting of the patchwork bloom

■From Wednesday, October 25 to Monday, October 30
Kano ceramic art club, shikanocho photograph club

Sponsorship shikanocho wattaina festival executive committee
The cosponsorship shikanocho cultural organization contact meeting

<contact, reference>
Ichikano-cho, Tottori synthesis branch area promotion section
TEL: 0857-84-2011

"Inaba Japanese paper photo exhibition" starts it on June 24

"Three Tokuyama" prints a photograph of "Oyama oxen and horses City", and, a Japanese inheritance "giraffe lion" existing on the Inaba Japanese paper which is a traditional craft of Tottori in the prefecture, they are photo exhibitions to introduce "Japan inheritance story" to "a goods-carrying merchant ship".

Period from Saturday, June 24, 2023 to Sunday, August 27
Venue Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
     313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi, Tottori
Viewing time 9:00-17:00
Venue plan exhibition room
Rate public 300 yen ※As for 20 or more, a 20% discount high school student or younger is free

Tottori-shi, Tottori-shi culture foundation Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
Tottori, Misasa-cho, Daisen-cho, Tottori Inaba Japanese paper cooperative, Asahi Shimbun Tottori total station, inabapyompyon net, NHK Tottori broadcasting station, San-in Chuo Shimpo-sha Corporation, TSK sanin center TV, Sankei newspaper publisher, the new Sea of Japan newspaper publisher, Chugoku Shimbun-sha Tottori bureau, the Sea of Japan cable network, Sea of Japan TV, Mainichi Shimbun Tottori bureau, BSS Broadcasting System of Sanin, the Yomiuri Shimbun Tottori branch office

"aoya culture Festival 2023"

A group, the individual belonging to the Aoya-cho culture meeting performing cultural activities inside and outside Aotanicho, Tottori-shi announces the result of the everyday approach!

■Work display
 Date from Saturday, June 3, 2023 to Sunday, June 25
 Time 9:00-17:00 (on the last day until 16:00)
 Venue Tottori-shi aoya native district hall (
2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi)
 Closed day Monday
 Contents photograph, calligraphy, picture, ceramic art, cloisonne ware, metalworking, Japanese paper crafts others
○Inaba Japanese paper workshop
 Japanese paper decoration box 6/18 Sunday 10:00-11:30
 6/18 Japanese paper origami "lease of June" Sunday 13:30-16:00
 Participation for free capacity for each eight * reservation required
 Reservation: aoya kyodokan TEL (0857) 85-2351

■The stage announcement
 Date Sunday, June 25, 2023
 Time 13:30-15:30 
 Venue Aoya-cho synthesis the second floor of the branch multi-purpose hall
     667, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
 Contents chorus, recitation of a Chinese poem, folk song, folk art, dancing, instrumental music
     ※Please see a flyer in detail.
 Participation fee for free 
Sponsorship Aoya-cho culture meeting 
The cosponsorship Tottori-shi culture foundation Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Association of support Tottori-shi Tottori cultural organization society  

Play the 14th castle town; that; is lotus walk aimlessly

On July 17, 2023 (month, Marine Day), play the 14th castle town; that; lotus walk is held aimlessly.

Date July 17, 2023 (month, Marine Day)
Scholar of reception desk venue shikanocho agriculture training center
Time in 7:30 a.m.
Opening ceremony 8:00 a.m.
Start 8:15 a.m.
100 capacity guide courses
     100 free courses
Entrance fee 500 yen (I include insurance)
Application method WEB, participation application FAX, mail
Deadline for application Friday, July 7, 2023
     I am closed as soon as it becomes the capacity.

Tottori-shi west business and industry society
670-22, Ketakachokachimi, Tottori-shi, Tottori
Play castle town; that; is a person in charge of lotus walk executive committee aimlessly
TEL: 0857-82-0809
FAX: 0857-82-0884
※As the Shikano ourai kouryukan is not application, please be careful.

"The coupon campaign that gurumeguri is delicious"

"The coupon campaign that gurumeguri is delicious" is started on Friday, April 28.
During a period, it is the advantageous coupon campaign that I can use at a target restaurant in the shikanocho, a cake store.

Target period from Friday, April 28, 2023 to Thursday, July 20

NPO corporation insyu Kano town planning meeting
Play Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi, Tottori 1809-1; that; intracardiac (map)
TEL: 0857-84-1188

Announcement of "rock fence right track print exhibition" holding

■The unique print monk which native district laid

In the Nagaizumi temple in Ketakacho, Tottori-shi, "a rock fence right track print exhibition" is started on Saturday, May 13.

Period from Saturday, May 13, 2023 to Sunday, May 21
Time 10:00-16:00
Venue Nagaizumi temple gallery
    174, Ketakachokachimi, Tottori-shi (map)

Sponsorship Soto sect Nagaizumi temple
    TEL: 0857-82-0863
    Nagaizumi temple protection society
Lecture Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
    Citizen of Tottori art Museum
    Tottori good crafts shop
    Village trip to shell knob-like hermitage

"A Hokai Shibayama exhibition commemorative for Tottori-shi aoya native district hall opening 30 years"

In the Tottori-shi aoya native district hall, an exhibition of calligrapher, Hokai Shibayama living in Aoya-cho is held in commemoration of the opening 30th anniversary.
In total 44 points of works seem to be displayed from the opening commemorative calligraphy work of aoya kyodokan to a work produced recently.

In addition, gallery - talk (display commentary) by Tottori-shi aoya native district hall entrance nameplate unveiling ceremony and Hokai Shibayama is held as an opening event from 10:00 a.m. of Saturday, April 22, 2023.

Period from Saturday, April 22, 2023 to Sunday, May 21
Viewing time 9:00-17:00 (until last entering a building 16:30)
2 best exhibition rooms (map) in venue Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Rate for free
Closed day every Monday

Sponsorship Tottori-shi culture foundation, Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Cosponsorship Tottori-shi Board of Education

Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori

Announcement of aoya Japanese paper studio "play sky Japanese paper race exhibition" holding

 "A play sky Japanese paper race exhibition" is held in the Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio.
 It is an exhibition to express Japan of the near future by Okano Motofusa who is a molding writer living in Iwami-cho with Inaba Japanese paper. Please thoroughly enjoy technology of the near future and heterogeneous collaboration called the Inaba Japanese paper!

Period from Saturday, April 22, 2023 to Sunday, May 28
Viewing time 9:00-17:00
Venue Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
Rate public 300 yen (free of charge younger than a high school student)

Tottori-shi, Tottori-shi culture foundation, Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio

■Venue, reference
313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi
Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
TEL: 0857-86-6060

"That I play a chorus bank of a moat concert" held news

"Play a chorus; that"; niyoru chorus concert in the theater side of the bird "do it and is held for that heart".

Date and time Sunday, May 21, 2023
Start 13:30
Play a venue; that mind
    1809-1, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi
    (side of "the theater of the bird")
Admission for free

■Support shikanocho cultural organization contact meeting

Announcement of mother tree Shinto shrine "Hogi spring festival" holding

"Hogi spring festival" is held on Sunday, April 9, 2023.

Date Sunday, April 9, 2023
Time 10:00-15:00

Giraffe lion 10:30-11:20 (open space in front of the chief priest's house)
Daimyo's procession 11:30 (in front of railroad crossing) - 15:00 (in front of KOMERI Ketaka store)
MARCHE 10:00-15:00 (around Cuole turi)

Sponsorship Hogi village, mother tree Shinto shrine festival preservation society
Cooperation machinowa Hogi

Win, and look after Kano; garden "austere refinement is transparent exhibition" held news

■Announcement of "austere refinement uncrowded exhibition" holding

Date from Thursday, March 2, 2023 to Wednesday, March 8
Time 10:00-16:00
    ※It is ... 13:00 only on the last day
Venue ARTCUBE kuchuru Kano (map)
    1321, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi

Win, and look after inquiry Kano; a garden
TEL 0857-84-2033

Hamamura Onsen film festival 2023

"Hamamura Onsen film festival 2023" is held on Sunday, March 5, 2023.

Venue ① trip style hermitage
    696-1, Ketakachokachimi, Tottori-shi
Time 10:00-15:00
Screening "vision - Hamamura angel murder case -"
    "Tokujiro Yamamoto with love to an umbrella"
    "Diagnosis oukete of you ha 27 years old ADHD from today"

Venue ② Osaka district public hall
    637-4, Ketakachoyamamiya, Tottori-shi
Time 16:00-18:00
Screening "vision - Hamamura angel murder case -"
Ticket advance sale (I include a reservation) 500 yen/700 yen on that day

■Sponsorship Hamamura Onsen steam movie cram school executive committee

Announcement of aoya kyodokan "18th Tottori-shi child student interchange art exhibition" holding

In the Tottori-shi aoya native district hall, "the 18th Tottori-shi child student interchange art exhibition" is started on January 21, 2023.
A preschooler and an elementary and junior high school of Ketaka, Kano, Aoya-cho and the picture work which a child, a student of Aoya High School produced are displayed in the venue.

Period from Saturday, January 21, 2023 to Sunday, February 12
Time 9:00-17:00
Venue Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
Closed day Monday
Viewing charges for free

Tottori-shi, Tottori-shi culture foundation, Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
■The cosponsorship
Tottori-shi Board of Education

Tottori-shi aoya native district hall (map)
2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori

Announcement of "the 19th Inaba Japanese paper light exhibition" holding

In the Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio, "the 19th Inaba Japanese paper light exhibition" is started on January 14, 2023.

Period from Saturday, January 14, 2023 to Sunday, March 19
Time 9:00-17:00
Venue Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
Closed day Monday (in the case of a holiday weekdays, the following day)
Viewing charges public 300 yen ※High school student or younger is free

Tottori-shi, Tottori-shi culture foundation, Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio

Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio (map)
313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi, Tottori

Announcement of Tottori-shi aoya native district hall "the 14th Aoya High School class exhibition" holding

In the Tottori-shi aoya native district hall, "the 14th Aoya High School class exhibition" is started on Saturday, December 10, 2022.

Period Saturday, December 10, 2022
     ... January 9, 2023 Monday (holiday)
Time 9:00-17:00
    (as for the last entering a building until 16:30)
Venue Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
    2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
    TEL: 0857-85-2351
Rate viewing for free

Sponsorship Tottori Prefectural Aoya High School
The cosponsorship Tottori-shi culture foundation
    Tottori-shi aoya native district hall

Tottori-shi aoya native district hall introduction WEB page

Announcement of Sunday, November 27 "Juubo foot of a mountain HM2022" traffic regulation

Traffic regulation is enforced by "the first Juubo foot of a mountain half marathon" held on Sunday, November 27, 2022.
On the day the person coming to Kano, the Ketakacho area, please be careful.

For more details, please confirm "Juubo foot of a mountain half marathon 2022" WEB site.

And "I put two hashtags contribution!" Campaign

Town full in rich nature, culture and the four seasons wrapped for a history
Ichikano-cho, Tottori.
Shikanocho with your feeling of two
You put a hashtag, and please post it♪
#Sell, and do it; that # tanoshikano, # oishikano
I do it, and what kind of "is your Kano that"?

Campaign period from November 15, 2022 to January 15, 2023
By lot local special product present♪

For more details, please see this URL.

An inquiry: Shikanocho wattaina Festival executive committee 
                                  TEL 0857-30-8682

The town where Kano art festival 2022 story lies

"The town where Kano art festival 2022 story lies" is held

Date from Sunday, November 20, 2022 to Wednesday, November 23

 ※For more details, please see a flyer.
 ・The partial change of the place held as for "I pull a cow" on the date
   There is it.
    Artist talk 
      Do it ... at 13:00 on November 21; that mind
    Village forest pizza of the screening society & fruit tree 
      November 23 11:00-15:00 village forest BASE
    The work screening
      Roadside Station west inaba carefree village vision during the screening period
[sponsorship] Kano art festival executive committee, the west inaba crafts
    Art village promotion business executive committee
[the cosponsorship] Tottori

"Photo exhibition 2022 by the photographer of the native district"

In the Tottori-shi aoya native district hall, photograph work display "photo exhibition 2022 by the photographer of the native district" is held.

Period November 3, 2022 Thursday (holiday) - Sunday, November 27
Venue Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
Viewing time 9:00-17:00 (as for the last entering a building until 16:30)
Viewing charges for free

Sponsorship Tottori-shi culture foundation
     Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Cosponsorship Tottori-shi Board of Education

Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
TEL: 0857-85-2351

Movie "vision - Hamamura angel murder case -"

Hamamura Onsen steam movie cram school 2022 work, "vision - Hamamura angel murder case ..." are produced.
It is photographed in November, 2022 and becomes going to show in March, 2023.
Please expect it.

Kingdom Aoya kamijichi Festa of Tottori Yayoi

Kingdom Aoya kamijichi Festa of Tottori Yayoi is held.

[the date and time] Sunday, November 13, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
[place] Aotanicho, Tottori-shi agriculture and forestry fisherman training center

※For more details, please see a flyer.

"That I do it cloud dragon temple" garden general release

I do it for two days of Sunday on Saturday, November 12, 2022 and 13th, and the garden of that cloud dragon temple is opened to the public.
Please see a beautiful garden colored by colored leaves by all means.

■Cloud dragon temple garden exhibition
Place cloud dragon temple (map)
     164, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi, Tottori
Pub. Date from Saturday, November 12, 2022 to 13th Sunday
Public time 10:00-15:30

Announcement of "Kano eemon city" holding

The flyer surface
Shikanocho wattaina saijigyo "Kano eemon city" is held.

Other than the events such as a performance or the Wanko-soba championship of the Kamei drum, branches such as food or the artefact sale that I used fresh vegetables and flower seedling, the local materials for abundantly line up on that day.

Date Sunday, October 23, 2022
Time 10:00-14:00
Around venue shikanocho synthesis branch parking lot (map)
The flyer back side
■Shikanocho wattaina festival

Sponsorship shikanocho wattaina festival executive committee
The cosponsorship Kano eemon city executive committee
Contact information 0857-30-8682 (the shikanocho synthesis branch area promotion section)

The Roadside Station west inaba carefree village "group planting classroom of the fleshy plant which soft and full kava is good" for

At Roadside Station west inaba carefree village, "the group planting lesson of the fleshy plant" is held.

Date Sunday, October 30, 2022
Time 13:30-14:30
Venue Roadside Station west inaba carefree village area interchange room (map)
Entrance fee 2,500 yen (I include materials, a potted plant)
20 capacity-limited
※Apply by 10/23

Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
280-3, Shikanochookaki, Tottori-shi
TEL: 0857-82-3178

Sponsorship Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
Cooperation Le Ciel

Roadside Station west inaba carefree village "west inabakinoko Festa 2022"

At the Roadside Station west inaba carefree village, "west inabakinoko Festa 2022" is held on Sunday on Saturday, October 8, 2022, 9th.

■Mt. mushroom observation society & kenkatsu walk in eagle peak (recruitment of participants)

Date Saturday, October 8, 2022
Meeting Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
Reception desk 8:40 ...
Time around 9:00-12:00
     ※I move by a microbus to the starting point of a mountain climb
20 offers
Entrance fee for free
An application method telephone or FAX
Application deadline Thursday, October 6 17:00

Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
TEL: 0857-82-3178
FAX: 0857-82-4178

■Other events

* Sunday, October 9 holding
 ・Attractive lecture of mushroom kingdom Tottori
 ・I pick off a raw wood shiitake and experience it
 ・Mushroom goods sale

* Saturday, October 8, 9th Sunday holding
 ・Mushroom photograph display of Tottori

The cosponsorship: Tottori Mycological Inst., Japan Kinoko Res. Center Foundation
   Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
    〒689-0422 280-3, Shikanochookaki, Tottori-shi, Tottori telephone: 0857-82-3178
kyoshitsu: Meiji Yasuda Mutual Life Insurance Co.

"Mushroom kingdom Tottori west inabakinoko Festa 2022" introduction WEB page

It is a Terachi remains pavilion 2022-2023 event in the fall and winter in Aoya

■Upper Terachi did it; is made soon
Date and time Sunday, October 23

■The making of ancient jewel glass bead
Date and time Saturday, November 26
   ①9:30 ② 13:30

■Ancient jewel amber comma-shaped bead
Date and time Sunday, December 11
   ①9:30 ② 13:30

■The New Year's present of the pavilion!
Date and time from Wednesday, January 4 to 9th Monday (holiday)

■It is the astonishment exhibition of Terachi remains in Aoya
... November 23 Wednesday (holiday) in a session held

■Remains exhibition of Aoya surrounding the Terachi remains in Aoya
Session from Saturday, December 3 to Sunday, February 5

■2022kid's archeology newspaper contest patrol exhibition in aoya
Session February 11 (soil, celebration) - Sunday, March 5

Application, reference
It is Terachi remains pavilion in Aoya
〒689-0501 4064, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi (map)
TEL: 0857-85-0841

News of "shikanocho wattaina saigeinohatsuhyo, the work display"

■Announcement of shikanocho wattaina festival (entertainment announcement, work display) holding
Entertainment announcement and the work of the shikanocho cultural organization contact meeting participation group are displayed in the venue in a Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan child village dream.

■Work display section
Period from Wednesday, September 14, 2022 to Sunday, October 30
Place Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan child village dream
Display time 9:30-17:00

■Entertainment announcement
Sword fan dance club, shikayaginkakerikaigodohatsuhyo
Date Sunday, September 25, 2022
Time 10:30 ...

Sponsorship: Shikanocho wattaina festival executive committee
The cosponsorship: Shikanocho cultural organization contact meeting

The shikanocho wattaina festival executive committee secretariat (shikanocho synthesis branch area promotion section)
A telephone: 0857-30-8682

Tottori-shi aoya native district hall "aoichi gallery"

In the Tottori-shi aoya native district hall, the exhibition "aoichi gallery" by children, a child, the student of nursery school, Aoya Elementary School, the Aoya junior high school is held quickly and healthily an individual and a group in Aoya-cho.

■aoichi gallery
Period from Saturday, September 3, 2022 to Sunday, September 25
Viewing time 9:00-17:00
Venue Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
     〒689-0501 2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
Rate viewing for free

Sponsorship: Aoya area turnout creation executive committee
The cosponsorship: Aoya-cho culture meeting, Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Cooperation: Tottori municipal quickly and healthily nursery school, Tottori City Aoya Elementary School, Tottori City Aoya Junior High School

Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
"aoichi gallery" introduction page

Announcement of cloud dragon temple "Sankyo Yanagiya rakugo one-person show" holding

"Sankyo Yanagiya rakugo one-person show" is held in a cloud dragon temple on Friday (holiday) on September 23.

■Sankyo Yanagiya rakugo one-person show
Date September 23, 2022 Friday (holiday)
Time 18:00 ...
Play a venue; that cloud dragon temple
    164, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi
Rate for free
Number of people first arrival 50 people

Cloud dragon temple (TEL: 0857-84-3399)

Announcement of "mind multi-no city - LED sky lantern event ..." cancellation

 "Mind multi-no city - LED sky lantern event ..." said to that it was scheduled on Sunday, August 28, 2022 was called off taking the rapid extended situation of the new coronavirus infectious disease into consideration.

Tottori-shi west business and industry society (Facebook link)

Village forest event information 2022 of the fruit tree

It is the event information on the basis of the village forests of Shikanochokouchi.

■I show the village forest-cho of the fruit tree and plan it
Saturday, September 17, 24th Saturday, Saturday, October 1 

■Village forest Festival of the fruit tree
Sunday, October 23

■Event site, time
Time 11:00-15:00
Venue village forest base
    (old Kawachi improvement of living center)
    2711-11, Shikanochokouchi, Tottori-shi

Village forest meeting of the Shikanochokouchi fruit tree
090-3170-3416 (Kobayashi)

The "making of pen case of the dyeing with vegetable dyes deerskin" held news

I challenge the handstitch of the pen case using Kano leather from Tottori had dyeing with vegetable dyes of.
Please enjoy a tasteful expression of the grass and the soft feel.

Date Sunday, September 11, 2022
Time 13:30-16:00
Venue Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
Entrance fee 1,000 yen
Ten capacity (first-come-first-served basis)

inabano gibier promotion meeting
TEL 080-2948-3404 (charge: Yonemura)
Until application deadline Friday, September 2 17:00
※Please let me know a full name, a phone number, an e-mail address, the color of the deerskin.

Announcement of "I show it 11th of the town only for the weekend" holding

Shops only for here gather only now under the autumn shikanocho castle doing well mainly on theatre festival. Do you not take a walk through Kano-jo Castle bottom aimlessly?

Saturday and Sunday of period from Saturday, September 17, 2022 to Sunday, October 2
Holding time 11:00-16:00
Holding place Ichikano-cho, Tottori

Of the town only for the weekend show; an executive committee (NPO corporation insyu Kano town planning meeting)
TEL: 0857-84-1188
■The cosponsorship
Shikanocho wattaina festival executive committee

"Theatre festival 15 of the bird" is held at the same time during a period‼

Mt. west inaba crafts art village promotion business Juubo restaurant/restaurant concert

Mt. Juubo restaurant restaurant concert is held.

[the date and time] Saturday, August 27, 2022 18:30 start
[appearance] The triAndes

[participation fee] Free (advance reservations first arrival 40 needing) 

 ※For more details, please see a flyer.

[application, mongo] Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
         Tel: 0857-82-3178

Roadside Station west inaba carefree starlit sky walk hosted by a village

Roadside Station west inaba carefree starlit sky walk hosted by a village is held.

[panel display period] from Saturday, July 23, 2022 to Thursday, August 18

There is the day-limited "star chart tabulation experience" "experience made with a sheet of plastic, too".

 [the date] August 11, 2022 Thursday (holiday)

 [time] 11:00-15:00 

 ※30 people (I do not need an application) the first more than the primary schoolchild lower grades
 ※For more details, please see a flyer.

 [inquiry] Roadside Station west inaba carefree village 
       Telephone (0857) 82-3178

 [cooperation] a Tottori-shi spoon ass fatty tuna park

The town of the first Juubo foot of a mountain HALF MARATHON in giraffe

The town of Juubo foot of a mountain HALF MARATHON in giraffe is held.

Japan Association of Athletic Federations official recognition course
Mt. beautiful mountain Juubo of figure Inaba who "an eagle opens a wing, and flies away."
Half marathon to run while looking up at the beautiful mountain

The date and time: Sunday, November 27, 2022
   Half (21.0975km) >> 9:00 ... 
   10km >> 9:30 ...

Capacity: Half, 600 people
   10km, 200 people

A place: Kano school drift sand river school building departure and arrival

Sponsorship: Juubo foot of a mountain half marathon executive committee
   Assistant gym of the NPO corporation deer

※For more details, please see a flyer.

■Juubo foot of a mountain half marathon official site (external link)

2022 Agency for Cultural Affairs traditional culture parent and child lesson business Osaka ugui stab

Traditional fishery Osaka ugui stab to last 400 years is held.

[the date and time] Sunday, October 2, 2022 from 10:00 to 13:00
     (in the case of a rainy day, I postpone it on Saturday on 8th)

[venue] Vast bank pond (Ketakacho, Tottori-shi Osaka district)

 ※For more details, please see a flyer.

[sponsorship, inquiry] Great bank ugui stab preservation society
           (charge: Mikio Tanio)

Staying + experience that can thoroughly enjoy shikanocho particularly full of plan sides

Mt. communal lodge aster monitor tour
It is full of the special plan sides that can thoroughly enjoy shikanocho
Even a child is easy! Staying experience

[all two times of accommodation plans]
  The first Saturday, August 20, 21st Saturday
  The second Saturday, October 29, 30th Sunday

[entrance fee] Adult once 13,200 yen
     Child once 11,700 yen
    (it includes hotel charges, experience charges, insurance, tax together)

[the application deadline] Sunday, August 7 20:00

※For more details, please see a flyer.

[application, inquiry]
 Mt. communal lodge aster 
 〒689-0425 972-1, Shikanochoimaichi, Tottori-shi, Tottori
 A telephone: 0857-84-2211 Fax: 0857-84-2462


Let's make experience-based event ... various things in Aoya in Terachi remains pavilion 2022 summer vacation; is ...

Event experience-based in 2022 summer vacation
     I will make ... various things! ...

Various experience-based events are held other than display in the Terachi remains pavilion in Aoya.
※For more details, please see a flyer.
Application, reference
  〒689-0501 4064, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
  TEL: 0857-85-0841
  Closed day Monday (in the case of a holiday next business day)

Et cetera concerning the ⁉ pond which Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition stork flies in in 2022

Et cetera concerning the ⁉ pond which a stork flies in
     San-in Coast Geopark Tottori-shi west area edition

Session Saturday, July 9, 2022
          ... Sunday, August 28 
Venue Tottori-shi aoya native district hall second exhibition room
Opening time from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
On closed day Monday, July 11, 19th Tuesday, 25th Monday,
     Monday, August 1, 8th Monday, 16th Tuesday, 22nd Monday
     Tuesday, September 21
Viewing charges for free

The details from this

Sponsorship Tottori-shi culture foundation
   Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Cosponsorship Tottori-shi Board of Education

Theater, art of the bird in Korea An operation synthesis school common enterprise "a certain village"

Theater 2022 program <international joint program> of the bird

The curtain rises at 14:00 on Sunday on Saturday, July 9, 2022, 10th
[venue] Theater (1812-1, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi, Tottori) of the bird

A rate: Adult 1,500 yen/18 years or younger 500 yen
   Non-school children for free

■Theater of the reservation contact information non profit organization bird
 Telephone, fax 0857-84-3268

※For more details, please see a flyer.

Theater of the sponsorship non profit organization bird
   Korea National University of Arts

aoya 3 building quiz rally 2022 summer

The quiz rally 2022 summer around 3 halls of Terachi remains pavilion, the aoya Japanese paper studio is held in aoya kyodokan, Aoya. 
I pull a lottery on the spot and get a prize if I collect three stamps in an all the problems correct answer visiting three places‼

Period from Thursday, July 21, 2022 to Sunday, August 21
    ※It is finished as soon as products disappear
Closed day Monday, July 25, Monday, August 1, 8th Monday, 16th Tuesday 
    ※Only haaoya Japanese paper studio is opened on August 16

Sponsorship Tottori-shi culture foundation, Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
   It is Terachi remains pavilion, Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio in Aoya, Tottori-shi

aoya Japanese paper studio "the 19th Inaba Japanese paper light exhibition work offer" 

In the Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio, I raise the works of "the 19th Inaba Japanese paper light exhibition".
In addition, various plans including the workshop are held.
The details from this

Announcement of Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio "glitter ... of original Japanese paper crafts exhibition - Aoya" holding

 In the Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio, memory exhibition "glitter ... of original Japanese paper crafts exhibition - Aoya" by the Japanese paper crafts circle of local Aoya who moved forward together is held in commemoration of the opening 20th anniversary.

Period from Saturday, June 25, 2022 to Sunday, August 28
Opening time 9:00-17:00
Closed day Monday (when Monday is a holiday weekdays, the following day)
Venue plan exhibition room
Rate public 300 yen (free of charge younger than a high school student)
     ※20 or more are 20 off

※For new coronavirus infectious disease extended prevention, cancellation, postponement or contents may be changed. Please refer for the latest information from a telephone or a homepage.

Sponsorship Tottori-shi, Tottori-shi culture foundation
   Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
Cooperation aoyayoi Don! Meeting of the town planning

■Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi, Tottori
TEL: 0857-86-6060
FAX: 0857-86-6061
Plan exhibition introduction page (external link)

※Of the recruitment of end of the offer "that play the thirteenth castle town aimlessly lotus walk" participants news

 ※As it reached capacity, the offer of the lotus walk was finished. 
Of "that play the thirteenth castle town aimlessly lotus walk" that is held on July 18, 2022 (Marine Day) do a participant offer.

Date July 18, 2022 (month, Marine Day)
Scholar of venue shikanocho agriculture training center
50 capacity ※It reached capacity※
Reception desk 7:30 ...
Opening ceremony 8:00
Start 8:15
Course about 4km
Entrance fee 500 yen (I include insurance) ※Payment on that day
Application method FAX, mail, WEB application ※The offer was finished※
Application period from Wednesday, June 1, 2022 to Friday, July 8
     ※I close it as soon as it becomes the capacity.
Only the residence in participation qualification Tottori becomes the participation.
Scholar of parking lot Tottori-shi agriculture training center parking lot
     And neighboring temporary parking lots

■Sponsorship, reference
670-22, Ketakachokachimi, Tottori-shi, Tottori
Tottori-shi west business and industry society
It is a "lotus walk executive committee person in charge I play castle town, aimlessly"
TEL: 0857-84-2402 (weekdays 9:00-16:00)
FAX: 0857-84-2563

News of aoya kyodokan "aoya culture Festival 2022"

A group and the individual belonging to the Aoya-cho culture meeting announce the result of everyday cultural activities.

As a photograph, calligraphy, a picture, ceramic art, cloisonne ware, metalworking, Japanese paper craft others, cultural exchange exhibition, I display the work of the Fukube-cho culture meeting.

Period from Saturday, June 4, 2022 to Sunday, June 26
Viewing time 9:00-17:00 (on the last day 16:00)
Venue Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
Rate viewing for free

Sponsorship Aoya-cho culture meeting
The cosponsorship public interest corporation Tottori-shi culture foundation
     Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Association of support Tottori-shi, Tottori cultural organization society
Cooperation Fukube-cho lyceum

The held news that Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio "writes the local Inaba Japanese paper by 14 people of Tottori calligraphy as Hokai Shibayama"

The exhibition of the East Tottori calligrapher led by the Master Hokai Shibayama who is a calligraphy owner of local Aoya (federation of Tottori calligraphy's chairperson) "writes the hometown Inaba Japanese paper by Hokai Shibayama and 14 the Tottori calligraphys", but, in the aoya Japanese paper studio, is held in commemoration of the opening 20th anniversary.

Venue Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
Period from Saturday, April 23, 2022 to Sunday, May 29
Viewing time from 9:00 to 17:00
Closure Monday (Monday in the case of a holiday weekdays, the following day)
Rate public 300 yen
     Elementary and junior high school high school student 150 yen
     ※20 or more are 20 off
Reference Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
     313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi, Tottori
     TEL: (0857)86-6060
※As cancellation, the postponement of the plan exhibition or contents may be changed, for new coronavirus infectious disease extended prevention, please be careful.

Sponsorship Tottori-shi, Tottori-shi culture foundation,
   Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
Cooperation Tottori police station traveling companion faith

Announcement of theater GW performance "fool of Ivan" performance of the bird

"The fool of Ivan" is the story such as comics with simplicity written in 1885 by Russian great writer Tolstoy. The devil fixes on farmer Ivan who is kind to another person in hard workers and tries to waste him. As various animals come up in a plain story happily, I can enjoy it from a small child. I mention a problem of the richness and war, the military invasion at the same time. About world way in the future, it is the work which a child can regard as an adult together.

■Tottori performance
From Saturday, April 23, 2022 to Saturday, May 14
※The suspension of the performance day: Wednesday, April 27, Monday, May 2, 6th Friday, 12th Thursday
[venue] Theater (1812-1, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi, Tottori) of the bird

■Yonago performance
Thursday, May 19, 2022, 20th Friday
[venue] Yonago-shi culture hall (293, Suehirocho, Yonago-shi, Tottori)

A rate: Adult 2,500 yen/18 years or younger 500 yen
※Please pay the rate at the time of a visit.

■Reservation contact information (as for make a reservation, accepting it from Saturday, April 9 10:00)
Telephone 0857-84-3268

Theater of the sponsorship non profit organization bird
Address 1812-1, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi
TEL 0857-84-3268

"... nda ⁉ which is farming implements, tool this old" held news

... nda ⁉- which is farming implements, tool - this old

I display the old farming implements and life article which were hardly used with "times picture Japanese-style bound book" (personal storehouse) or the photograph which I explained how to use to with a picture of farming implements and introduce now.

Period from Saturday, April 16, 2022 to Sunday, May 22
    2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
Time 9:00-17:00 (as for the last entering a building until 16:30)
4/18 closed day, 4/25, 5/6, 5/9, 5/16
Rate for free

aoya kyodokan*kai URL (external link)

Announcement of west inaba carefree village "strawberry fair" holding

At the Roadside Station west inaba carefree village, I hold "the strawberry fair" that collected the local products which I used under the theme of a strawberry in one place.
I make suitsu using the strawberry which reached season, the corner where I gathered which strawberries in the morning of strawberry farmers.

■Strawberry fair holding summary
Date Sunday, March 20, 2022, 21st Monday (holiday)
Place Roadside Station west inaba carefree village 
    280-3, Shikanochookaki, Tottori-shi, Tottori
TEL 0857-82-3178

■Classroom made with the best strawberry parfait
Date and time Sunday, March 20
Time 10:00-11:30, 14:00-15:30
Entrance fee 1,500 yen (it includes a material cost)
Place Roadside Station carefree village area interchange room
Lecturer Sasaki terme teacher
15 people per capacity 1 classroom
Application Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
    TEL: 0857-82-3178

Sponsorship Roadside Station west inaba carefree village

Sunday, April 3, 2022 "Yuzo Toyota live!" Held news

Yuzo Toyota live!
One or ... that ... morning sun begins to rise when

Date Sunday, April 3, 2022
Venue cafe & gallery "that I do it mind"
    1809-1, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi
    TEL: 0857-84-3801
The curtain rises at opening, 18:00 at 17:30 at time
Rate booking reservation 3,000 yen
    3,500 yen on that day
O A Shogo Yoshida
※I note the ventilation of the venue.
※Hand-operated sterilization, mask wearing, please cooperate thermometry.

■The meeting which hears it so as to take sponsorship Yuzo Toyota

Episode 4 is broadcasted from a "Hamamura Onsen film festival 2022" "country of the dear sand"

Episode 4 is broadcasted in NCN (the Sea of Japan cable network) from Hamamura Onsen steam movie cram school 2021 work, a serial drama "country of the dear sand".

■"Dear Sir or Madam, from country of the sand" on an airdate of Episode 4 
Saturday, February 26, 2022, 27th Sunday
※Please check it with a homepage and a program of NCN in a broadcast time.

Tottori-shi Ketaka synthesis branch HP (external link)

Lapis lazuli building, also known as
the sponsorship
Cosponsorship Tottori, Tottori-shi
Cooperation Sea of Japan cable network, Ketakacho tourist association

Announcement of Tottori-shi aoya native district hall "Yonago City San-in history museum possession bare Otori collection young bird" holding

In the Tottori-shi aoya native district hall, I display a hina doll of the bare Otori collection that Yonago City San-in history museum possesses to the Girl's Festival of March 3.

Venue Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
     2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori
     Tel/Fax: 0857-85-2351
Period from Saturday, February 19, 2022 to March 21 Monday (holiday)
Viewing time 9:00-17:00 (as for the last entering a building until 16:30)
Rate for free

Sponsorship Tottori-shi culture foundation
     Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Cosponsorship Tottori-shi Board of Education
Cooperation Yonago-shi culture foundation
     Yonago City San-in history museum

Exclusive page (external link)

Announcement of "the 17th Tottori-shi child student interchange art exhibition" holding

... by children of ... Ketaka, Kano, Aoya
The 17th Tottori-shi child student interchange art exhibition

Period    From Saturday, January 15, 2022 to Sunday, February 13
Viewing time    9:00-17:00
     (only on the last day until 4:00 p.m.)
Venue     Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
Rate     No charge for admission

Sponsorship Tottori-shi culture foundation
     Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Cosponsorship Tottori-shi Board of Education

2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
TEL: 0857-85-2351
■Exclusive page link

Announcement of Saturday, January 15, 2022 "west inaba carefree village 115 fair" holding

A raw wood shiitake "115 fair"

Date and time Saturday, January 15, 2022
Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
Sponsorship Roadside Station west inaba carefree village

It is one month to have you thoroughly enjoy the wall thickness raw wood shiitake "Tottori 115" where winter is in season with a whole body. Please enjoy it at a Roadside Station.

[inoculation experience meeting]
Date and time Saturday, January 15, 2022
    10: 00-12: 00
Experience charges 1,000 yen (hodagi two)
50 capacity
Contact information 0857-82-3178 (Roadside Station west inaba carefree village)

[sale of the shichifuku* pan]
One cup of 200 yen
※It will be finished as soon as it disappears.

■Roadside Station west inaba carefree village page link

Announcement of shikanocho New Year holidays marathon cancellation

Because a heavy snow advisory is announcing "the shikanocho New Year holidays marathon" that I planned on Saturday, January 1, 2022 and is expected even if a snowfall, the snow sprinkles it at the end of the year, it has top priority and thinks about citizen's relief, security and does holding with cancellation.

Announcement of "the 18th Inaba Japanese paper light exhibition" holding

Period from Saturday, January 15, 2022 to March 21 (day celebration)
I am closed on Monday for from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at time
Venue Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
The viewing charges public: 300 yen
    Elementary and junior high school high school student 150 yen

Tottori-shi, Tottori-shi culture foundation, Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio

Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi, Tottori
TEL: 0857-86-6060
FAX: 0857-86-6061

Announcement of "the thirteenth Aoya High School class exhibition" holding

Period Saturday, December 18, 2021
     ... January 10, 2022 Monday (holiday)
Time 9:00-17:00
    ※The last entering a building until 16:30
    2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
    TEL: 0857-85-2351
Rate viewing for free

Sponsorship Tottori Prefectural Aoya High School
The cosponsorship Tottori-shi culture foundation
    Tottori-shi aoya native district hall

Exclusive page (external link)

Announcement of Roadside Station carefree village "potted classroom of the New Year" holding

A potted classroom by Le Ciel Mr. Tomoko Funakoshi.
I put the leaf button and am six potted plants.
As it is group planting to match for New Year holidays, please participate.

Date Sunday, December 19, 2021
Time from 10:30 to 11:30 
Venue Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
     (experience-based processing, local interchange room)
Entrance fee 2,500 yen
     (I include a material cost, a potted plant)
15 capacity
Deadline for application Wednesday, December 15

Please arrive in the clothes which are easy to work.
I confirm thermometry and the list as corona measures on that day.
I would like cooperation.

Application Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
    280-3, Shikanochookaki, Tottori-shi, Tottori
Telephone 0857-82-3178
FAX 0857-82-4178

Announcement of Roadside Station carefree village "Kishida studio Shinto straw festoon decoration classroom" holding

It is a classroom for making Shinto straw festoon which I can experience from a primary schoolchild.
I begin with the place making a rope from straw.
Let's experience a local tradition with a decoration for handmade New Year holidays.
I can participate in families together.

Date Sunday, December 12, 2021
Time 13:30-16:00
    (a reception desk: at 13:00 ...)
Venue Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
    (experience-based processing, local interchange room)
15 capacity
Entrance fee 500 yen (it includes a material cost)

Please arrive in the clothes which are easy to work.
I confirm thermometry and the list as corona measures on that day.
I would like cooperation.

Application Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
    280-3, Shikanochookaki, Tottori-shi, Tottori
Telephone 0857-82-3178
FAX 0857-82-4178

News of Tottori reserve cultural assets center holding "enokokabanenajoatogenjisetsumeikai"

The application deadline of "enokokabanenajoatogenjisetsumeikai" which Tottori reserve cultural assets center holds becomes until Thursday, November 25.
Interest, please identify the person whom there is as follows at a reference.

Tottori reserve cultural assets center
TEL: 0857-27-6711
FAX: 0857-27-6712

Announcement of "Tottori-shi X Koriyama-shi child exhibition" holding

Tottori-shi X Koriyama-shi child exhibition connected by Japanese paper

Session from Saturday, November 13, 2021 to Sunday, December 5
Venue Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
    2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
Time from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Rate viewing for free
Closed day Monday, November 15, 24th Wednesday, 29th Monday

※There is (detailed undecided) in time to enter it for the joint learning society enforcement by the primary schoolchild of Tottori-shi, Koriyama-shi on Thursday, November 25, and to limit it. For more details, please refer.

Sponsorship Tottori-shi cultural exchange section
The cosponsorship Tottori-shi culture foundation
   Tottori-shi aoya native district hall

2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori
TEL/FAX 0857-85-2351

Do; the announcement of that cloud dragon temple garden exhibition

It was called off, but the garden of the cloud dragon temple of chopsticks is released this year last year.
A period is two days of Sunday for Saturday, November 20 and 21 days.
Please enjoy beautiful autumn colors.

■Cloud dragon temple garden exhibition
Place cloud dragon temple
Pub. Date from Saturday, November 20, 2021 to 21st Sunday
Public time from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Announcement of "Love Live Local" (love rib local) holding

"Love Live Local" (love rib local) is held in niaoyayokoso open space on Wednesday (holiday) on November 3.

Date Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Time 10:00-15:00
    4802-1, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi

Village/kitchen car TSUBASA/ team Yayoi/Ando car of asipai/Bento/ menokuku /LOVE FLASH FEVER/ Aoya fruit network/kachibe Denshokan Museum/Miharu building/wish house/gibier studio/Yayoi

San-in Coast Geopark trail "point acquisition walk 2021" is held.

I have you walk the long trail which led to one from Tottori to Kyotango from Saturday, September 18, 2021, and "the San-in shore Geopark trail point acquisition walk" that a point to be usable for shopping or eating and drinking depending on the results that walked in a local shop can get begins.

Including a store, the facilities which a course and a point of the point acquisition are available to please confirm a brochure in detail.

■The San-in Coast Geopark promotion meeting secretariat
〒668-0025 7-11, Saiwaicho, Toyooka-shi, Hyogo

Guidance of the "ugui stab" experience

We thrust big bamboo basket "ugui" ", and let's catch the fish of" vast bank pond!

It is said that Korenori Kamei of the Kano lord of a castle who was a feudal lord in this area was informed by Southeast Asia "the ugui stab" by trading ship authorized by the shogunate trade now at the time of before for more than 400 years.

I experience a tradition fishery to continue more than 400 years!
A local meeting! Participation is OK in anyone! Free of charge!

■ugui stab experience (vast bank pond)
Date Sunday, October 3, 2021
    ※Spare day Saturday, October 9
Time 10:00 ...
Rate for free

* Please prepare for the drink for the hydration by each person.
* Fever, the person with a cold symptom ask you with participation near at hand.
* I would like cooperation for thermometry, the sterilization at the venue reception desk, contact information confirmation.
* The Kyoroku era, please for the wearing of the mask.

Sponsorship ugui stab preservation meeting

■The inquiry to this
TEL: 0857-82-0011

Announcement of "I show it 2021 of the town only for the 10th weekend" cancellation

 "I showed it only on the weekend of the town" and "I showed it of the town only for the 10th weekend which was scheduled to be held on September, 2021 and, in WEB site, was announced 2021" cancellation.

 It is called off this year and, secondary to last year, is very disappointed. A new corona evil ends as soon as possible and will pray for what I can hold in the next year.

In addition, "theatre festival 14 of the bird" has the change including the cancellation of some presentation, but becomes scheduled.
For more details, look at the theater WEB site of the bird.

"Show it only on the weekend of the town"; a site (external link)
About a criterion of the event enforcement (external link)

Theater WEB site (external link) of the bird
"Theatre festival 14 of the bird" page (external link)

Announcement of "ball-point pen art exhibition IV representing the flowers and birds poetic genius" holding

An eihonfuyumori (I burn with Nagamo) which is a contemporary artist is an exhibition to describe the beauty of the Japanese culture in a view of the world of Nagamoto as the collected studies of four copies of products which featured the theme of "a flower, a bird, wind, a month".

Period Saturday, September 18, 2021
         ... Sunday, November 21
Venue Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
            Plan exhibition room
     TEL: (0857)86-6060
Viewing charges public 300 yen
     Small, middle and high school student 150 yen
     ※20 or more are 20 off
Opening time from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed day every Monday
     (Monday in the case of a holiday weekdays, the following day)

Tottori-shi, Tottori-shi culture foundation, Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio

Tottori, Tottori Inaba Japanese paper co-op, Asahi Shimbun Tottori total station, inabapyompyon net, San-in Chuo Shimpo-sha Corporation, TSK sanin center TV, Sankei Shimbun Tottori bureau, the new Sea of Japan newspaper publisher, Chugoku Shimbun-sha Tottori bureau, the Sea of Japan cable network, Sea of Japan TV, Mainichi Shimbun Tottori bureau, BSS Broadcasting System of Sanin, the Yomiuri Shimbun Tottori branch office

PILOT Corporation, Hara out of the company, Taniguchi Aoya Japanese paper, Fukuda housing part, yasuhikikamiten, Meirin AIR

※Page (external link) for exclusive use of the aoya Japanese paper studio

Announcement of "photo exhibition 2021 by the photographer of the native district" holding

 Working, the photo exhibition by the photograph lover who calls it, and loves the area resident in the Tottori-shi western part.
 Please see shooting, a produced photograph work on a theme of "the beauty" this year.

Period Saturday, September 4, 2021
          ... Sunday, September 26 
Venue Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
Until opening time from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
On closed day Monday, September 6, Monday, September 13,
     Tuesday, September 21
Viewing charges for free

Sponsorship Tottori-shi culture foundation
   Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Cosponsorship Tottori-shi Board of Education

Announcement of "WASHI X ART Moro reed Yoko" holding

It is Moro reed Yoko in a form in Japanese paper thought
To the beauty that is new in ... good old "manufacturing" of Japan -

Period from Saturday, July 10, 2021 to Sunday, August 22
Time 9:00-17:00
Venue Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition
Closed day 7/12 Monday, 7/19 Monday, 7/26 Monday ・
    8/2 Monday, 8/10 Tuesday, Monday, August 16 
Rate viewing for free

Sponsorship Tottori-shi culture foundation
    Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Cosponsorship Tottori-shi Board of Education

"Moro reed Yoko in a form in WASHI X ART Japanese paper thought" (external link)

Event experience-based in Aoya in Terachi remains pavilion summer vacation

■I keep up the sea in a gel candle!
Date Wednesday, July 28, 2021, Saturday, August 21
It is 30 ・② 13:30 ① 9 at time
Entrance fee 600 yen
Each ten capacity times
More than target half a year
For the deadline 7/28 holding: Wednesday, July 14 16:00
    For 8/4 holding :Wednesday, August 4 16:00

■Casting experience of the mirror
Date Saturday, July 31, 2021
It is 30 ・② 13:30 ① 9 at time
Entrance fee 800 yen
Each eight capacity times
More than target half a year
Deadline Wednesday, July 14 16:00

■Upper Terachi paperwork
Date Saturday, August 7, 2021
It is 30 ・② 13:30 ① 9 at time
Entrance fee 100 yen
Each ten capacity times
More than a target third grader
Deadline Sunday, July 18 16:00

It is Terachi remains pavilion in name Aoya
Address 〒 689-0501 4064, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
Telephone 0857-85-0844

News of "2021 aoya 3 building quiz rally"

I challenge a quiz over the 3 building of Terachi remains pavilion, the aoya Japanese paper studio in aoya kyodokan, Aoya! Let's get the product which answers all it correctly, and enjoys Aoya!

Period July 22, 2021 Thursday (holiday) - Sunday, August 22
    ※The first 300 people limit
    ※It is finished as soon as a premium disappears.
Closed day Monday, July 26, Sunday, August 2
    Tuesday, August 10, Monday, August 16
Entrance fee for free (I do not need a reservation)

Sponsorship Tottori-shi culture foundation
   Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
   It is Terachi remains pavilion in Tottori-shi aoya
   Tottori-shi aoya paper processing bunch

The 18th Inaba Japanese paper light exhibition work offer

Do you not announce your Japanese paper light work, art object work in a Japanese paper studio?

■Work offer
 Application deadline Wednesday, December 15, 2021
 ※On the day it is possible to three points of postmark effective one.

■Work display
 Period from Saturday, January 15, 2022 to March 21 Monday (holiday)
 Venue Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room

Sponsorship Tottori-shi, Tottori-shi culture foundation,
   Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
Support Tottori, Tottori Inaba Japanese paper cooperative,
   Asahi Shimbun Tottori total station, inabapyompyon net,
   NHK Tottori broadcasting station, San-in Chuo Shimpo-sha Corporation,
   TSK sanin center TV, Sankei newspaper publisher,
   The new Sea of Japan newspaper publisher, Chugoku Shimbun-sha Tottori bureau,
   The Sea of Japan cable network,
   Sea of Japan TV, Mainichi Shimbun Tottori bureau,
   BSS Broadcasting System of Sanin, Yomiuri Shimbun Tottori bureau

Announcement of "rock fence right track woodcut exhibition" holding

Period from Saturday, June 26, 2021 to Sunday, August 29
Time 9:00-17:00
Venue Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
Place 313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi
Telephone 0857-86-6060
The viewing charges public: 300 yen
    The small, a middle and high school student: 150 yen
    ※20 people or more are 20 off
Closed day every Monday
    (when Monday is a holiday weekdays, the following day)

Sponsorship Tottori-shi, Tottori-shi culture foundation
   Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
Support Tottori, Tottori Inaba Japanese paper cooperative,
   Asahi Shimbun Tottori total station, inabapyompyon net,
   San-in Chuo Shimpo-sha Corporation, TSK San-in center TV,
   Sankei Shimbun Tottori bureau, the new Sea of Japan newspaper publisher,
   Chugoku Shimbun-sha Tottori bureau, the Sea of Japan cable network,
   Sea of Japan TV, Mainichi Shimbun Tottori bureau,
   BSS Broadcasting System of Sanin, Yomiuri Shimbun Tottori bureau

A mountain aster was authorized by the "accommodation which was kind to Tottori cyclist" first

In "the accommodation which was kind to Tottori cyclist", "Mt. communal lodge aster" in the shikanocho was authorized as the first.

"The accommodation which is kind to Tottori cyclist" is the prefecture accommodation which Tottori authorized saying that a cyclist is reliable and includes the environment that can heal the fatigue of the trip comfortably.

Announcement of "aoya culture Festival 2021" holding

■Work display
Venue Aoya, Tottori-shi native district hall
Place 2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
Telephone 0857-85-2351
Period from Saturday, May 29, 2021 to Sunday, June 27
Time 9:00-17:00 (on the last day until 16:00)
Admission for free
Closed day Monday

■The stage announcement (plan)
Venue Aoya-cho synthesis the second floor of the branch multi-purpose hall
Place 667, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
Date Sunday, October 29, 2021
Time 13:30-15:30

Sponsorship Aoya-cho culture meeting
The cosponsorship Tottori-shi culture foundation
    Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Association of support Tottori-shi, Tottori cultural organization society
Cooperation Fukube-cho lyceum

News of "the KW kitchen car Festival"

Place Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
Period from Thursday, April 29, 2021 to Wednesday, May 5
    11:00 ... (it will be finished as soon as it disappears ※)

Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
280-3, Shikanochookaki, Tottori-shi, Tottori

The theater of the bird "spend time, is held news "all day long of May" in a theater

It is the presentation for the child whom adult doing it at the time of long holidays can enjoy every year. I do it this year. A work based on a story of Andersen whom anyone knew. I send it with live performance of chaste refinement intellect and others. Before and after a play, there is the workshop of the art experience, too. In Ichikano-cho, Tottori of a lot of green, please enjoy a refreshed day.

The holding date and time:
From Saturday, May 1, 2021 to 5th Wednesday, from Friday, May 7 to 9th Sunday

A venue:

Theater of the sponsorship non profit organization bird
Support Tottori, Tottori-shi
   Tottori Board of Education, Tottori-shi Board of Education
   NPO corporation insyu Kano town planning meeting
   Art Cultural Center attached to the Tottori University area department
   The new Sea of Japan newspaper publisher, furusato Shikano

An official site:

Contact information
Theater of the non profit organization bird
1812-1, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi, Tottori
TEL/FAX: 0857-84-3268

Announcement of "Inaba Japanese paper sum umbrella exhibition" holding

Period from Saturday, April 24, 2021 to Sunday, May 30
Time from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
    I am closed on Monday (when Monday is a holiday weekdays, the following day)
Venue Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
Viewing charges public 300 yen small, middle and high school student 150 yen
    ※20 people or more are 20 off

Sponsorship Tottori-shi, Tottori-shi culture foundation
    Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio

Aoya, Tottori Japanese paper studio
313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi
TEL: 0857-86-6060

Announcement of "Kazumasa Urashima art exhibition" holding

Period from Saturday, April 17, 2021 to Sunday, May 16
Venue Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
     2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
Opening time from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed day Monday, April 19, Monday, April 26, Thursday, May 6, Monday, May 10

Sponsorship Tottori-shi culture foundation, aoya native district hall
Cosponsorship Tottori-shi Board of Education

Sunday, April 4 "that I play a chorus bank of a moat concert" held news

Date Sunday, April 4, 2021
From start 13:30
Venue Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan child village dream
Admission for free

Inquiry 0857-38-0501 (Wada)
Support shikanocho cultural organization meeting
    Shikanocho Tourism Association

Announcement of attractive lecture PartII holding of mushroom kingdom Tottori

Attractive lecture PartII of mushroom kingdom Tottori
"Deep drilling! "aragekikurage"

Venue Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
    Experience-based processing, local interchange room
Date Saturday, March 13, 2021
Time 13:30-14:00

◆Part 1 "Tottori and aragekikurage"
・Mr. Yasuhito Okuda (bacteria research institute's chief scientist to pitch a camp at)
・About hottest mushroom "aragekikurage", please tell from the domestic mushroom situation to connection with Tottori clearly now.

◆Part 2 "mushroom like this in aragekikurage"
・Get a product field, and see it; a teacher (the chief scientist of bacteria research institute seat of honor to pitch a camp at)
・Oh, please introduce abundant nourishment ingredient and healthy functionality, recommended how to eat manifesto jellyfishes.

Announcement of "now and the bygone days story of Aoya Station and the station square" holding

Aoya Station started a business on May 15, 1905 and reached the 115th anniversary.
At the exhibition, I introduce history of the papermaking of red Odani by a spring having appeared by the change of the town of Aoya around Aoya Station and the station square, Nagao Tunnel construction with a photograph and relations information.

Date and time from Saturday, February 20, 2021 to Sunday, March 21
Closed day every Monday, Wednesday, February 24
Venue Tottori-shi aoya native district hall second exhibition room
Time 9:00-17:00 (as for the last entering a building until 16:30)
Rate entering a building for free

Sponsorship Tottori-shi culture foundation
    Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Cosponsorship Tottori-shi Board of Education

Announcement of MARCHE holding online on Sunday, February 7

Online MARCHE held this weekend (Sunday, February 7).
Other than the seeing and hearing by ZOOM, you can see it at the Roadside Station carefree village becoming the venue.
In addition, at the Roadside Station carefree village of the day, there is the mini-sale, too.
I look forward to your participation.

※On the day please wear the mask in the venue.
※By the day before holding (Saturday, February 6), it is necessary to have you propose it in LINE @ to look at it in ZOOM.

"Kamei official approval" [the beginner's class] held news

Date Sunday, February 21, 2021 
Mt. venue communal lodge aster (large hall)
    972-1, Shikanochoimaichi, Tottori-shi
Time reception desk 9:00 ...
    Examination 9:30 ...
    End 11:00
    ※It is marked sequentially by a finished person
Entrance fee 500 yen (on the day I pay)
60 capacity (finished as soon as it becomes the capacity)
I announce the day of the result
It depends on a premium correct answer rate

I fax with the application paper on the back of the application method email or the flyer
Application Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan child village dream
     〒689-0405 1353, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi
FAX 0857-38-0031
Deadline Wednesday, February 10, 2021 17:00
※After the application confirmation, I will send a guidebook and an admission ticket to an examination.

Sponsorship Kamei official approval executive committee
Cooperation Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan child village dream
The inquiry Ichikano-cho, Tottori synthesis branch area promotion section
    Kamei official approval executive committee
Telephone 0857-84-2011

Page link for exclusive use of the Kamei official approval

Announcement of "the 16th Tottori-shi child student interchange art exhibition" holding

Period from Saturday, January 16, 2021 to Sunday, February 24
Time from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Every Monday, Friday, February 12 during the closed day period
Venue Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
    2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
    TEL (0857-85-2351)
Admission for free
Sponsorship Tottori-shi culture foundation
    Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Cosponsorship Tottori-shi Board of Education

Announcement of January 16, 2021 ... "the 17th Inaba Japanese paper light exhibition" holding

Period from Saturday, January 16, 2021 to Sunday, March 21
Time from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed day Monday (when Monday is a holiday weekdays, the following day)
Venue Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
Viewing charges public 300 yen small, middle and high school student 150 yen
    ※20 people or more are 20 off
Sponsorship Tottori-shi, Tottori-shi culture foundation
   Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
Support Tottori, Tottori Inaba Japanese paper cooperative, Asahi Shimbun Tottori total station
   inabapyompyon net, NHK Tottori broadcasting station
   San-in Chuo Shimpo-sha Corporation, TSK sanin center TV
   Sankei newspaper publisher, the new Sea of Japan newspaper publisher, the Chugoku Shimbun-sha Tottori-shi station
   The Sea of Japan cable network, Sea of Japan TV
   Mainichi Shimbun Tottori bureau, BSS Broadcasting System of Sanin
   Yomiuri Shimbun Tottori bureau
Facilities name Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
Address 313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi, Tottori
TEL 0857-86-6060

Announcement of Saturday, December 5, 6th Sunday "mushroom kingdom Tottori west inabakinoko Festa" holding

I hold "mushroom kingdom Tottori west inabakinoko Festa" at Roadside Station west inaba carefree village on Sunday on Saturday, December 5, 6th.
[inoculation experience corner]
Date Saturday, December 5
Class time ① 10:00 ...
    ②Group 11:00 ...
Open space in front of the place station building
Experience charges 1,400 yen
※A reservation is necessary (for each 25 sets of capacity)
[mushroom sale corner]
Date Saturday, December 5, 6th Sunday
Time 10:00-15:00
The neighborhood of place fast food court
[shichifukujin pan sale corner]
Date Sunday, December 6
Time 11:00-13:00
Open space in front of the place station building
Rate 200 yen/cup
    ※It is finished as soon as it disappears
Sponsorship Japan mushroom center
   Roadside Station west inaba carefree village (homepage)

Announcement of Saturday, December 5 ... "photo exhibition 2020 by the photographer of the native district" holding

Is annual, working resident in the Tottori-shi west area and the photo exhibition by the photograph lover loving the area.
――The theme of this year "an impression"
Session from Saturday, December 5, 2020 to January 11, 2021 Monday (holiday)
Closed day every Monday, from Monday, December 28 to Monday, January 4
    From Monday, December 28, 2020 to Monday, January 4, 2021
Venue Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
    3030, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori (map)
Opening time from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Rate for free
Sponsorship Tottori-shi culture foundation
    Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Cosponsorship Tottori-shi Board of Education

Announcement of "dream komichi" closure

"Dream komichi" setting up the store in Shikanochoshikano will be closed with giving first priority to prevention of infection spread of the new coronavirus and the security of a customer, the employee for the time being from Tuesday, December 1. (the time of ※ resumption is undecided.)

Announcement of Sunday, November 29 "Juubo foot of a mountain walk" holding

Announcement of Sunday, November 29 "Juubo foot of a mountain walk" holding
As a scheduled play vent of "the first Juubo foot of a mountain half marathon meet", I will have "walk" of the 10km course of this meeting next year.
A schedule: Sunday, November 29, 2020 ※shoameketsuko
Time: 9:00-12:00 (8:30 acceptance)
A meeting: Kano school drift sand river school building
Parking lot :Kawachi River riverbed
An application period: From Monday, November 9 to Friday, November 20
Participation capacity: 100 people ※As soon as become the capacity; the deadline
Entrance fee :One 1,000 yen (I include a premium)
Sponsorship: Juubo foot of a mountain half marathon executive committee
The cosponsorship: Assistant gym of the NPO corporation deer
Cooperation: Meeting of the Kano-cho building
The homepage of the Juubo foot of a mountain half marathon
From this (external link)

Village forest Festival of the first fruit tree

What is the village forest of <fruit tree?>
I plan "the village forest of the Shikanochokouchi fruit tree" in the cultivation abandonment ground in Shikanochokouchi and be brought up and work on the making of artefact and sale, and the cooperation of a university student, the volunteer gets the fruit trees such as a fig, a persimmon, the chestnut to about 4ha now, too and brings up a place of exchange as an experience farm.
The date: Saturday, October 17, 2020, Sunday, October 18
Time: 10:00-16:00
A venue: Old Kawachi improvement of living center
An inquiry: Village meeting of the Shikanochokouchi fruit tree
Sponsorship: Village forest meeting of the Shikanochokouchi fruit tree
Cooperation: Sightseeing in Osaka International University chemistry Kubo seminar
    Ichikano-cho, Tottori synthesis branch
    Small eagle river district public hall
    The meeting which protects a small eagle river hometown
    insyu Kano town planning meeting

San-in Geopark trail point acquisition walk

Collect ... points, and is advantageous, and take the ease; is already ...
It led to one from Tottori to Kyotango
A long trail of total extension 230km,
I have many people walk freely happily and give a usable point to shopping or eating and drinking depending on the results that walked in a local shop.
Implementation period: From October, 2020 to the end of November
     ※The use of point until the end of December, 2020
 Sponsorship :San-in Coast Geopark promotion meeting
     (link to the homepage)

Guidance (prior application system) of "the ancient Sanin Expressway field briefing session"

The date :Sunday, September 27, 2020 ※shoameketsuko
A meeting place: In front of Yogou public hall (Aotanicho, Tottori-shi)
     ※Come on foot from the parking lot.
Parking lot :nichiokitanijikukominkanchushajo
Application :Tottori reserve cultural assets center
     Telephone 0857-27-6711
The application deadline: Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Offer capacity: 130 (first-come-first-served basis)
     It is 13 sets every 30 minutes from 9:00
     (each time ten people capacity)
※It becomes the residence in Tottori-limited event.
※This event is a prior application system.
※Please participate in the clothes which can walk the mountain path
 Sponsorship :Tottori reserve cultural assets center

It is an event in winter in Aoya Terachi remains exhibition autumn

I will make various things!
It is the event of the Terachi remains pavilion in the fall and winter in Aoya
The making of glass bead and the making of key ring, various experiences are seisawasan.
<various events application, reference>
◆It is Terachi remains exhibition in Aoya
〒689-0501 4064, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori
※As there is the event that an application needs, please be careful.
※It will be finished as soon as it becomes the capacity. Please confirm the status on a homepage.

Announcement of Aoya High School class exhibition holding

A period: From Saturday, September 19, 2020 to Sunday, October 4
    (a closed day: on Wednesday, September 23 on 28th on Monday)
Time: 9:00-17:00 (as for the entering a building until 16:30)
A venue: Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
An address: 2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori
A rate: No charge for admission
Sponsorship: Tottori Prefectural Aoya High School
The cosponsorship: Tottori-shi culture foundation
    Tottori-shi aoya native district hall

[aoya Japanese paper studio] It is ... from the echo exhibition II - ginkgo forests

A period: From Saturday, September 19, 2020 to November 23 Monday (holiday)
A place: Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
    313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi
    TEL 0857-86-6060
Time: From 9:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m. (Monday, the closure)
Entering a building charges: 150 yen younger than a 300 yen for adults junior high student
[sponsorship] Tottori-shi, Tottori-shi culture foundation,
    Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio

Of the town only for the weekend show; an announcement of 9th cancellation

Was scheduled the period of from September 12, 2020 to September 27; "showed it only on the weekend of the town, and, about 9th", was called off taking the situation in these days into consideration.

Kano Castle Site Park "red bridge" bridge name offer

I raise popular name bridge names of Kano Castle Site Park who lights up going to see cherry blossoms at night, and is got close to to everybody of "the red bridge".
Application period
 From Tuesday, September 1, 2020 to 25th Friday
Application method
 I apply for an application box by mailing or mail, FAX, an email with application paper
Application paper, application box setting place
 Roadside Station west inaba carefree village, Shikano ourai kouryukan child village dream,
 Kano, Ketaka, Aoya-cho synthesis branch, Kano, Kachiya, small eagle river district public hall
I present a souvenir to a bridge name adopter by bridge name announcement ceremony (November 15)
 Ichikano-cho, Tottori synthesis branch industry construction section
 Telephone 0857-84-2012
 FAX 0857-84-2598

[aoya Japanese paper studio] The 17th Inaba Japanese paper light exhibition work offer

[the application deadline]
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
・To three points of postmark effective 1 other people on that day
General section
  Grand prix one certificate of merit, prize money 80,000 yen
  Associate grand prix one certificate of merit, prize money 30,000 yen
  Fine work two certificate of merit, prize money 10,000 yen
 The youth section
  For winning a prize three certificate of merit, book card 2,000 yen
 Light exhibition home delivery of cooked foods lecture
 "A business trip workshop" (general section, youth section)
  Date from June to October (plan)
  Venue public hall, elementary school ※Each group-designated place
  A participation fee public section: 2,000 yen (it includes light exhibition exhibition charges)
      The youth section: Free (targeted for the small, a junior high student)
  Each around 15 capacity sections
  It is exhibition surutameno for contents light exhibition
      I produce a lamp shade
 ① (tentative name) for making lamp shade
  Date Sunday, January 24, 2021
  Venue aoya Japanese paper studio multi-purpose hall 
  Participation fee 3,000 yen (materials charges)
  15 capacity
  Lecturer Yoshihiko Yamanouchi (woodwork, light writer)
  By the instruction of the contents light writer a tree and Japanese paper
      I use it and produce a lamp shade
② (tentative name) for making lamp shade
 Date Sunday, February 13, 2021, 20th Sunday
 Venue aoya Japanese paper studio work corner
     ①10:00 -② 13:30 ... 
 Participation fee 2,000 yen (materials charges)
 Each ten capacity times (40 people in total)
 I treated a season using contents Inaba Japanese paper
     I produce a lamp shade of the paper-cutting
Display period from Saturday, January 16, 2021 to Sunday, March 21, 2021
Venue Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
 Examination committee Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Examination announcement Saturday, January 16, 2021
※For more details, please see a flyer

[aoya Japanese paper studio] Summer festival ... of ... Tottori to color with Japanese paper

I display the leading role dearushanshan umbrella togaina many lamps of a summer feature of Tottori, "Tottori shanshan Festival" and "the Yonago gaina Festival".
□Session Saturday, July 18, 2020 - Sunday, August 30
    From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. closed day: On Monday
             (when Monday is a holiday weekdays, the following day)
□Venue, inquiry
    Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
    〒689-0514 313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi
    TEL: 0857-86-6060 FAX: 0857-86-6061
□Viewing charges public 300 yen small, middle and high school student 150 yen
           ※20% of 20 or more discount
※For more details, please see a flyer.

[Aotanicho, Tottori-shi] aoya 3 building quiz rally

I cosponsor Terachi remains pavilion, aoya Japanese paper studio combination in aoya kyodokan, Aoya
aoya 3 building quiz rally 
Period: From Saturday, July 18 to Sunday, August 23
 A closed day: 7/20.27, 8/3.11.17
200 participation for free first arrival
※For more details, please see a flyer

[Tottori-shi aoya native district hall] masakitakako black and white exhibition

masakitakako black and white exhibition
[on the date] From July 11, 2020 to August 23
[entering a building charges] Free of charge
[venue] Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
  A closed day: 7/13, 20, 27, 8/3, 11, 17
 * Let's draw pattern art on the Inaba Japanese paper with a ball-point pen!
   Date and time 8/7 Friday, 8/8 Saturday ① 9:30 -② 13:00 ...
   Mr. lecturer masakitakako
   Five capacity every time (it requires reservation and accepts a reservation than 7/18)
   Participation fee 300 yen
 * Let's make the sea of Aoya with a gel candle!
   Date and time 7/24 Friday, 25 Saturday, Wednesday, August 5
        ①9:30 -② 14:00 ...
   Five capacity every time (it requires reservation and accepts a reservation from 7/11 noon)
   Participation fee 1,000 yen
 * The making of wind chime of the shell
   Date and time 8/1 Saturday, 19 Wednesday ① 9:30 -② 14:00 ...
   Five capacity every time (it requires reservation and accepts a reservation than 7/18)
   Participation fee 100 yen
 * The making of photoframe of the shell
   Date and time 8/10 Monday (holiday), 21 Friday ① 9:30 -② 14:00 ...
   Five capacity every time (it requires reservation and accepts a reservation than 7/18)
   Participation fee 300 yen
  ※For more details, please see a flyer
Application, reference
   Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
   〒689-0501 2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
   TEL: 0857-85-2351

[in Aoya Terachi remains pavilion] Event experience-based in summer vacation

Event experience-based in summer vacation
* Let's make the sea with a gel candle 
  (date 7/18, 26, 8/15.20)
* Sharpen it, and dye it; and product rou original comma-shaped bead!
  (date 8/6.22)
* Upper Terachi paperwork!
  (8/9 date)
* It is fishing with a staghorn!
  (7/24 date, 8/7.14.21)
Summer vacation on-site training
◇ 7/23 paralysis is made with a coaster, too
◇ The making of 8/2 mini-earthenware vessel
◇ The making of 8/4 soil flute
◇ Casting experience of 8/8 mirror
◇ The making of 8/12 basket
◇ The making of 8/13 braid
※For more details, please see a flyer.
Application, reference
  It is Terachi remains pavilion in Aoya
  〒689-0501 4064, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
  TEL: 0857-85-0841
  Closed day Monday (in the case of a holiday next business day)

[Tottori-shi aoya native district hall] aoya culture Festival 2020

I perform cultural activities inside and outside the Aotanicho, Tottori-shi area
A group, the individual belonging to the Aoya-cho culture meeting
I announce the result of the everyday approach!
■Work display
 [time] From Saturday, May 30, 2020 to Sunday, June 28
      9:00-17:00 (on the last day until 16:00)
      A regular holiday: On Monday
 [place] Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
       2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
Photograph, calligraphy, picture, ceramic art, cloisonne ware, metalworking, pressed flower
Japanese paper crafts others
※For more details, please see a flyer.

[Tottori-shi aoya native district hall] Recruitment of photo exhibition 2020 photograph exhibitor University by the photographer of the native district!

2020 Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition
Photo exhibition 2020 by the photographer of the native district
<< session >> From Saturday, December 5, 2020 to January 11, 2021 Monday (holiday)
<< venue >> 2 Tottori-shi aoya native district hall first exhibition rooms
Recruitment of photograph exhibitor University!
 * In the target Tottori-shi west area (Ketakacho, shikanocho, Aoya-cho)
        Residence, working and the one that loves the area
        Professional flax, the age are no object
 * Application period from Tuesday, June 2, 2020 to Sunday, November 15
 * Import period from Tuesday, November 17, 2020 to Sunday, November 29
 * Theme pulse
 ※For more details, please see a flyer

[Roadside Station west inaba carefree village] Inaba Japanese paper origami religion shitsu

Inaba Japanese paper origami classroom
Inaba Japanese paper origami classroom
Inaba Japanese paper origami religion shitsu
Making of "the rose using the Japanese paper"
The date: Sunday, March 29, 2020
Time: 13:30-15:00
A place: West inaba carefree village area interchange experience processing room
A participation fee: 1,350 yen (it includes a material cost)
Apply by FAX, an email whether those who wish to participate have you propose it to west inaba carefree village information directly.
The jumping in at the time is possible, too.
A reference: West inaba carefree village 0857-82-3178
※For more details, please see a flyer.

[I win and look after Kano a garden] Austere refinement uncrowded exhibition

Austere refinement uncrowded exhibition
Austere refinement uncrowded exhibition
Austere refinement uncrowded exhibition
Win, and look after Kano; a garden
The date and time: From Tuesday, March 17, 2020 to Sunday, March 22, 2020
A place: Do; that heart
No charge for admission
※For more details, please see a flyer.

[Tottori-shi aoya native district hall] Eiichi Miyamoto portrait, illustration exhibition

Eiichi Miyamoto portrait, illustration exhibition
Eiichi Miyamoto portrait, illustration exhibition
Eiichi Miyamoto portrait, illustration exhibition
The date and time: From Saturday, February 22, 2020 to Sunday, March 22
A place: Aoya, Tottori-shi native district hall exhibition room
Entering a building for free
Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
TEL/FAX: 0857-85-2351
※For more details, please see a flyer

[in Aoya Terachi remains historic spot preservation utilization meeting] Of Yayoi of Aoya show

Of Yayoi of Aoya show
Of Yayoi of Aoya show
Of Yayoi of Aoya show
It is Terachi remains ... in Aoya to trace by ... picture-story show and a talk
The date and time: Saturday, March 14, 2020
   From 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
A venue: Aotanicho, Tottori-shi synthesis branch multi-purpose hall
Capacity: 50 (application required, first-come-first-served basis)
Admission for free
※For more details, please see a flyer.

[the meeting which hears it so as to take Yuzo Toyota] Yuzo Toyota live

Yuzo Toyota live
Yuzo Toyota live
Yuzo Toyota live
The date and time: Thursday, April 2 venue 18:00 start 18:30
A venue: Play cafe & gallery; that heart
A rate: Day of advance sale, reservation 2,500 yen 3,000 yen
090-7891-9322 (Hitoshi Takebe)
※For more details, please see a flyer.

[Roadside Station west inaba carefree village] Inaba Japanese paper origami classroom

Origami classroom
Origami classroom
Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
Inaba Japanese paper origami classroom
Making of "the hina decoration of the origami"
The date and time: Sunday, February 23
Time: From 13:30
A place: Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
   (experience-based processing, local interchange room)
An entrance fee: 1,200 yen (it includes a material cost)
Those who wish to participate to west inaba carefree village information
Have propose it directly, or fax, by a telephone, an email
The jumping in of the day is possible, too.
Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
TEL: 0857-82-3178
※For more details, please see a flyer.

[village trip to shell knob-like hermitage] hamamura hot spring JUKEBOX

hamamura hot spring JUKEBOX
hamamura hot spring JUKEBOX
hamamura hot spring JUKEBOX
An event of a hot spring and the music that the good old pop music which I listened to in those days plays.
Please arrive with a family, a friend!
Time: Sunday, March 1 10:30-14:30
tokoro: Village trip to shell knob-like hermitage
    696-1, Ketakachokachimi, Tottori-shi, Tottori
TEL: 090-7378-6709
※For more details, please see a flyer

[Roadside Station west inaba carefree village] Feeling MARCHE in Roadside Station west inaba carefree village

Feeling MARCHE in Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
Feeling MARCHE in Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
Feeling MARCHE in Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
I present a mini-bouquet to the first 100 people (limited toward the flyer bringing)
With 10:30 - all a cooking class (participation for free, reservation required)
The date and time: Sunday, March 8, 2020 10:00-15:00
A holding place: Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
Tottori person with a disability working business promotion center
TEL: 0859-31-1015
※For more details, please see a flyer

[theater of the bird] "Antigone" for Brecht

[theater of the bird] "Antigone" for Brecht
[theater of the bird] "Antigone" for Brecht
Theater of the bird
"Antigone" for Brecht
Playday: Wednesday, February 19, 2020 20th Thursday 22nd Saturday 23rd Sunday 24th Monday 25th Tuesday
Presentation time: The curtain rises at 13:30
A venue: Theater of the bird
A ticket rate: Adult 2,000 yen, 18 years or younger 500 yen
Theater of the non profit organization bird
Telephone, fax 0857-84-3268
※For more details, please see a flyer

[Roadside Station west inaba carefree village] Inaba Japanese paper origami classroom

Inaba Japanese paper origami classroom
Inaba Japanese paper origami classroom
Inaba Japanese paper origami classroom
Making of "the anthurium"
The date and time: Sunday, January 26, 2020
Time: Part 10:30-12:00 of the morning
   Part 13:30-15:00 of the afternoon
A place: West inaba carefree village experience-based processing, local interchange room
An entrance fee: 1,000 yen (it includes a material cost)
Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
280-3, Shikanochookaki, Tottori-shi, Tottori
TEL: 0857-82-3178
※For more details, please see a flyer

[Tottori-shi aoya native district hall] Tottori-shi child student interchange art exhibition

Tottori-shi child student interchange art exhibition
Tottori-shi child student interchange art exhibition
It depends on children of Ketaka, Kano, Aoya
The 15th Tottori-shi child student interchange art exhibition
A session: From Saturday, January 18, 2020 to Sunday, February 16
A venue: Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Admission: No charge for admission
An inquiry: Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
     2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
     TEL/FAX: 0857-85-2351
※For more details, please see a flyer

New Year New Year's sale 2020 Roadside Station west inaba carefree village

Wednesday, January 1, 2020 business hours from 12:00 to 18:00
  * Do it, and do it; 200 the first than juice behavior 12:00
  * From behavior liquor opening a barrel 12:00 ※It is finished as soon as it disappears
  * A lot of fun lucky bags sale first arrival 50-limited
 Restaurant "Mt. eagle peak"
  * It is limited to 30 meals than 12:00! Zoni service (person asked for a set meal)
  * It is set Matcha and the west inaba cake of high quality from 14:00 
         500 yen (20 meals-limited)
January 2, 2020, 3rd business hours (product sales) from 9:00 to 19:00
               (restaurant) from 10:00 to 20:00
  * A Roadside Station original new product! Sunlight ginger roll
                                  1,000 yen (tax-included) (ten-limited a day)
 Restaurant "Mt. eagle peak"
  * 30 meals-limited mini-New Year's dishes service (person asked for a set meal)
                 ※For more details, please see a flyer

[theater of the bird] I wandered and was given by Macbeth

Theater of the bird
Theater of the bird
Theater free to do theater of the bird
I wandered and was given by Macbeth
The latest Kurayoshi performance for the first time in free theater three years
The date and time: Friday, January 24, 2020 19:00 ...
   Saturday, January 25, 2020 14:00 ...
A place: Kurayoshi future central small hall
A ticket: Free of charge lower than adult 1,000 yen, 18 years or younger 500 yen, a primary schoolchild
Inquiry, application
Theater of the bird
TEL/FAX: 0857-84-3268
※For more details, please see a flyer

[Tottori-shi aoya native district hall] I give a concert on photo exhibition 2019 & New Year by the photographer of the native district

Photo exhibition 2019 by the photographer of the native district
Photo exhibition 2019 by the photographer of the native district
Photo exhibition 2019 by the photographer of the native district
A period: 2019 Saturday, December 14 - 20,202 years Monday, January 13
Time: From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
A venue: Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Entering a building for free
I give a concert on the New Year by Tottori brass players
Saturday, January 11, 2020
A venue: Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
Free of charge, a reservation is not necessary
Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
TEL/FAX: 0857-85-2351
※For more details, please see a flyer.

[aoya Japanese paper studio] Light exhibition

Light exhibition
Light exhibition
The 16th Inaba Japanese paper
Light exhibition
The date and time: From Saturday, January 11, 2020 to Sunday, March 22
   From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
A venue: Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
Viewing charges: General 300 yen small, middle and high school student 150 yen
I hold an allied event using the Japanese paper during a period
※For more details, please see a flyer

[Kano bewitching tinged cherrytree leaves light up executive committee] SHIKANO X'MAS LIGHTUP 2019

I am lighted up by Christmas
I am lighted up by Christmas
A lighting type: Sunday, December 8
Time: 15:30-20:00
A place: Old Kano Elementary School
Kano bewitching tinged cherrytree leaves light up executive committee
※For more details, please see a flyer

[masterpiece seat executive committee of the deer] Masterpiece seat masterpiece presentation month of the deer

Masterpiece seat of the deer
Masterpiece seat of the deer
Masterpiece seat masterpiece presentation month of the deer
yo early on 12/1 Sunday
12/8 Sunday The Izu Dancer
Container of 12/15 Sunday sand
A venue: Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan child village dream
The opening: The 9:30 screening start: 10:00 ...
No charge for admission
A reference: 090-6402-0886 (representative Taniguchi)
※For more details, please see a flyer

[Roadside Station west inaba carefree village] News of the crab Festival holding

Crab Festival
Crab Festival
Crab Festival
The date and time: Sunday, November 24, 2019
A venue: Roadside Station west inaba carefree village experience-based processing, local interchange room
●Crab stew free service
The first: 11:00 ...
The second: 13:00 ...
※It is finished as soon as each 100 first arrival disappears
●Crab quiz
14:00 ...
I prepare for a luxurious premium
●"toto phosphorus" and "this paste you come over, too"
Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
280-3, Shikanochookaki, Tottori-shi
※For more details, please see a flyer

[eagle peak lowering concert executive committee] yoshidayoshiko concert

yoshidayoshiko concert
yoshidayoshiko concert
yoshidayoshiko concert
Time: Sunday, December 15
         2:00 p.m. ... (in the venue 1:30 p.m.)
tokoro: Small eagle river district public hall
A rate: 2,000 yen
Sponsorship: Eagle peak lowering concert executive committee
An inquiry: Hitoshi Takebe 090-7891-9322
※For more details, please see a flyer

[Kano bewitching tinged cherrytree leaves light up executive committee] I light up a tree

I light up a tree
I light up a tree
About 30,000 pitches of illuminations light up the shikanocho
I light up a tree
The date and time: Saturday, December 7 - 12/28 Saturday 17:30-22:00 rain or shine
insutafotokon holding
An entry period: 11/16-12/28
#You do it, and please post it in that irumi, # Kano
Champion announcement: 2020/1/20
Prize present luxurious for a prizewinner
Kano bewitching tinged cherrytree leaves light up executive committee
TEL: 080-3054-5565
※Please see a flyer in detail

[Kano bewitching tinged cherrytree leaves light up executive committee] I light up Kano bewitching autumn colors

I light up Kano bewitching autumn colors
I light up Kano bewitching autumn colors
I feel autumn with Kano Castle trace
I light up Kano bewitching autumn colors
The date and time: Saturday, November 16 - 12/10 Tuesday 17:30-22:00 rain or shine
insutafotokon holding
An entry period: 11/16-12/28
#You do it, and please post it with that maple, # Kano Castle trace
Champion announcement: 2020/1/20
Prize present luxurious for a prizewinner
Kano bewitching tinged cherrytree leaves light up executive committee
TEL: 080-3054-5565
※Please see a flyer in detail

I do it and released that cloud dragon temple garden

I do it and released the garden of that cloud dragon temple
[the date and time] From Saturday, November 23 to 24th Sunday
            From 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

[Aoya High School] Aoya High School class exhibition

Aoya High School class exhibition
Aoya High School class exhibition
Aoya High School class exhibition
The date and time: From Saturday, November 16, 2019 to Sunday, December 8
         From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (as for the entering a building until 4:30 p.m.)
A place: Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
         2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
         TEL: 0857-85-2351
Admission: Free of charge
Sponsorship: Tottori Prefectural Aoya High School
※For more details, please see a flyer.

[Tottori-shi aoya native district hall] Invitation to autumn noaoya native district hall

Invitation guidance to autumn noaoya native district hall
Invitation to autumn noaoya native district hall
Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
There is yu (izana) to noaoya native district hall in autumn; ... store picture exhibition ...
The date and time: 2019.10.12 Saturday - 11.10 Sunday
An opening time: From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Entering a building for free
A closed day: Tuesday, October 15, 21 Monday, 28 Monday, Tuesday, November 5
aoya kyodokan
2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori
TEL/FAX: 0857-85-2351
※For more details, please see a flyer

[I win and look after Kano, and garden, the Kano second beats it and sees it a garden] Joint school festival

Joint school festival
Joint school festival
Win, and look after Kano, and garden, the Kano second beats it, and see it; a garden
Joint school festival
The date and time: Saturday, October 19, 2019 10:00-14:30
A venue: Win, and look after Kano, and garden, the Kano second beats it, and see it; a garden
※For more details, please see a flyer
Sponsorship, inquiry
Win, and look after Kano; a garden
〒689-0425 1078, Shikanochoimaichi, Tottori-shi
TEL: 0857-84-2033
Win, and look after the Kano second; a garden
〒689-0426 102, Shikanochoterauchi, Tottori-shi
TEL: 0857-84-3267

[in Aoya Terachi remains pavilion] Guidance of the event in the fall and winter

Event in the fall and winter
Event in the fall and winter
It is Terachi remains pavilion in Aoya
Event in the fall and winter
It is the guide of the event in winter in Aoya the autumn from Terachi remains pavilion.
For more details, please see a flyer.
Application, reference
It is Terachi remains pavilion in Aoya
4064, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori
TEL: 0857-85-0841

[Tottori reserve cultural assets center] Ancient Sanin Expressway walk

Ancient Sanin Expressway walk
Ancient Sanin Expressway walk
It is ... for ancient Sanin Expressway of ... Aoya east side hill
The ancient times Sanin Expressway walk in aoichi 2019
The date: I rain it out on Sunday, October 6, 2019
Time: 9:00 a.m. meeting start
Participation for free
A meeting place: The remains of Aoya bar field
Offer capacity: 60 people
Application: Tottori reserve cultural assets center
           TEL 0857-27-6711
Sponsorship: Tottori reserve cultural assets center
※For more details, please see a flyer

[Kano wattaina festival executive committee] Guidance of Kano wattaina saikaisai

Kano wattaina festival
Kano wattaina festival
Kano wattaina festival
A period: Friday, October 25, 2019 ~11 17 days a month Sunday
・Kano eemon city
・Kano wanko championship
・hasu class kororin
・Work display, entertainment announcement
・Various display
・Look for a suspicious person
・Theatre festival 12 of the BeSeTo theatre festival 26+ bird
・I wait only on the weekend and show it
※Please refer to a flyer on the date
Free parking lot existence
Stormy weather cancellation
Sponsorship/Kano wattaina festival executive committee
A reference: 0857-84-2011

atagono viewing the moon Sankyo Yanagiya rakugo society

The date: From Monday, September 23 7:00 p.m.
Place :Do; that cloud dragon Teramoto temple

[eagle peak lowering concert executive committee] The eleventh eagle peak lowering concert holding

The eleventh eagle peak lowering concert
The eleventh eagle peak lowering concert
The eleventh eagle peak lowering concert
-Immediately ukiukishabadaba -
The date and time: Saturday, October 19, 2019
    Copy 17:30-18:30
    Two copies of 19:00 ...
A place: Small eagle river district public hall
Day of advance sale 3,500 yen 4,000 yen
Small eagle river district public hall TEL: 0857-84-2054
※For more details, please see a flyer

[aoya Japanese paper studio] I take a trip to the wind of San-in

I take a trip to the wind of San-in
I take a trip to the wind of San-in
Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
Ball-point pen art exhibition 3 eihonfuyumori representing the flowers and birds poetic genius
I take a trip to the wind of San-in
Period: 2019.9.14 Saturday - 11.24 Sunday
An opening time: 9:00-17:00
A closed day: On Monday
Viewing charges: General 300 yen, small, middle and high school student 150 yen
Venue, reference
Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
TEL: 0857-86-6060
※For more details, please see a flyer

[aoya rumble sand beach festival executive committee] Guidance of the aoya rumble sand beach festival 2019 holding

aoya rumble sand beach festival 2019
aoya rumble sand beach festival 2019
Guidance of the aoya rumble sand beach festival 2019 holding
Time: Sunday, August 18, 2019 around 8:00-12:00
tokoro: Aoya Coast (Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi) (rainy weather, stormy weather cancellation)
Participation fee for free
A reference:
aoya rumble sand beach festival executive committee
TEL: 090-5267-4409 (charge: Matsubara)
※For more details, please confirm a flyer

[aoya Japanese paper studio] The 16th Inaba Japanese paper light exhibition work offer

Japanese paper light exhibition
Japanese paper light exhibition
aoya Japanese paper studio
The 16th Inaba Japanese paper light exhibition work offer
The application deadline: Tuesday, December 17, 2019
A display period: From Saturday, January 11, 2020 to Sunday, March 22
A venue: Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
TEL: 0857-86-6060
FAX: 0857-86-6061
※Please see a flyer in detail

[in aoya native district hall, Aoya Terachi remains pavilion, aoya Japanese paper studio] It is around enjoyment quiz Larry

It is around enjoyment quiz Larry
It is around enjoyment quiz Larry
[in aoya native district hall, Aoya Terachi remains pavilion, aoya Japanese paper studio]
Summer noaoyagurutto "enjoyment" quiz rally
A period: From Saturday, July 20 to Saturday, August 31
An opening time: 9:00-17:00
Participation for free
※Please see a flyer in detail on a closed day.

[theater of the bird] Theatre festival 12 of the BeSeTo theatre festival 26+ bird

[theater of the bird] Theatre festival 12 of the BeSeTo theatre festival 26+ bird
[theater of the bird] Theatre festival 12 of the BeSeTo theatre festival 26+ bird
[theater of the bird]
BeSeTo theatre festival 26
Theatre festival 12 of the bird
From Saturday, October 26, 2019 to Sunday, November 17
The theater of the bird of Ichikano-cho, Tottori, Tottori and the outskirts
※For more details, please confirm a flyer

[theater of the bird] Story to forge a sword

[theater of the bird] Story to forge a sword
[theater of the bird] Story to forge a sword
[theater of the bird]
Story to forge a sword
 I can enjoy it from an adult to a child
  It is the stage which is fantastic with a wonder
August, 2019
23rd Friday 19:00 ...
24th from Saturday to 27th Tuesday 14:00 ...
A venue: Theater of the bird
※For more details, please see a flyer

[theater of the bird] Two days when a Korean high school student and a high school student of Tottori interchange through a drama

[theater of the bird] Two days when a Korean high school student and a high school student of Tottori interchange through a drama
[theater of the bird] Two days when a Korean high school student and a high school student of Tottori interchange through a drama
[theater of the bird]
Two days when a Korean high school student and a high school student of Tottori interchange through a drama
7/21 Saturday 10:00 ...
Let's interchange through a drama workshop!
A venue: The old small eagle river gymnasium
※High school student-limited
Sunday, July 28
13:00 ... "koduno"
15:00 ... "friend"
A venue: Theater of the bird
※For more details, please see a flyer.

[Tottori-shi aoya native district hall] Mr. Tadato Kiyosue collection exhibition

Mr. Tadato Kiyosue collection exhibition
Mr. Tadato Kiyosue collection exhibition
Mr. Tadato Kiyosue collection exhibition
The date and time: From Saturday, July 13, 2019 to Sunday, August 25
Viewing time: From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
A holding place: Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
A closed day: 7/16, 7/22, 7/29, 8/5, 8/19
Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori
TEL/FAX: 0857-85-2351
※For more details, please confirm a flyer

[in Aoya Terachi remains pavilion] Guidance of the event experience-based in summer vacation

Event experience-based in summer vacation
Event experience-based in summer vacation
Event experience-based in summer vacation
A place: It is Terachi remains pavilion in Aoya
As there is the event requiring reservation, please be careful.
Application, inquiry
It is Terachi remains pavilion in Aoya
4064, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori
TEL: 0857-85-0841
※For more details, please confirm a flyer

[incense intellect hermitage] Guidance of the caricature whose subject is based on folk beliefs exhibition holding

Caricature whose subject is based on folk beliefs exhibition
Caricature whose subject is based on folk beliefs exhibition
Caricature whose subject is based on folk beliefs exhibition
Please appreciate it relaxedly while drinking tea in a calm old folk house gallery.
A session: From Sunday, July 14, 2019 to 21st Sunday
   From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
A venue: Glass beads studio "incense intellect hermitage" (worry about Kochi)
   1002, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi
※Entering a building for free
090-1015-8378 (Okada)
※For more details, please see a flyer

[eagle peak lowering concert executive committee] Eagle peak lowering concert 2019 summer

Eagle peak lowering concert
Eagle peak lowering concert
Eagle peak lowering concert 2019 summer
I toast it peacefully!
From Saturday, August 3 2:00 p.m.
A venue: A small eagle river district public hall rate: 500 yen
Eagle peak lowering concert executive committee
TEL: 090-7891-9322 (Hitoshi Takebe)
※For more details, please see a flyer

[Roadside Station west inaba carefree village] Opening event holding

Roadside Station carefree village
Roadside Station carefree village opening event
Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
Opening event holding
Sunday, June 30 11:00-16:00
A venue: Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
Roadside Station west inaba carefree village
Opening event executive committee
※For more details, please see a flyer.

[aoya Japanese paper studio] Guidance of the butterfly wedge picture exhibition holding

Guidance of the butterfly wedge picture exhibition holding
Guidance of the butterfly wedge picture exhibition holding
Pleasing IX of the Japanese paper
Butterfly wedge picture exhibition
A session: From Saturday, July 6, 2019 to Sunday, September 1
   From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
   Closed day Monday
Viewing charges: General 300 yen small, middle and high school student 150 yen
Venue, reference
Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi, Tottori
TEL: 0857-86-6060
FAX: 0857-86-6061
※For more details, please see a flyer

[Kano townsman music festival executive committee] I dance and see it, and no castle Tottori gives a performance

I dance and see it, and no castle Tottori gives a performance
I dance and see it, and no castle Tottori gives a performance
The 33rd Kano oldness and musical Tottori performance
Dance, and see it; Inaba battle ... of the no castle - other
The date and time: Sunday, August 11 start 2:00 p.m.
A place: Tottori civic center
An advance sale: 800 yen lower than a general 1,500 yen high school student
Sponsorship: Kano townsman music festival executive committee
TEL: 0857-84-2011 (shikanocho synthesis branch)
※For more details, please see a flyer.

[theater of the bird] Guidance of a "shuffleyamamba" "staggering bonze" performance, the workshop

[theater of the bird] "shuffleyamamba" "staggering bonze"
[theater of the bird] "shuffleyamamba" "staggering bonze"
Drama 2019 program of the bird
Yasuko Yokoshi stay production, dance workshop
Workshop 6/29.30 (Saturday and Sunday)
Announcement performance 7/7 Sunday 16:30-18:00 for free
Than a collection of modern Noh "a staggering bonze"
Work improvement of young theatrical people, concerned made support project with the society
Announcement performance 7/7 Sunday 14:00-15:30 for free
Theatergoing, workshop participation application point
Theater of the bird
TEL: 0857-84-3268
※For more details, please see a flyer.

[I play castle town that lotus walk executive committee] Play the twelfth castle town; that; is lotus walk aimlessly

Lotus walk
Lotus walk
Play the twelfth castle town; that; is lotus walk aimlessly
The date July 15, 2019 Marine Day
Scholar of reception desk venue shikanocho agriculture training center
Reception desk 8:00
Opening ceremony 8:30
Start 8:45
Entrance fee 500 yen
Participation application
Tottori-shi west business and industry society
Play castle town; that; is a lotus walk executive committee aimlessly
TEL: 0857-84-2402
※For more details, please see a flyer.

[association of Tottori-shi sightseeing convention] Is, and return cousin Dolly day; bus tour Tottori Inaba G bus

Tottori Inaba G bus
[association of Tottori-shi sightseeing convention] Is, and return cousin Dolly day; bus tour Tottori Inaba G bus
Is, and return cousin Dolly day; bus tour Tottori Inaba G bus
Good bus tour to surround around the San-in Coast Geopark
Big ginkgo tree of estimated 500 years to hide behind in a Shinto shrine and the quietness of the appearance that is mysterious, and is mysterious and profound years old
Experience made with the half-curded tofu which is pleasant on the rock power low dining table using the local gem
And please expect it in a sand image to hold its breath of Tottori Sand Dunes and the art museum of the sand symbolizing a Geopark.
※For more details, please see a flyer.

[Tottori-shi aoya native district hall] Recruitment of photo exhibition 2019 exhibitor University by the photographer of the native district

Photo exhibition 2019 by the photographer of the native district
Photo exhibition 2019 by the photographer of the native district
[Tottori-shi aoya native district hall] Recruitment of photo exhibition 2019 exhibitor University by the photographer of the native district
2019 Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition
Photo exhibition 2019 by the photographer of the native district
Recruitment of photograph exhibitor University!
Theme "○○ that I want to tell for new age"
Session from Saturday, December 14, 2019 to January 13, 2020 Monday (holiday)
2 venue Tottori-shi aoya native district hall first exhibition rooms
※For more details, please see a flyer.

[Tottori-shi aoya native district hall] aoya culture Festival

aoya culture Festival
aoya culture Festival
aoya culture Festival
A group, the individual belonging to the Aoya-cho culture meeting performing cultural activities inside and outside the Aoya, Tottori-shi area announces the result of the everyday approach.
Work display
Time: From Saturday, June 1, 2019 to Sunday, June 30 9:00-17:00 (on the last day until 16:00) closed day: On Monday
tokoro: Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
The stage announcement
Time: Sunday, June 9, 2019  13:30-15:30
tokoro: Aoya-cho the second floor of the community center multi-purpose hall (Aoya-cho synthesis branch)
※For more details, please see a flyer.

[theater of the bird] Free theater

Free theater
Free theater
Theater of the bird
Free theater
Kurayoshi performance: Friday, May 10, 2019
Yonago performance: Sunday, May 12, 2019
Tottori performance: Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Reference (reservation start date and time 4/16 10:00 ...)
Theater of the bird
TEL/FAX: 0857-84-3268

Sanin Expressway Tottori west road walk in west inaba holding

Sanin Expressway Tottori west road walk in west inaba holding
Sanin Expressway Tottori west road walk in west inaba holding
It was held Sanin Expressway Tottori west road walk in west inabaga on Sunday, April 21, 2019.
It was attended at the Governor of Hirai Tottori as a guest in an opening, and approximately 500 participants on the day were performed grandly.
The walking parted from 6km in 2 courses of 10km, and all of you who participated enjoyed Sanin Expressway which they were able to modernize.

[theater of the bird] Drama festival of the mini-bird

Drama festival of the mini-bird
Drama festival of the mini-bird
Child domonotameno which adult can enjoy
Drama festival of the mini-bird
The date and time: From Saturday, April 27 to Tuesday, April 30
   From Thursday, May 2 to Monday, May 6
A venue: Have it the theater of the bird; that heart
Daily consecutive ticket
An adult: 2,500 yen
18 years old or younger: 1,500 yen
4 years old - primary schoolchild: 1,000 yen
3 years old or younger: Free of charge
Theater of the non profit organization bird
〒689-0405 1812-1, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi, Tottori
TEL/FAX: 0857-84-3268

[theater of the bird] Recruitment of free theater participant, supporters

Theater free to do theater of the bird
[theater of the bird] Free theater
Theater of the bird
Recruitment of free theater participant, supporters
An impaired person and a few person make a play together and stage it out of the prefecture. For an activity of 2019, it recruits a performer and supporters. In addition, I ask for the support to an activity.
The offer deadline: Friday, May 10
Application, reference
〒689-0405 1812-1, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi, Tottori
The theater of the bird
Person in charge of "free theater" offer (charge: Matsumoto)
TEL/FAX: 0857-84-3268

[aoya native district hall] Tottori-shi west area now old days

[aoya native district hall] Tottori-shi west area now old days
[aoya native district hall] Tottori-shi west area now old days
Tottori-shi west area now old days
I introduce by the now and the bygone days and charm with a photograph or a history document in commemoration of San-in Coast Geopark having been authorized again in the UNESCO world Geopark in this February in a geo-site in Tottori around the Tottori-shi Ketaka, Kano, Aoya area of the San-in Coast Geopark.
The date and time: 2019 from Saturday, April 20 to Sunday, May 26
An opening time: From 9:00 to 17:00
※Entering a building for free
aoya kyodokan
2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
TEL/FAX: 0857-85-2351

Wild bird photo exhibition energetic birds

Wild bird photo exhibition
Wild bird photo exhibition
Wild bird photo exhibition
Energetic birds
Collaboration ... with ... Inaba Japanese paper
2019 from Saturday, April 20 to Sunday, June 23
A place: Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
An opening time: From 9:00 to 17:00
A closed day: On Monday
Viewing charges: General 300 yen small, middle and high school student 150 yen
※For more details, please refer to an image
Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
TEL: 0857-86-6060

News of the Sanin Expressway Tottori west road walk in west inaba holding

Sanin Expressway Tottori west road walk in west inaba holding
Sanin Expressway Tottori west road walk in west inaba holding
Sanin Expressway Tottori west road walk in west inaba
The date and time: Sunday, April 21, 2019 reception desk start 9:00 start 10:00 (I cancel it in the wild sky)
A place: Section of Tottori west road Aoya IC - Mizuho Hogi IC (the neighborhood of Ketakachotsunematsu)
An entrance fee: Free of charge
Capacity: 500 first arrival
A participation qualification: Anyone OK's the one that can participate in a healthy state (less than primary schoolchild are accompanied by a protector)
An application method: FAX, email, mail
An application period: From Wednesday, April 10, 2019 to Thursday, April 18, 2019 17:00
Inquiry, application
Visit to Sanin Expressway Tottori west road event
West inaba executive committee (the Tottori-shi west business and industry society)
TEL: 0857-820809
FAX: 0857-82-0884

Spring Kano eemon city

Yes, it is thing City
Yes, it is thing City
Spring Kano eemon city
The date and time: April 21, 2019 from 10:00 to 15:00
A venue: Kano side dojo studio side parking lot
News of the entertainment
●"The fifth Kano wanko championship" 11:00 ...
●"I make convention I do it sampling of the meat" 14:00 ...
Simultaneous holding "Old Motoichi"
Sponsorship / Kano eemon city
Support / Kano side dojo studio, furusato Shikano

Kano school stamp rally holding hosted by a sixth grader

Kano school sixth grader stamp rally
Kano school stamp rally holding hosted by a sixth grader
Because the student of the sixth grader of the Kano school has everybody know the good place of Kano, stamp rally is held.
A period: From Saturday, March 23 to Tuesday, April 2
A range: (the shop where a stamp is put)
It is said a hot peer, side dojo studio, child village dream, cherry tree a green hair salon; that heart, dream Honjin, Sasaki, flat I, bird drama, one feeling hermitage, Hashimoto gelato, Okada liquor shop, mountain aster, Harada food market Eiger
A rule:
・Please circulate through five of 16 .
・There is all 16 places quiz. Please answer five quizzes.
・I hand the present which I settled for the thanks that he/she participated in in sixth graders. What is a present; in fun?…
※There is the present in the green hair salon. Please visit the green hair salon if you finish collecting stamps.
Everybody, please participate.

A bank of a moat concert is held

Bank of a moat concert
Bank of a moat concert
In Sunday, April 7 this hotel "do a chorus; that", no "bank of a moat concert" was held, and it was it since the last prosperity as a customer of the standing to watch appeared.
The performance program pleased the person who listened with the various genres including "a red dragonfly" in "Lorelei" "Green Green Grass of Home" "boyhood".

Tottori history thing is enough; & picture scroll and an English picture-story show

Tottori history thing is enough; &amp; picture scroll and an English picture-story show
Tottori history thing is enough; & picture scroll and an English picture-story show
Tottori history thing is enough
Please enjoy it by the painting which you drew on history monogatarinoohanashio, the Inaba Japanese paper.
[the date and time] From Saturday, April 6, 2019 to Monday, May 6
[place] aoya Japanese paper studio entrance hall viewing for free
[opening time] From 9:00 to 17:00
[closed day during a session] Monday of 4/8,15,22
Picture-story show story-telling society
"Momotaro" is English and a Japanese picture-story show
"Minato of Ashizaki" is demonstrated in Japanese
It is a picture-story show to be able to enjoy from child to an adult.
[the date and time]
Saturday, May 4, 2019 13:30 ...
Monday, May 5, 2019 13:30 ...
[place] aoya Japanese paper studio entrance hall

Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
313, Aotanicho, Tottori-shi, Tottori
TEL: 0857-86-6060

I sing in eagle peak lowering concert Kano ♪ I sing Kano ♪ Event

Eagle peak lowering concert
Eagle peak lowering concert
Eagle peak lowering concert 2019 spring
I sing in Kano ♪ I sing Kano♪
From Saturday, March 23 2:00 p.m.
A venue: Small eagle river district public hall
A rate: 500 yen
Eagle peak lowering concert executive committee
090-7891-9322 (Hitoshi Takebe)

[Aoya-cho] Ichikano-cho, Tottori store product exhibition

I display it mainly on the perfect gem which is not usually opened to the public with an art document and the history document which Ichikano-cho, Tottori synthesis branch and Tottori City Kano school possesses.
■ Meeting      kiheinari from Saturday, February 23, 31 to Sunday, March 24
■ Open      Place Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
■ Opening time from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 
                           (closed day 2/25.3/4.11. 18.22)
■ Entering a building charges for free
≪An animal will make a cute animal using >> woolen yarn made plonk!
Time    From Saturday, February 23, 2019 to Sunday, March 24
                                               From 9:00 to 16:00
Participation fee for free    
           Reservation-free 20 people-limited a day (first-come-first-served basis)
Reference : aoya kyodokan
                    〒689-0501 2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
                    TEL/FAX 0857-85-2351

[Ketakacho] It is geo-walk Ketakacho charm rediscovery repeatedly

◇ Date Saturday, February 23, 2019  From 9:00 to 12:00
      [meeting, reception desk] 8:30 a.m. yasahopaku parking lot
◇ Offer capacity   :  25 people
◇ Participation expense   :  500 yen
◇ *      Celebration   :  Bathing ticket of the souvenir, Hamamura Onsen trip style hermitage of ginger
     ≪Meeting of guide >> yasahogaido
                   kotoruri girl Eri Tsuyama
●I fill out an application method application and fax to the following address
                 Or please apply on the telephone.
                Deadline for application : Friday, February 15
Application : Sightseeing in Ketakacho center
                 〒689-0331 Ketakachokachimi, Tottori-shi 
                 TEL 0857-82-0829 FAX 0857-82-1111

[shikanocho] ARTIST IN RESIDENCE public exercise

Do you not look in the world of the dance that a heart comes in contact with a body?
■Date    February 11, 2019 Monday (holiday) - 13th Wednesday
                                                  From 14:00 to 16:00
■Place    Theater foyer (1812-1, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi) of the bird
It is free to do reservation-free entrance and exit
※As for the details, please see a flyer.

Pleasant bean-scattering ceremony & delicious lucky direction firewood

Pleasant bean-scattering ceremony &amp; delicious lucky direction firewood
Pleasant bean-scattering ceremony & delicious lucky direction firewood
The date and time: Saturday, February 2 10:00 a.m. ...
A place: Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan child village dream

Participation for free
After having enjoyed picture books by a child village dream,
I do it and move to that heart, and a product will eat Ehomaki!
[inquiry] insyu Kano town planning meeting
      TEL 0857-84-1188

The 14th Tottori-shi child student interchange art exhibition

The 14th Tottori-shi child student interchange art exhibition
The 14th Tottori-shi child student interchange art exhibition
[session] From Saturday, January 12, 2019 to Saturday, February 17
(a closed day: on 1/15 Tuesday on 21 Monday on 28 Monday on 2/4 Monday on 12 Tuesday)
[venue] Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
[admission] Free of charge
[sponsorship] Tottori-shi culture foundation, Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
[the cosponsorship] Tottori-shi Board of Education

Poetry (beat) of the ijokokorekaishashinten Melody wave

[the date and time] From Saturday, December 15, 2018 to Tuesday, December 25
            From 10:00 to 18:00 (until last day 16:00 without holiday)
[place] Collection of galleries (companion)
             1-104, Kawabata, Tottori-shi TEL(0857) 26-6156
■Koji Inoue Kai profile
   It was born in Aoya-cho for 1,964 years
   Photograph picture technical school graduation in Japan
  I study under Mitsuhiro Hosoe of Takayama, Hida, Gifu for seven years
  After the return, I inherit the Inoue photo studio fourth generation.

The 15th Inaba Japanese paper light exhibition [Aoya-cho]

[the date and time] From Saturday, January 12, 2019 to Sunday, March 24
               From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
[venue] Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
[closed day] On Monday (when Monday is a holiday weekdays, the following day)
[viewing charges] General 300 yen small, middle and high school student 150 yen
               ※20% of 20 or more discount
■Allied event
  ●The making of Japanese paper light (require reservation)
     The making of lamp shade using a tree and the Japanese paper
   (time) Sunday, January 27, 2019 1:30 p.m. ...
   (place) aoya wakamikobotamokumato hall
   (lecturer) Akinori Maruyama
                 (light writer, Japanese paper light studio "early morning" representative)
   (participation fee) 3,000 yen (materials charges)  
   (capacity) 15 people
 ●The making of lamp shade (require reservation)
    The making of stained glass-like lamp shade using the Japanese paper
  (time) February 17, 2019, 24th Sunday
                  ①10:00 a.m. ~② 1:30 p.m. ...
  (place) aoya wakamikobotamokumato hall
  (lecturer) the aoya Japanese paper studio staff
  (participation fee) 1,500 yen (materials charges)
  (capacity) each ten times
Inquiry Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
             TEL0857-86-6060 FAX0857-86-6061

Announcement society that I surround the "grand tour Tottori" open fire [shikanocho]

I hold the exchange meeting that served as the announcement of the mobile hotel by the kindness of the sponsor camping birds on parade of the staying event "land tour" held using the ground in front of the theater.
[the date and time]  Saturday, December 8, 2018  From 18:00
[entrance fee] Free (a light meal is provided. There is various drink sale)
[place]  Ground in front of the theater of the bird
[application] Theater of the bird  
                  TEL 0857-84-3268

Photo exhibition 2018 [Aoya-cho] by the photographer of the native district

Working, a photograph lover loving the area again resident in the Ketaka, Kano, Aoya area of the Tottori-shi displays the photograph works such as scenery or the person whom shooting produced under the theme of "a memory".
■Session from Saturday, December 8, 2018 to Sunday, January 6, 2019
           A closed day: Monday, December 10, 17th Monday, 25th Tuesday
                        From Saturday, December 29 to Thursday, January 3
■Entering a building charges       Free of charge
■Opening time from 9:00 to 17:00
■Venue         Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
                  〒689-0501 2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
                  TEL/FAX 0857-85-2351
■Sponsorship         Tottori-shi culture foundation
                  Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
■The cosponsorship         Tottori-shi Board of Education

Kano festival memory screening society

[the date and time] Sunday, December 9, 2018
            The from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. opening: 2:30 p.m.
[place] Do; that heart (1809-1, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi)
■From 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.    Picture screening society of the Kano festival
■From 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.    Exchange meeting
■6:30 p.m. ...        Do; that year-end party
Screening society inquiry
 Tottori University fourth grader Goto seminar position Ryo Matsumoto
 A telephone: 080-6438-4353
 An email: matsumoto.ryo@gmail .com
Year-end party inquiry
 insyu Kano town planning meeting
 A telephone: 0857-84-1188
 An email:

The presentation of the theater "toenail of General Kure" of the bird and "the training announcement by the young actor"

Toenail of theater General Kure of the bird
Toenail of theater General Kure of the bird
A schedule: December 2, 2018
"A toenail of General Kure"
 Opening 13:45 start 14:00
"The training announcement by the young actor"
 From 16:00 to 18:00
A venue: Theater (Ichikano-cho, Tottori) of the bird
A ticket rate: Free of charge lower than an adult 1.500 yen high school student
A reservation reception desk: Tuesday, November 13 ...
An inquiry: Theater of the bird
    TEL: 0857-84-3268

West inaba rediscovery! The 20th photo contest work offer

■"Ketaka" "Aoya" "Kano" west inaba rediscovery!
The 20th photo contest work offer
The 20th theme "Heisei"
The application deadline: Monday, December 31, 2018
※As for the detailed application essential point, please see a flyer
■A professional photographer tells you! Photograph classroom
The date: Sunday, December 16, 2018
Time: From 9:30 to 11:30
A place: A leisurely healthy hall figure
   50-22, Ketakachohamamura, Tottori-shi
An entrance fee: Free of charge
※The first 50 people
※For more details, please see a flyer
Application, reference
Tottori-shi west business and industry society (charge: Igarashi)
TEL: 0857-82-0809
FAX: 0857-82-0884
Sponsorship / Tottori-shi west business and industry society youth group

The tenth Aoya High School class exhibition

The tenth Aoya High School class exhibition
The tenth Aoya High School class exhibition
The tenth Aoya High School class exhibition
Admission for free
Date from Saturday, November 10, 2018 to Sunday, December 2
※Closed day Monday, November 12, 19th Monday, 26th Monday
Time from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (as for the entering a building until 4:30 p.m.)
Place Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
   〒689-0501 2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
   TEL/FAX 0857-85-2351
Sponsorship Tottori Prefectural Aoya High School
Cosponsorship Tottori-shi culture foundation, Tottori-shi aoya native district hall

aoichi Sanin Expressway walking

aoichi Sanin Expressway walking
aoichi Sanin Expressway walking
aoichi Sanin Expressway walking
It is sure to get instagenic?
A chance to be able to walk Sanin Expressway before the opening!
The date and time: The Saturday, November 24, 2018 shoameketsuko 9:00 opening of a meeting
A place: Welcome a hall is in front of Aoya
An entrance fee: Free of charge
The offer number of people: 100 first arrival
An application method: After filling out a matter necessary for a participation application, apply by bringing or FAX
Application, inquiry
○Aoya-cho synthesis branch area promotion section (Yamada)
TEL: 0857-85-0011 FAX: 0857-85-1049
A bringing reception desk: Aoya-cho synthesis branch
○Aoya Sports Club (Hanabara)
TEL: 080-5616-8145

I do it and released that cloud dragon temple garden

I released a garden this year.
It is three days from November 16 to 18th.
Please enjoy beautiful autumn colors.
Cloud dragon temple garden exhibition
Pub. Date from Friday, November 16 to 18th Sunday
Public time from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Kano art festival 02

Kano art festival 02
Kano art festival 02
Kano art festival 02 is held titled "trip ... making ... unknown scenery" until Monday (holiday) for from Friday, October 5 to 8th.
The artists who participated walked Kano and met scenery of Kano while talking about atmosphere with a feeling, people and made a work based on the inspiration that I got in that.
With this interchange building, the pretty work of the Kano school third grader is displayed with a work of "Nishio Tomiji" him.
Besides, please see it as a work is displayed at plural points while taking a walk through a town of Kano.
Sponsorship: Kano art festival executive committee
An inquiry window: 1809-1, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi
Do; that heart 2F Kano art festival secretariat

Upper Terachi remains pavilion autumn, winter event

Upper Terachi remains pavilion autumn, winter event
Upper Terachi remains pavilion autumn, winter event
●The making of plastic van accessories
 10/7 Sunday from 10:00 to 12:00
 A venue: It is Terachi remains pavilion lobby in Aoya
 An entrance fee: Free of charge
●I keep upper Terachi by pastel art!
 10/27 Saturday ① 10:00 ② 13:30
 A venue: Upper Terachi remains pavilion lobby
 An entrance fee: Free general 300 yen lower than a high school student
●The making of jewel dragonfly of the glass
 11/10 Saturday ① 9:30 ② 13:30
 A venue: Upper Terachi remains pavilion lobby
 An entrance fee: 1,000 yen
●It is made with an ancient jewel amber comma-shaped bead (kohakumagatama)
 12/1 Saturday Saturday, December 8
 A venue: Upper Terachi remains pavilion lobby
 An entrance fee: Free general 900 yen lower than a high school student
Application, reference
It is Terachi remains pavilion in Aoya
4064, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori
TEL: 0857-85-0841

Expression workshop

Expression workshop flyer
Expression workshop
Expression workshop
by Akihiro Yamamoto who explains it who expresses it who thinks about a theme and a concept
Of "the art-like thing" which you know more to the other side.
To a person working on expression, the person who is interested though I do not know what you want to express, a smoldering person
The date and time: 9/22 Saturday from 10:00 to 18:00
An entrance fee: 1,000 yen
A meeting place: I do it and am in front of that heart entrance hall
Or I accept it in the art festival executive committee which is in a messenger and the neighborhood of the FB "Kano art festival" page.

Pair of stone guardian dogs circulation bus tour of Hotel Kawaroku

For the Year of the Dog, it is Aoya, Tottori-shi, Ketaka, three Kano and Tohaku-gun hot water
Mason, Hotel Kawaroku (real name Ozaki Rokuroubee, Aoya-cho native place) in pear Hamacho
It circulates through a pair of stone guardian dogs of the production.
The date and time: Saturday, October 20  From 9:30 to 15:30
A lecturer: Mr. Haruki Ishida (Tottori Prefectural Kurayoshi west high school teacher)
A meeting: Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Capacity: 20 (telephone reservation, 9/20 - acceptance start)
A participation fee: 500 yen ※Separately a lunch (1,000 yen) of kachibe Denshokan Museum
            I mediate it. The person whom a lunch is ordered from so
A trip: aoya kyodokan → Summer night Shinto shrine → Himeji Shrine → Yahata Shrine→
 (plan)     Juubo Shrine → Lunch (kachibe Denshokan Museum) → Reserved mountain Shrine→
            Rough sea volost Shrine → aoya kyodokan (dissolution)

Beautiful scenery railroad Vol.3

Kansai rail way photographers circle (KRPC)
Railroad photo exhibition
Railroad ・ which runs in the Tottori prefecture photographed by a member
I display a train with a photograph panel. From local train
When wear a supermarket; a twilight express consummate performance,
To Kitaro train, run in seasonal Tottori; vary
Please enjoy a train! It is the old railroad photograph and whole country again
I display the railroad photograph of each place.
[the date and time]  From Saturday, September 8, 2018 to Sunday, November 4
              An opening time: From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
              A closed day: 9/10( moon), 18 Tuesday, 25 Tuesday
                         10/1( moon), 9 Tuesday, 15 Monday, 22 Monday
                            29 Monday
[venue]  Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
[rate]  Free of charge
■Gallery talk
   The date and time: Saturday, September 8, 2018 2:00 p.m. ...
   A place: Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
   A lecturer: Yoichi Matsumoto (railroad photographer, KRPC chairperson)
          Keiji Nozawa (railroad photographer, KRPC member)
    ※ Application-free participation for free

Light from the plan exhibition Japanese paper / Ichiro Saito peak

I add a color to the Japanese paper which oneself made with soil, a sumi, dye,
I display the work which I connect it and put it on top of one another and produced
I do it. A Japanese paper molding writer resident in Chiba.
[the date and time]  From Saturday, September 15, 2018 to Sunday, November 25
                 An opening time: From 9:00 to 17:00
                 A closed day: On Monday
                             (when Monday is a holiday weekdays, the following day)
[viewing charges]  General 300 yen small, middle and high school student 150 yen
                 ※20% of 20 or more discount
Allied event
     ◎Gallery talk
           Display commentary by Japanese paper molding writer Ichiro Saito
            The date and time: Saturday, September 15, 2018 13:30 ...
            A venue: aoya wakamikobokikakutenjishitsu
            A participation fee: Plan exhibition viewing charges
            The color that found from the flower in the field using dye and whitewash
            I will draw an image [reservation required]
            Lecturer Ichiro Saito
            The date and time: Sunday, October 28, 2018 from 10:00 to 12:00
            A venue: aoya wakamikobotamokumato hall
            A participation fee: 500 yen capacity: 15 people    An object: More than a primary schoolchild
Venue, reference
        Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
        〒689-0514 313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi
         TEL: 0857-86-6060 FAX: 0857-86-6061

atagono viewing the moon (comic story teller Sankyo Yanagiya)

atagono viewing the moon
Rakugo Sankyo Yanagiya
[the date] From Sunday, September 23, 2018 7:00 p.m.
[place] Do; in that cloud dragon temple (164, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi)
               TEL: 0857-84-3399

The tenth Juubo lowering concert like a rolling stone

[the date] Saturday, October 13, 2018
[place] Small eagle river district public hall 351-3, Shikanochokobetsushiyo, Tottori-shi
[ticket] Day of advance sale 4,000 yen 4,500 yen
●Copy       From 17:30 to 18:30 OZAKI UNIT (Okayama)
                                    We ozatohoichichu, Osamu Okamura body
                                    Hitoshi Takebe
●Part 2       19:00 ...          Three Kings
                                    (Makoto Ayukawa, Masato Tomobe, Shinji Miyake)
An inquiry: Small eagle river district public hall 0857-84-2054
              Sound City    0857-28-0910
※For more details, I am searched by Juubo lowering concert

(Aoya) the 15th Inaba Japanese paper light exhibition work offer [until Tuesday, December 18, 2018)]

I raise the works of the 15th Inaba Japanese paper light exhibition.
[the application deadline]
Until Tuesday, December 18, 2018
To three points of postmark effective one on that day
[display period]
From Saturday, January 12, 2019 to Sunday, March 24
[sponsorship, inquiry]
Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
〒689-0514 313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi
TEL: 0857-86-6060
FAX: 0857-86-6061

(Ketaka) ugui stab parent and child classroom

"We thrust" big bamboo basket "ugui", and let's catch the fish of the vast bank pond!
[the date and time]
①Sunday, August 5 from 18:00 to 20:15
Processing of explanation, the thin strip of bamboo
②Sunday, August 19 from 18:00 to 20:00
I knit a thin strip of bamboo
③Sunday, August 26 from 18:00 to 20:00
④Sunday, September 23 from 18:00 to 20:00
Explanation - finish
⑤Sunday, September 30 from 10:00 to 13:00
I experience ugui stab
Production: The Buddhist priest training center outdoors
(192-3, Ketakachoege, Tottori-shi)
An "ugui stab" experience: Vast bank pond
[entrance fee]
Free of charge
Work gloves
[application, inquiry]
Ketakacho synthesis branch area promotion section
TEL: 0857-82-0011
FAX: 0857-82-1067

(Aoya) aoichi ancient Sanin Expressway walk [Sunday, September 2, 2018]

In late years ancient Sanin Expressway which was found in succession.
I walk Sanin Expressway in the ancient times of Aoya plains while hearing the explanation of the excavation person in charge about an ancient road trace discovered in Terachi remains and the remains of Aoya bar in Aoya!
[the date and time]
Sunday, September 2, 2018 9:30 a.m. start
[meeting place]
It is Terachi remains pavilion in Aoya
[offer capacity]
60 people
[offer period]
Friday, August 31
※I accept it as soon as it becomes the capacity and am finished. When it does not reach capacity, on the day the participation is possible, too.
[application, inquiry]
Tottori reserve cultural assets center
〒680-0151 1260, Miyanoshita, Kokubucho, Tottori-shi
TEL: 0857-27-6711
FAX: 0857-27-6712
At the same time held noaoichinitsuiteha
Aoya area turnout creation Committee
To 0857-85-0011

Festival of the Inaba drum

When ting-a-ling sounds, the earth of Inaba sounds hot
[the date and time] Sunday, August 5, 2018
                      Opening 13:00 start 13:30
[venue] Tottori civic center
[admission] The public: Less than 1,000 yen high school student: Free of charge
Ticket agency 
         Tottori civic center, Tottori-shi Cultural Center,
         torigin Cultural Center, 
         Road station "clear stream teahouse kawahara"
Tottori civic center TEL(0857) 21-9411 

(Aoya) aoichi & kachibe Denshokan Museum Festival [Sunday, August 5, 2018]

I hold kachibe Denshokan Museum Festival!
[the date and time]
Sunday, August 5, 2018 from 10:00 to 14:00
・Eating and drinking bazaar
・Stage event
・Little child open space
・Fun lottery
・Hokai Shibayama calligraphy display
・Nagashi somen
・Watermelon all-you-can-eat
・Harvest of shiitakes experience
・It is seized the trout
[holding place, inquiry]
kachibe Denshokan Museum
448, Aoyachonarutaki, Tottori-shi

(Kano) Kano art festival workshop

Ahead of the Kano art festival of from 5 to 8 on October, a workshop that I throw it in toward the artist is held.
[① town walk & expression workshop]
I hold a lecture to learn guidance of the expression from writer Akihiro Yamamoto who is active as a professional. It will be not only the object in front but also yourself that "I explain it + + + to display it to express it to find + new viewpoint to walk the town", and appear by the procedure. To a person engaged in an expression activity and a person wanting to know own inside, it should become one means. Both an adult and a child are welcome. The thing which I produced displays it during Kano art festival and returns it after an art festival at hand.
●Date and time Saturday, July 14 13:00 ...
●Expense 1,000 yen
●Gather; a house (Kajimachi) out of that accommodation Honda
[Kano who sees ②, and describes it]
I perform a walkabout, outdoor sketch party in painter Mikiko Fujita and Kano resident in Kano. The participation in parent and child is welcome, too. The beginner, please participate casually, too. Coffee storekeeper wakruca coffee of the Kano residence opens a store, too.
●Date and time Saturday, July 21 from 10:00 to 15:00
The one-hour taking a lunch break rest will have it together in the top with each person, old Tanaka's house.
●Expense 1,000 yen (belonging to one drink)
●Gather; a house (Kajimachi) out of that accommodation Honda
●Ingredients art supplies of the watercolor in the person of belonging watercolors writing brush palette
When you are not prepared, tell me at the time of an application.
●Drawing paper, an easel, drawing board distribution. I rent the sedge hat of the awning to a necessary person.
 [application, inquiry]
Kano art festival executive committee
TEL: 090-3868-7530 (charge: hiyama)
Tell me whether you participate in the name, the number of people, contact information, which workshop.

[Aoya] It is Terachi remains pavilion in event Aoya experience-based in summer vacation

It is an experience-based event in summer vacation to be performed in Terachi remains pavilion lobby in Aoya.
[the making of accessory]
Saturday, July 28 (day of the aoya summer festival)
From 17:00 to 20:30
It is finished as soon as application-free materials disappear
[the making of gel candle]
Saturday, August 11 from 9:30 to 13:30 ...
Free general 600 yen lower than a high school student
Each 20 times
It is finished as soon as it becomes the capacity until application Tuesday, July 10
[the making of amber comma-shaped bead]
Saturday, August 4 25th Saturday
From 9:30 to 13:30 ...
Free general 900 yen lower than a high school student
It is finished as soon as it becomes the capacity until application Tuesday, July 10
[inquiry, application]
It is Terachi remains pavilion in Aoya
4064, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
TEL: 0857-85-0841

[Aoya] Aoya quiz rally

I go around Terachi remains pavilion, the aoya Japanese paper studio in aoya kyodokan, Aoya and get a stamp when I challenge a quiz and answer it correctly. A lottery closes only in the first 200 people in each facility when I collect the stamps of all the 3 building (there is no blank). Let's get a premium visiting Aoya!
From Saturday, July 21, 2018 to Friday, August 31
aoya kyodokan
2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
TEL: 0857-85-2351
It is Terachi remains pavilion in Aoya
4064, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori
TEL: 0857-85-0841
aoya Japanese paper studio
313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi
TEL: 0857-86-6060

[Kano] Of the town only for the weekend show it, and recruit people from branch

"Show it of waiting only on the weekend" is an empty house and a space store of castle town Kano; even as for whom is the event that can open a store in a shop for a limited time.
The display of the culture work inside and outside the shop and the town which imaged the program of "the theater of the bird" in the castle town area comes up this year.
"Drama festival 11 of the bird" that gathered domestic and foreign drama works with the theater of the bird as a main venue during a period for the last time in a week in the riverbed, "yes, thing City," as for "the culture work display using the Kano district public hall," various events are held.
In the scenery that is non-daily life slightly of you try it, and do not do a sea bream in a form?
[on the date]
Saturday, September 15, 2018 16th Sunday 17th Monday (holiday), 22nd Saturday, 23rd Sunday
[the application deadline]
Thursday, July 5
[the briefing session date and time]
Saturday, July 7, 8th Sunday, either on 9th Monday
[branch charges]
2,000 yen (all day long)
insyu Kano town planning meeting
1809-1, Shikanochoshikano
TEL: 0857-84-1188

[Ketaka] Princess Sakura exchange meeting

I aim at your interchange with the inhabitants of the lord of ground, Ketakacho of the Princess 100 selections of famous clear water of the Heisei, Sakura birth. Please come by all means!
[the date and time]
Sunday, July 22, 2018 9:00 ...
Ketakachotono exercise open space
●Famous clear water sale corner
・Famous clear water coffee, famous clear water special product
●Locally grown farm products sale corner
・Vegetables, fried corn and others of the lord
●Health consultation corner
・Blood vessel age, blood pressure measurement, etc. (the Shikano Onsen Hospital support)
●Experience-based corner (application required)
・A lord takes a walk aimlessly
   It is finished at departure from lord exercise open space 11:00 at 9:30
   Entrance fee 500 yen (payment on that day)
   Please enjoy the clear stream town (there is the slight hospitality, too!)
・Famous clear water making soba experience
   I boil the completed soba immediately and have with Zaru soba!
   11:00 start first arrival ten people
   Entrance fee 700 yen (payment on that day)
The meeting which protects Shimizu nomegumio
Application for walk, side (7/20)
Other inquiries to 090-5377-0477 (Hosoya)!

[Aoya] Illustration exhibition - Akira Mori commemorative after - death for ten years and the family

It is home town of wife, Masako who continued supporting illustrator Akira Mori of the Tottori-shi native place throughout the life and displays it mainly on the work which I described it in being conscious of a hometown and a family for him in memorable Aotanicho.
From Saturday, July 14, 2018 to Sunday, August 26
But it is closed on Monday, Monday, August 6, 20 Monday on Tuesday, July 17, 23 Monday, 30th
From 9:00 to 17:00
[accompaniment event]
●Look after eldest daughter, Mori of Akira Mori, and come; a gallery talk by him
Saturday, July 14 14:00 - aoya native district hall
Application-free entrance fee for free
●Town planning forum in aoya by the illustration
Sunday, July 29 13:30 - Aoya-cho synthesis branch multi-purpose hall
Application-free entrance fee for free
Lecture ① talk "work of illustration and Akira Mori"
        Ikuhiro Kotani (Musashino Art University's emeritus professor)
        Hiroki Tsutsui (art Cultural Center associate professor attached to the Tottori University area department)
Lecture ② panel discussion "regional activation by the illustration"
        Coordinator Ryuichi Ando
[place, inquiry]
Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
TEL: 0857-85-2351

[Aoya] inshuwakami*kakuten

   The world of the color to feel Japanese paper to be, and to cut it, and to draw
[the date]   From Saturday, July 7, 2018 to Sunday, September 2 
[opening time] From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
[closed day]   On Monday (when Monday is public holidays and festival days self-government weekdays, the following day)
[viewing charges]   General 300 yen small, middle and high school student 150 yen ※20% of 20 or more discount
[venue, reference] Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
                           〒689-0514 313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi
                            TEL 0857-86-6060 FAX 0857-86-6061
※For more details, please see a flyer.

(Kano) make the eleventh castle town; that; aimlessly lotus walk [July 16, 2018 Monday (holiday)]

Lotuses of the world meet you.
There are 2 courses of "the free course" to wait, and to take a walk through for "a guide course" and the start freedom around the course by the guidance of the ordinary guide.
[the date and time]
July 16, 2018 Monday (holiday)
8:00 - acceptance start
8:30 - opening ceremony
8:45 - start
It is going to be finished at 11:30
[reception desk venue]
Scholar of shikanocho agriculture training center
[entrance fee]
500 yen (please pay on the day of the receptionist)
After making a goal to an applicant, there is the discerning lunch (750 yen requires reservation) using local ingredients.
〒689-0332 670-22, Ketakachokachimi, Tottori-shi, Tottori
Tottori-shi west business and industry society
Make castle town; that; is a person in charge of lotus walk executive committee aimlessly
TEL: 0857-84-2402
FAX: 0857-84-2563
An email: shikano.hasu.walk@gmail .com
Contact information 080-3054-5565 on that day
Until Friday, July 6

(Kano) Mt. the second eagle peak trail run [Saturday, July 14, 2018]

Mt. eagle peak trail run is held secondary to last year.
Saturday, July 14, 2018
Reception desk       From 6:30 to 6:50
Start 7:00
Time limit four hours (there is a barrier)
Eagle peak Yamaichi Shusuke circumference approximately 20km
Kano school drift sand river school building (former Kano Elementary School) → Old Hotokedani → The mountaintop → Kawachi → Drift sand river school building
[participation qualification]
The person who can participate by a self-responsibility 20 years old or older
50 people
[entrance fee]
500 yen (injury premiums) bringing on that day
Association of Tottori-shi physical education shikanocho branch office
Do; that eagle race society
[application method]
Fax a participation application by Saturday, June 30, mail, bringing or PDF
Do; that eagle race society secretariat Makoto Taniguchi
TEL: 0857-84-3045
Scholar of shikanocho agriculture training center
TEL: 0857-84-2131
FAX: 0857-84-2191
※Detailed (including the participation application)
Tottori-shi homepage → Shikanocho synthesis branch → This is just a quick note

(Aoya) a summer night fixed shore net lesson [Sunday, July 1, 2018]

It is a classroom learning a fixed shore net morning market carried out every day in a fishing port in a night in the summer. I can learn from a morning market from the place where fish are landed while trying regular bumadeo body. Let's know the fish with Ryoshi!
[the date and time] Sunday, July 1, 2018 from 6:45 to 11:00
[venue] Summer night fishing port
[entrance fee] Free of charge
[the offer number of people] It is ten sixth graders from a fourth grader
[necessary thing] A rain outfit or clothes, the writing utensils which may get wet
[deadline for application] It is finished as soon as it becomes the capacity on Monday, June 25
[application, inquiry]
Aotanicho, Tottori-shi synthesis branch area promotion section
TEL: 0857-85-0011
FAX: 0857-85-1049

(Kano) yoshidayoshiko concert [Sunday, July 1, 2018]

yoshidayoshiko concert
Not ... good old fork, I want to hear a song affecting our heart now. Simply because is such times; ... ...
Friends of opening act Kano
Hitoshi Takebe & Minoru Okada, Yo Kobayashi
Duo Cuore (Akiko Imamoto, Akiko Takada), Keiko Ibuki
[the date and time]
Sunday, July 1, 2018 14:00 ... (opening 13:30)
Small eagle river district public hall
351-3, Shikanochokobetsushiyo, Tottori-shi
TEL: 0857-84-2054
2,000 yen
Hitoshi Takebe carrying

(Aoya) a Tottori-shi history Museum possession color woodblock print exhibition [from Saturday, June 16, 2018 to Sunday, July 8]

In the Tottori-shi aoya native district hall, a Tottori-shi culture foundation displays a color woodblock print of the management Tottori-shi history Museum possession to run as well as this museum.
The color woodblock print is a multicolored printing woodcut produced flourishingly from the Edo era through the Meiji era. It is the valuable history document which can know the culture, situation at the time as well as artistic value visually.
Because ochitani which was the location was the famous spot of firefly, in the Tottori-shi history Museum, I collected the color woodblock prints which assumed a firefly a subject since the opening. In addition, I collect a lot a person concerned with the local history and culture and the color woodblock prints which scenery was described in because it is history Museum.
I gather in a hall and, in this museum, display a color woodblock print only after reaching a turning point called the opening 25th anniversary this year. It is a short session, but please enjoy collection full of the variety of Tottori-shi history Museum at this opportunity.
From Saturday, June 16, 2018 to Sunday, July 8
※But it is closed on Monday
[venue, inquiry]
Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
TEL: 0857-85-2351

aoya culture Festival 2018

The Aoya-cho culture discussion that performs cultural activities inside and outside the Aoya, Tottori-shi area
A group, an individual of the meeting position announces the result of the everyday approach!
○Work display Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
   From Saturday, June 2, 2018 to Sunday, June 10
   From 9:00 to 17:00 (on the last day until 16:00)
   A closed day: Monday, June 4
   ※Opening ceremony & gallery talk
       From Saturday, June 2, 2018 10:00
○Bonsai exhibition      3 Aoya-cho community center second meeting rooms
   From Saturday, June 2, 2018 to Sunday, June 3
   From 9:00 to 17:00 (in 6/3 until 16:00)
○Stage announcement    
             The second floor of Aoya-cho community center multi-purpose hall
   Sunday, June 10, 2018
   From 13:30 to 15:30
※For more details, please see a flyer.

Kano art festival 02

Art "Kano art festival 02" to appear like a town of Kano
Kano adds expression of the new art in the long scenery that spends time, and has been brought up,
"Trip ~ which makes Landscape journey - unknown scenery" which creates new value in scenery of Kano
I hold it on a theme.
   Period : October, 2018 day
AIR Kano-related event
○ARTIST TALK exchange meeting
    On the date : From Saturday, June 2, 2018 18:00
○Woodcut classroom
    On the date : Saturday, June 30, 2018 13:00
※For more details, please see a flyer.

Eagle peak mountain climbing

I hold spring eagle peak mountain climbing.
It is the route called the Old Hotokedani mountain trail - mountaintop - Buddha appeared once in this world Valley mountain trail this time.
[the date and time]       Sunday, May 27, 2018 ※Rain out
                      From 8:30 to 8:50 acceptance
[meeting place] Shikanocho motion open space
[participation fee]    500 yen (premiums)
The application by Friday, May 18 to the member of education society shikanocho branch office
A telephone: 0857-84-2011

The 32nd Kano oldness and musical "raincoat and I have trouble thread of the spider to Kano"

"It takes me time to do with Kano a raincoat, and the thread of the spider" is held the 32nd Kano oldness and musical Tottori performance.
For more details, please see the following homepage.

(Kano) night [Sunday, June 3, 2018] of "the opening of a new theater" that follow it, and Ariyama is Ariyama

I meet you, and Ariyama junjisano is annual eagle peak lowering music festival every year.
Sunday, June 3, 2018 19:00 ...
Advance sale 3,000 yen
3,500 yen on that day
New small eagle river district public hall
351-3, Shikanochokobetsushiyo, Tottori-shi
Sound City
TEL: 0857-28-0910

(Aoya) charm [from Saturday, April 21, 2018 to Sunday, June 24] of the Inaba Japanese paper reporting it in a photograph

Photographer, Damon bay a photographer from Tottori from Shunya Mizumoto and New Zealand charmed naturally of Tottori. The view of the world that two people felt is the working of the grandeur and people of nature. New photograph expression and the miraculous collaboration that were colored by Inaba Japanese paper.
From Saturday, April 21, 2018 to Sunday, June 24 from 9:00 to 17:00
※I am closed on Monday (in the case of a holiday, I am closed on Tuesday, the following day)
[viewing charges]
The public: 300 yen
Small junior and senior high school students: 150 yen
More than 20 case 20% discount
[venue, inquiry]
Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
〒689-0514 313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi, Tottori
TEL: 0857-86-6060

(Aoya) recruitment of photo exhibition 2018 photograph exhibitor University by the photographer of the native district!

It recruits photograph exhibitors very much on holding Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition, photo exhibition 2018 by the photographer of the native district in 2018!
[offer period]
From Tuesday, May 1, 2018 to Wednesday, October 31
[import period]
From Tuesday, November 13, 2018 to Friday, November 30
[display period]
From Saturday, December 8, 2018 to Sunday, January 6, 2019
The one that loves working resident in the Tottori-shi west area (Ketakacho, shikanocho, Aoya-cho), oyo dojiiki even as for whom. Professional flax, the age do not matter!

(Aoya) a photo exhibition [from Saturday, April 21, 2018 to Sunday, May 27] commemorative for gentani*tarosei* 100 years

At this exhibition, I introduce the photograph which assumes a family, parent and child, the child who featured the theme of a photograph of the daily life of the people whom *taro pursues realism other than the photograph which I copied Tottori-shi west area (summer night or Ketakachosakenotsu of Aotanicho, Tottori-shi) into and arrested and the original scenery, "free love" and "innocent existence" a subject with a panel from the photograph which gentani*taro photographed in about 40 from 1950. You are extremely natural, and look at the world of *taro where you projected a plain figure on.
From Saturday, April 21 to Sunday, May 27 from 9:00 to 17:00
(but as for 4/23, 5/7, 14.21 a closed day)
Entering a building for free
[venue, inquiry]
Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
〒689-0501 2990-1, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi

(Kano) The third Kano wanko championship [Sunday, April 29, 2018]

The third Kano wanko championship
[the date and time]
    From Sunday, April 29, 2018 11:00 a.m.
    Spring special venue in Kano thing City not to get
[participation fee]
    300 yen (insurance charges)
[deadline for application]
    Until Monday, April 23, 2018
[a participation application and inquiry]
    Kano eemon city secretariat TEL: 0857-84-2011

(Kano) Spring Kano eemon city [Sunday, April 29, 2018]

Now seasonal spring Kano eemon city
If "I overlook it ikera ... I do not do it ~!"
[the date and time]
    Sunday, April 29, 2018 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
    Kano side dojo studio side parking lot (cancellation at the time of ※ stormy weather)
[news of entertainments]
  "The third Kano wanko championship" 11:00 ...
  "Free distribution of the freshly made rice cake" 14:00 ...
[main branch thing]
    Make vegetables, flower bed seedling, Inaba, and do it; meat, steamed rice, a croquette
    Yakisoba, ramen, udon, rice cake, other artefacts
    Kano eemon city secretariat TEL: 0857-84-2011

(Kano) Kano Sakura Festival [March 21, 2018 Wednesday (holiday) - Sunday, April 15]

A season of the Kano Sakura Festival came over this year.
I heap up spring with a cherry tree of Kano in a light up to light up the cherry blossoms at night, a light of bombori, mortar art, a stand village.
The Kano Festival is held on Sunday for from Saturday, April 14 to 15th, too, and, in the case of the eve of a festival on 14th, approximately 1,000 fireworks rise this year, too.
I will tell you about the flowering situation of the cherry tree at any time on our homepage.
[the date and time]
March 21, 2018 Wednesday (holiday) - Sunday, April 15
Kano Castle trace park
[parking lot]
Kawachi River riverbed parking lot, shikanocho synthesis branch
The shikanocho Tourism Association secretariat (the Shikano ourai kouryukan)
1353, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi
TEL: 0857-38-0030

(Kano) Juubo lowering concert Koichi Nakamura It's Showtime. [Saturday, March 24, 2018]

Koichi Nakamura It's Showtime.
The curtain rises at 19:00 on Saturday, March 24, 2018
Do; that heart (1809-1, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi)
Advance sale 3,000 yen
On the day    3,500 yen
Eagle peak lowering concert executive committee
Sound City
TEL: 0857-28-0910

(Kano) in the Girl's Festival tea party & cafe [Saturday, March 3, 2018] only for days

The Girl's Festival when spring footsteps begin to sound like.
Is it not had a short rest with Matcha and the freshly brewed coffee which I made while enjoying a plum and the hina doll of the garden?
Both an adult and the child come to play casually.
[the date and time]
Saturday, March 3, 2018 from 11:00 to 16:00
Shikanochoshikano Yamanecho "Kumagaya residence"
Kano art festival executive committee
[support, inquiry]
insyu Kano town planning meeting
TEL: 0857-84-1188

(Kano) the tenth insyu Kano town planning camp [from Saturday, February 24, 2018 to 25th Sunday]

The insyu Kano town planning camp had you gather in the approach utilized the area and the active in various places local various places in each places of the whole country and held it as the place that learned the local way and approach together.
I speak to one guests who came so far and want to do it this time in the meeting such as the class reunion.
A town planning camp begins; and ten years. I look back on each this local and think about coming ten years together.
From Saturday, February 24, 2018 to 25th Sunday
Announce the activity, and take a walk aimlessly, group work, a gathering around in a circle talk, an exchange meeting
Do; that heart 1809-1, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi
[entrance fee]
Free of charge
insyu Kano town planning meeting
〒689-0405 1809-1, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi (do that intracardiac)
TEL: 0857-84-1188
Facebook:  insyu Kano town planning meeting

(Aoya) a Spanish print exhibition with the Inaba Japanese paper [from Saturday, February 17, 2018 to Sunday, March 25]

I display the Spanish print which Tottori-shi aoya native district hall possesses at this exhibition.
A Spanish print is the print work which a student of Beaux-Arts of Spain and a professor ever produced using Inaba Japanese paper. These displayed it in three times this museum of 2008 in 2002, 2004.
You see a selected work from all over approximately 280 points of one possessing this time in this museum.
From Saturday, February 17, 2018 to Sunday, March 25
[entrance fee]
No charge for admission
[venue, inquiry]
Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
TEL/FAX: 0857-85-2351

(Aoya) "the thirteenth Tottori-shi child student interchange art exhibition" [from Saturday, January 13, 2018 to February 12 Monday (holiday)]

It is the interchange art exhibition by children of a nursery school, an elementary school, a junior high school, the high school in Ketaka, Kano, three Aoya.
From Saturday, January 13, 2018 to February 12 Monday (holiday)
[venue, inquiry]
Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
TEL: 0857-85-2351

(Aoya) let's make the accessories of the sea of Aoya with resin! [from Saturday, January 13, 2018 to February 12 Monday (holiday)]

I put sand and a shell of the Aoya Coast and harden it with resin, and an original strap makes a magnet.
From Saturday, January 13, 2018 to February 12 Monday (holiday)
From 9:00 to 16:00 (occasional acceptance)
aoya kyodokan lobby
[entrance fee]
100 yen (material cost)
20 every day first arrival
※The experience for nobody to nothing a day
※A reservation is not necessary
Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
TEL: 0857-85-2351

(Kano) make a Toshikoshi soba reservation.

I make a reservation of the Toshikoshi soba on the last day of the year to close it by closing a bargain.
・Shikanocho product Juwari soba one portion 140 g ... 270 yen
・Side dojo studio specially made soba soup 180mi ... 260 yen (for approximately six people)
                                360 ml of ... 500 yen
[delivery period]
December 30, 31st
From 10:30 to 16:00
[reservation, inquiry]
Kano side dojo studio

(Aoya) an Inaba Japanese paper light exhibition [from Saturday, January 13, 2018 to Sunday, March 25]

It is performed in the work display gaaoya Japanese paper studio of the light to make with Inaba Japanese paper of peace.
From Saturday, January 13, 2018 to Sunday, March 25
From 9:00 to 17:00
[viewing charges]
High school student 150 yen in the general 300 yen small
(I discount in 20 or more by 20%)
[closed day]
Every Monday (in the case of a holiday the next day)
[place, inquiry]
aoya Japanese paper studio
313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi
TEL: 0857-86-6060

(Aoya) the photo exhibition [from Saturday, December 9, 2017 to January 8, 2018 Monday (holiday)] by the photographer of the native district

A photograph lover of Ketaka, Kano, Aoya area residence of the Tottori-shi, the working displays the photograph works such as shooting, scenery or the person who produced it under the theme of "a color".
From Saturday, December 9, 2017 to January 8, 2018 Monday (holiday)
(closed for every Monday and from December 29 to January 3)
[opening time]
From 9:00 to 17:00
[venue, inquiry]
Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
(2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi TEL: 0857-85-2351)

(Kano) Kano enthusiastic walking [Thursday, November 23, 2017]

Visit to colored leaves & dislocation & gibier (I make Inaba and do it meat)!
I taste autumn of Kano with the five senses!
November 23, 2017 (tree, holiday)
8:45 meeting, reception desk (a meeting place does it that heart 1517, Shikanochoshikano)
12:00 lunch (I cook gibier in a bank of a moat)
13:00 dissolution
[entrance fee]
Of 1000 yen per person (it includes a premium)
20 (first-come-first-served basis :Deadline Monday, November 20)
A Shikano ourai kouryukan "child village dream"
TEL: 0857-38-0030
FAX: 0857-38-0031
Meeting of inaba interchange Network, the purattoshikano guide

(Ketaka) Chidori Tanaka "outside the prefecture" cheering party flock [Thursday, November 23, 2017, 25th Sunday]

Girl who lived in a life of the only 7 years old and a half in Ketakachohamamura in the Taisho era approximately 100 years ago, Chidori Tanaka. She writes more than 80 poetry and a child knits "plover posthumous works" afterwards in the mother ancient times and leaves it, and thereafter a fan opens in the whole country.
It is at the year of the turning point of child birth 120 years in the mother ancient times for Chidori Tanaka birth 100 years in 2017, and the memory events such as a talk ocarina performance, the cinematograph are opened.
[the date and time, place]
It is 00 ... - /15 at Tottori-shi child building 12:30 on Thursday (holiday) on November 23
Hall 14:30 ... leisurely healthy Saturday, November 25
[entrance fee] 1,000 yen
23rd 090-4491-4548 (Yamada)
25th 090-4893-7171 (Kane)

(Aoya) the ninth Aoya High School class exhibition [from Saturday, November 11, 2017 to Sunday, December 3]

The ninth Aoya High School class exhibition is held.
As you display it in aoya native district hall, during from Saturday, November 11 to Sunday, December 3, carry a foot by all means!
※It is no charge for admission.
※Monday, November 13, 20 Monday, 24 Friday, 27 Monday is closed days.

(Kano) win, and look after Kano, and the garden Kano second wins, and see it; a garden combination school festival [Saturday, October 21, 2017]

I win and look after Kano, and the garden Kano second wins and sees it, and a school festival of the garden combination is held!
[the date and time]
Saturday, October 21 from 10:00 to 14:30
Win, and look after Kano, and garden, the Kano second beats it, and see it; a garden
A program: Maekawa dance, user, staff noongaku announcement, aloha kamarani Fra family and others
Sale: Win, and see it, and, for a garden, a bell, color a corner native; a group
(Chinese noodles, steamed rice, coffee, cake, takoyaki, gardening product and others)

(Kano) the 14th Tottori folk song Festival in Kano [Sunday, November 5, 2017]

The 14th Tottori folk song Festival is held.
[the date and time]
Sunday, November 5 from 13:00 to 15:30 (the 13:00 opening)
Shikanocho synthesis welfare center
(booking) 1,000 yen
(on the day) 1,200 yen
The advance ticket is sold even to hot spring building hot peer Kano (a number includes a limit).
Association of Tottori folk song society

(Aoya) Show firing of Inaba; from ... Jomon to the present age ... [from Saturday, September 16, 2017 to 17th Sunday]

I display the work of the ceramist that it is active in Aoya-cho from Terachi remains exhumation earthenware vessel now in straw-rope patterned pottery, Aoya of the Inaba district.
In Aoya in Terachi remains pavilion pavilion lobby
Viewing charges for free
4064, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori
※Go down Sanin Expressway Aoya IC, and advance straight, and turn left at the push button signal; and approximately 300 meters ahead

(Aoya) In Aoya Terachi remains pavilion autumn, winter event [from October, 2017 to December]

It is Terachi remains pavilion in Aoya
Autumn, winter event
As each event is an application before important business, please be careful.
The application becomes the direct receptionist in a telephone or the pavilion.
Please participate in the clothes which may become dirty.
Application, reference
It is Terachi remains pavilion in Aoya
TEL 0857-85-0841

(Kano) Kano art festival 01 [September, 2017]

Seven days when castle town meets art
Kano art festival 01 holding!
A session: Saturday, September 9. 10th Sunday. 16th Saturday. 17th Sunday.
     Monday, September 18. 23rd Saturday. 24th Sunday
Time: 10:00~17:00
A holding place: Each site in Ichikano-cho, Tottori
A reference: Kano art executive committee
    (NPO corporation insyu Kano town planning meeting)
        TEL, FAX 0857-84-1188

(Aoya) Woman diver - jobokaijomeijinkoreyoshi nyoboamameijinnoyoshi ... [from Saturday, September 2, 2017 to Sunday, November 5] of the summer night

Holding place Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Holding time from Saturday, September 2, 2017 to Sunday, November 5
Opening time from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (but as for the entering a building until 4:30 p.m.)
Closed day every Monday (the next day in the case of a holiday)
Sponsorship Tottori-shi culture foundation, Tottori history Museum, Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Cosponsorship Tottori-shi Board of Education
Tottori-shi culture foundation homepage

(Aoya) eihonfuyumori Wilde life ball-point pen art exhibition II "bird and wild animal" [from Saturday, September 16, 2017 to Sunday, November 26]

Date and time from Saturday, September 16, 2017 to Sunday, November 26
Viewing charges public 300 yen primary, middle and high schools 150 yen
Opening time from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed day Monday (when Monday is a holiday weekdays, the following day)
Venue, reference
Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio, plan exhibition room
313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi, Tottori

atagono viewing the moon (rakugo)

atagono viewing the moon
Rakugo Sankyo Yanagiya
The date and time: From Saturday, September 23, 2017 7:00 p.m.
A place: Do; that cloud dragon temple (164, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi)
   TEL: 0857-84-3399

aoya rumble sand beach festival 2017 vol.10

Time: Sunday, September 10, 2017 from 9:00 to 14:00
tokoro: Aoya Coast (Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi)
    ※During rainy weather, bad weather stopping; is ・ by weather again in a schedule
     I may change contents.
A participation fee: Free of charge
Reference of the event
 aoya rumble sand beach festival executive committee
  TEL: 090-5267-4409 (charge: Matsubara)

The ninth Juubo lowering concert FOREVER YOUNG

The date and time: Saturday, October 14, 2017
A place: Old small eagle river kindergarten game room
  (349-2, Shikanochokobetsushiyo, Tottori-shi)
Copy amateur live 17:30 ...
Two copies of special guests
  (Koichi Nakamura, Shinji Miyake) 19:00 ...
Advance sale 3,000 yen (3,500 yen on that day)
Inquiry small eagle river district public hall 0857-84-2054
      Sound City 0857-28-0910
Sponsorship Juubo lowering concert executive committee
The details are searched by "Juubo lowering concert" in a search site!

Drama festival 10 of the bird

The date and time: From Friday, September 8, 2017 to Sunday, September 24
A place: A theater and each site in the shikanocho (Ichikano-cho, Tottori, Tottori) of the bird
Under a ticket reservation, application acceptance!
An inquiry window: Theater TEL/FAX 0857-84-3612 of the bird
      〒689-0405 1812-1, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi

Hamamura Onsen shellfish pattern clause Festival 2017

■Friday, August 4
Approximately 1,400 stand village, entertainment stage size fireworks displays
[time] From 17:00 to 21:00 ※Fireworks launching 20:05 ... start
[place] The ship beach shore
※8/4㈮ operates a shuttle bus from Hamamura Station, scholar of Ketakacho agriculture training center, Aoya-cho synthesis branch, Aoya-cho ground and the Aoya-cho farm village open space to the ship beach shore. [service time 17:00 - end]
■Saturday, August 5
Dance parent with 700 shellfish pattern clause total dances children
[time] From 17:00 to 21:00
[place] Sightseeing in Hamamura hot-spring resort - Hamamura road
It is traffic regulation until from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Sponsorship: Shellfish pattern clause Festival executive committee
Shellfish pattern clause Festival executive committee secretariat TEL 0857-82-0011

Theater drama lecture of the bird②

I read "DOLL" of Koharu Kisaragi
[the date and time] Saturday, August 5, 2017 from 13:00 to 16:00
[venue] Do; that heart (1809-1, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi)
[rate] 1,000 yen (including document charges)
Telephone /0857-84-3268
Web /
E-mail /

TAKE LIVE "work ear"

What is TAKE LIVE "work ear?"
It is an event to enjoy liquor and a dish while listening to the story of "the next table" in a certain old folk house.
Sunday, August 6, 2017
The 16:00 opening /17:00 start
"Kajimachi Tanaka's house" 1408, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi
The right neighbor of vegetable store Bar
Entrance fee
1,000 yen
Sponsorship: Taniguchi

Theater workshop, presentation of the bird

More high school drama heaping up business
Let's interchange through a drama workshop!
[WS workshop]
The date and time: July 28, 2017 from 10:00 to 15:00
A venue: Shikanocho center public hall gymnasium
Progress: Theater of the Korean theatrical company col Bakery and bird
A participation condition: A high school student of Tottori. You cannot be interested in a drama! Please connect with the theater of the bird by Friday, July 21.
Let's watch presentation! Let's interchange after the curtain!
[presentation] Mt. Korea Kuniyasu young people theatrical company koduno
The date and time: Saturday, July 29, 2017 14:00
A venue: Theater of the bird
Direction: peku sunfan
■WS entrance fee: Free of charge
■A presentation ticket rate: Free of charge lower than adult 1,000 yen / high school student
■Inquiry, application
Theater of the non profit organization bird
〒689-0405 1812-1, Ichikano-cho, Tottori, Tottori
A website:
A telephone, fax: 0857-84-3268
Sponsorship: Theater of the non profit organization bird

The 31st Kano oldness and musical Tottori performance "pale night of Kano"

<advance sale>
The public: 1,500 yen (1,800 yen on that day)
Less than high school student: 800 yen (1,000 yen on that day)
The date and time: Sunday, August 27, 2017
   Start 2:00 p.m. (opening 1:30 p.m.)
A place: Tottori civic center
Sponsorship: Kano townsman music executive committee
An inquiry:
              TEL 0857-84-2011 (the shikanocho synthesis branch)

Blink of the free theater

<screening schedule>
●7/17 Monday (holiday) from 14:00 to 15:30
Yonago convention center second meeting room (294, Suehirocho, Yonago-shi, Tottori)
Sponsorship: NPO corporation sunflower club
A telephone, fax: 0859-35-5080
●7/19( water) from 14:00 to 15:30
Innocent kurayoshi Art Museum (the 2540-2, Uomachi, Kurayoshi-shi, Tottori white wall club immediate back)
●7/23( day) from 9:00 to 10:30
Kano district public hall training center (342, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi, Tottori)
The cosponsorship: Kano district public hall, Kachiya district public hall, small eagle river district public hall
●It is going to show on Saturday, November 18, 19 Sunday
The Kurayoshi future center (212-5, Dakyojicho, Kurayoshi-shi, Tottori)
※The screening in "Tottori composite art school festival, I take it art"
[rate] Free of charge
[inquiry] Theater of the non profit organization bird
       1812-1, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi, Tottori
                    Telephone, fax 0857-84-3268

Tottori-shi aoya native district hall "starlit sky exhibition"

I pay attention to the starlit sky to usually look up at casually and it is the starlit sky that old people looked at and introduces the things of the constellation.
In addition, do you not touch the world of the starlit sky through a star view photograph of the beautiful starlit sky and goods of the starlit sky, various documents concerning the starlit sky including the introduction of the book about the star?
●July 15, 2017 ㈯ - August 27㈰
 From 9:00 to 17:00 (last entering a building 16:30)
●Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
●Closed day July 18 ㈫, July 24, 31st ㈪, August 7, 21st㈪ 
●No charge for admission
Master    saikoekizaidanhojinchotorishibunkazaidan
        Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Reference Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
        2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori
        TEL/FAX 0857-85-2351

The 14th Inaba Japanese paper light exhibition work offer

A postmark is effective for the application deadline on the day of ㈫ on December 19, 2017
Display January 13, 2018 ㈯ - March 25㈰
               From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Venue Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
Closed day Monday (when Monday is a holiday weekdays, the following day)
[sponsorship] Tottori-shi culture foundation
           Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
    〒689-0514 313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi, Tottori
    TEL 0857-86-6060 FAX 0857-86-6061

Event experience-based in Aoya in Terachi remains pavilion summer vacation

Event experience-based in Aoya in Terachi remains pavilion summer vacation
●The making of ancient bracelet holed shell
 The date and time: It is 30 ... ㈯13 on July 22
 A place: Aoya-cho komyunitikeshon meeting room (Aoya-cho synthesis branch)
 Capacity: 20/pair of elephants: More than a primary schoolchild ※The primary schoolchild is a protector companion
 An entrance fee: Free general 100 yen lower than a high school student
 ※Application before important business
     The application is ㈫ on July 11
     It is finished as soon as it becomes the capacity for from 9:00 to 16:30 in time in
●The making of aoya summer festival accessory
 The date and time: It is 30 00-20 ㈯17 on July 29
 A place: It is Terachi remains pavilion lobby in Aoya
 An entrance fee: Free of charge
  ※An application is not necessary
 ※It is finished as soon as materials disappear
●The making of sea nomegumide gel candle
 The date and time: August 5 ㈯ ① 9:30 ~② 13:30 ...
 A place: It is Terachi remains pavilion lobby in Aoya
 Capacity: Each time 20 people / entrance fee: Free general 500 yen lower than a high school student
 ※Application before important business 
  The application is ㈫ - from 9:00 to 16:30 on July 11
  I accept it as soon as it becomes the capacity and am finished
●The making of ancient jewel amber comma-shaped bead
 The date and time: August 11 ㈮, 26th ㈯, 27th㈰
    Every day ① 9:30 ~② 13:30 ...
 A place: It is Terachi remains pavilion lobby in Aoya
 Capacity: Each 20 times ※Less than primary schoolchild are protector companions
 An entrance fee: Free general 900 yen lower than a high school student
 ※Application before important business
  The application is ㈫ on August 1
  Time in from 9:00 to 16:30
  I accept it as soon as it becomes the capacity and am finished
The application becomes the direct receptionist in a telephone or the pavilion.
※Please participate in the clothes which may become dirty.
<application, reference>
It is Terachi remains pavilion in Aoya
〒689-0501 4064, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
TEL 0857-85-0841 http//

In the summer! Aoya quiz rally

Period 7/15㈯ - 8/31㈭
※Closed day 7/18㈫, 24㈪, 31㈪, 8/7㈪, 21㈪ during a period, 28㈪
We go around 3 halls (native district hall, pavilion, Japanese paper studio) in Aoya, and we challenge a quiz, and let's collect stamps. A lottery closes only in the first 200 people in each facility when I collect the stamps of all the 3 building (there is no blank).
Let's get a premium visiting Aoya!
[sponsorship] Tottori-shi culture foundation
aoya kyodokan <opening time from 9:00 to 17:00>
 〒689-0501 2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori
 TEL: 0857-85-2351
In Aoya Terachi remains pavilion <opening time from 9:00 to 17:00>
 〒689-0501 4064, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori
 TEL: 0857-85-0841
aoya Japanese paper studio <opening time from 9:00 to 17:00>
 〒689-0514 313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi, Tottori
 TEL: 0857-86-6060

The universal value that living Japan forum area spins

Forum to think about local "potential" from different angles

The charm of the Part 1 first half local city and the dispatch
Allen Greenberg
Consul general of stationed-in-Osaka, Kobe United States of America

Originality to root in a world living in the Part 1 latter half
Haruko Greenberg
Consul general of ceramist / stationed-in-Osaka, Kobe United States of America wife

Part 2 creative crosstalk
A living and way of working that "I choose"
Reiko Sudo textile designer
Toru Matsubara Casa BRUTUS chief editor
Associate Professor at Takashi Kurata philosopher, Meiji University
Kunihiro Noda Tottori University special mission professor

Holding date and time Saturday, July 8, 2017 from 13:00 to 17:00
Theater (Ichikano-cho, Tottori, Tottori) of the holding place bird
Admission for free
100 capacity first arrival (advance reservations required)
Inquiry echovisions2016@gmail .com

A work and fusion - echo exhibition of the tree which is commitment of ... Japanese paper of the Japanese paper space

Session from Saturday, July 1, 2017 to Sunday, September 3
      From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed day Monday (when Monday is a holiday weekdays, the following day)
             I am opened temporarily on August 14
Viewing charges public 300 yen / small, middle and high school student 150 yen
            More than 20 people are 20% off
Venue Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
      313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi
Inquiry Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
       TEL 0857-86-6060 
       FAX 0857-86-6061

2017 Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition Risa Kuramoto "Sue" exhibition

Period from Saturday, June 10 to Sunday, July 9
      From 9:00 to 17:00 (last entering a building 16:30)
Closed day 6/12( moon), 19 Monday, 26 Monday, Monday, July 3
Entering a building charges for free
2 venue Tottori-shi aoya native district hall first exhibition rooms
      2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
Inquiry Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
      TEL/FAX 0857-85-2351

Make the tenth castle town; that; lotus walk is held aimlessly!

"I make the tenth castle town, and lotus walk is held aimlessly".
Do you not walk while enjoying the lotus in Kano castle town attracting the kinds of lotuses of the world?
[the date]   July 17, 2017 (month, Marine Day)
[capacity]   200 people
[start]  Scholar of shikanocho agriculture training center 
                        8:45 a.m. (opening ceremony 8:30 ...)
[entrance fee]   500 yen (I am belonging to mini-Kano side and include insurance)
[application method] Fax, mail, email
[deadline for application] Friday, July 7, 2017
         ※I close it as soon as it becomes the capacity.
      Tottori-shi west business and industry society 
      Make castle town; that; is a lotus walk executive committee aimlessly
       〒689-0332 670-22, Ketakachokachimi, Tottori-shi
        Telephone 0857-84-2402
        FAX 0857-84-2563
                       Please refer to the executive committee for the details.

aoya culture Festival 2017

<work display> Photograph, calligraphy, picture, illustration, metalworking, cloisonne ware
      Pressed flower, Japanese paper industrial arts others
  Schedule May 27, 2017 ㈯ - June 4㈰
      From 9:00 to 17:00 (on the last day until 16:30)
      ※The gallery talk May 27 ㈯10 from 00:
  Place Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
      2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
 ◆Bonsai exhibition of the Aoya-cho bonsai club
    It is 00 00-17 ㈯9 on June 3
    It is 00 00-16 ㈰9 on June 4
    3 Aoya-cho communication center second meeting rooms
    (Aoya-cho synthesis branch)
<stage announcement> Chorus, recitation of a Chinese poem, folk song, folk art, dancing, people dance
      All the members chorus
  It is 30 - 15:30 ㈰13 on May 28, 2017 in a schedule
  The second floor of place Aoya-cho community center
      Multipurpose hall (Aoya-cho synthesis branch)
[reference] Aoya-cho culture meeting 090-5267-4409 (Matsubara)

(Aoya) recruitment of photograph exhibitors "photo exhibition 2017 by the photographer of the native district" [from Monday, May 1, 2017 to Sunday, July 30]

2017 Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition
I raise photographs to exhibit at "photo exhibition 2017 by the photographer of the native district".
Working resident in the Tottori-shi western part (Ketaka, Kano, Aoya-cho), one with the love for the area
<exhibition application period>
May 1, 2017 ㈪ - July 30㈰
<exhibition venue>
Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
<exhibition period>
From Saturday, December 9, 2017 to January 8, 2018 Monday (holiday)
<work import period>
November 15 ㈬ - November 30㈭
<application method>
In the case of an address, a full name, a group, you attach the work total number to a reference with a representative by a telephone, fax, and apply. At the application stage, I do not mind the work name in undecided. During an import period, please bring in an exhibition card and a work respectively. It is impossible of mail.
<work rule>
One point of work one along a theme "color." (if one point, as for the photo collage, possible)
I frame professional amateur no object / print finished or am limited to a work of panel so. Please refrain from the picture mounting using the weak material including the / glass. It is limited to an unpublished work in / native district hall. In the case of a person, / subject, please get the consent of the person (subject) by all means.
Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi Tel/Fax 0857-85-2351
A closed day: On Monday (in the case of a holiday weekdays, the following day)

(Kano) deer bura 2017 "short do it ho in this way Kano as for spring" [Saturday, April 8, 2017, 9th Sunday]

"Short do it in spring, and deer bura 2017 holds ho asking Kano" on Sunday on Saturday, April 8, 2017, 9th.
Various events including a school koto performance out of Kano and the tea party of the cherry tree princess are carried out.
A schedule: Saturday, April 8, 2017, 9th Sunday
Time: 8th Saturday from 11:00 to 17:00
   9th Sunday from 11:00 to 17:00
A venue: The castle town Kano whole area has a lot, and please see HP of the inquiry.
Deer bura executive committee
(NPO corporation insyu Kano town planning meeting)
TEL 0857-84-1188

Fool of theater Ivan of the bird

Schedule from Friday, May 19, 2017 to 22nd Monday
                        25th from Thursday to 28th Sunday
Showtime 14:00 ... (on 19th, 25th 19:30 ...)
A ticket rate adult: 2,000 yen 18 years old or younger: 500 yen
       Less than junior high student: Free of charge
The reservation of the ticket by a telephone, Web, an email.
Please pay the rate at the time of a visit.
A telephone: 0857-84-3268
An email:

Drama lecture ① Tolstoy reads "power of the darkness"

Date and time Saturday, May 13, 2017 from 13:00 to 16:00
Theater (Ichikano-cho, Tottori) of the venue bird
Rate 1,000 yen (including document charges)
Theater 0857-84-3268 of the inquiry bird

2017 Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition Nishio Tomiji samsara

Period from Saturday, April 15 to Sunday, May 21
Closed day April 17 24th Monday May 8 15th Monday
2 venue Tottori-shi aoya native district hall first exhibition rooms
     2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
Inquiry Tottori-shi aoya native district hall 
     TEL/FAX 0857-85-2351

(Kano) 2017 all-Japan trial championship fourth wars, meetings [Sunday, June 11, 2017] in China

Date Sunday, June 11, 2017
Venue Ichikano-cho, Tottori ogre lay priest
Inquiry 082-295-6994

(Kano) Aoyama Junji round and round night fever [Sunday, May 21, 2017]

Date Sunday, May 21, 2017
Make a venue; that heart
Address 1809-1, Kanocho, Tottori-shi
Start 18:00
     Day of advance sale 3,000 yen 3,500 yen
Inquiry Juubo lowering concert executive committee

(Kano) "in spring noeemon city" [Sunday, April 23, 2017]

Articles for sale of Kano gather!
Vegetables and a flower bed seedling, special products produced in an area assemble in full force!
There is the behavior of the freshly made rice cake!
The first Kano Wanko-soba championship holding!
Schedule H29 age Sunday, April 23 from 9:00 to 15:00
Venue shikanocho synthesis branch west parking lot
The inquiry Kano eemon city executive committee secretariat

(Kano) make seaweed sisters; that heart LIVE [from Saturday, April 8, 2017 to 9th Sunday]

  •  Schedule
  Saturday, April 8 Sunday, April 9
  12:30 ...    12:30 ...
  14:30 ...     ※I play it somewhere in downtown
  16:30 ...    14:30 ...
  <for each 20 minutes>   16:30 ...
  19:00 ...    <for each 20 minutes>
  60 minutes performance (1 drink system)
  • Venue
  Do; that heart (tossed coin system)
  • Inquiry
  Do; that heart

(Kano) Kano Sakura Festival [from Saturday, March 18, 2017 to Sunday, May 7]

Kano Castle trace The air is full of spring Kano Sakura Festival holding
bombori lighting from Saturday, March 18, 2017 to Sunday, April 16
Light up from Saturday, March 18, 2017 to Sunday, May 7
Lighting time      From 18:00 to 22:00
Inquiry      Shikanocho Tourism Association 0857-38-0030
        Shikanocho synthesis branch 0857-84-2012

(Kano) the 30th Kano oldness and musical Tottori performance "day when a festival revives to Kano" [Sunday, February 5, 2017]

"The day when a festival revives to the 30th Kano oldness and musical Tottori performance Kano" is opened on Sunday, February 5, 2017.
 Based on a historical fact of the Kano Festival revival, a town is the masterpiece which is comical, and reproduced the energy of the Kano townsman in the Edo era when I burnt to wake you up.
[the date and time] Sunday, February 5, 2017
      2:00 p.m. (opening 1:30 p.m.)
[venue] Tottori civic center
[advance sale] The public: 1,500 yen (1,800 yen on that day)
      Less than high school student: 800 yen (1,000 yen on that day)
[sponsorship] Kano townsman music festival executive committee
[support] Federation of Tottori musical, Tottori-shi
      Tottori-shi Board of Education, Tottori-shi Japan National Council of Social Welfare
      Association of Tottori cultural organization society, shikanocho cultural organization communication meeting
      New Sea of Japan newspaper publisher, inabapyompyon net
An inquiry: 
(an executive committee: 0857-84-2131 in the shikanocho center public hall)
A ticket agency: torigin Cultural Center, Tottori-shi Cultural Center others
Because the parking lot can park in the Tottori civic center, and there is little number,
Please use public transport if possible.

(Aoya) an Inaba Japanese paper light exhibition [from Saturday, January 14, 2017 to Sunday, March 26]

A light to make with the thirteenth "Inaba Japanese paper light exhibition" Inaba Japanese paper in Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room from Saturday, January 14, 2017 of peace. But, it is held. Lighting exhibition such as a light work, the art object using the Inaba Japanese paper made specially in Tottori is held.

[the date and time] From Saturday, January 14 to Sunday, March 26 from 9:00 to 17:00
[closed day] On Monday (when Monday is a holiday weekdays, the following day)
[viewing charges] General 300 yen / small, middle and high school student 150 yen
      ※20% of 20 or more discount
[venue] Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
[sponsorship] Tottori-shi culture foundation, Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
[telephone] 0857-86-6060
[address] 〒 689-0514 313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi, Tottori

(Aoya) the twelfth Tottori-shi child student interchange art exhibition [from Saturday, January 14, 2017 to Monday, February 6]

"The Tottori-shi child student interchange art exhibition" by children of the twelfth Ketaka, Kano, Aoya is held.
(list of exhibition schools)
・Tottori City Hogi Elementary School, Tottori City Mizuho Elementary School, Tachihama-mura, Tottori-shi Elementary School
・Tottori City Osaka Elementary School, Tottori City Kano Elementary School, Tottori City Aoya Elementary School
・School, Tottori out of Tottori City Ketaka Junior High School, Tottori City Kano City Aoya Junior High School
・Tottori Prefectural Aoya High School
[the date and time] From Saturday, January 14 to Sunday, February 12 from 9:00 to 17:00
[closed day] Monday, January 16, 23rd Monday, 30th Monday, Monday, February 6
[venue] Tottori-shi aoya native district hall first second exhibition room
[sponsorship] Tottori-shi culture foundation, Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
[the cosponsorship] Tottori-shi Board of Education
[telephone] 0857-85-2351
[address] 〒 689-0501 2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori

(Aoya) the eighth Aoya High School class exhibition [from Saturday, November 19, 2016 to Sunday, December 18]

From Saturday, November 19, 2016 in Tottori-shi aoya native district hall,
I hold the eighth Aoya High School class exhibition
A period: From Saturday, November 19, 2016 to Sunday, December 18
A place: Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
An opening time: From 9:00 to 17:00 (as for the entering a building until 16:30)
A closed day: November 21, 24th, 28th, December 5, 12th
Admission: Free of charge
Tottori Prefectural Aoya high high school
〒689-0595 2912, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori
☎ 0857-85-0511
Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
〒689-0501 2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori
☎ 0857-85-2351

(Kano) colored leaves and Irish evening Mareka & Junji concert [Sunday, November 20, 2016]

On Sunday, November 20, 2016 in a cloud dragon temple
I hold "colored leaves and Irish evening Mareka & Junji concert".
It is held as a cloud dragon temple garden public support plan.
Such as fiddle guitar banjo Irish harp konsatina
Please thoroughly enjoy the Irishman music that made full use of various musical instruments.
The date and time: Sunday, November 20, 2016 17:30 ...
A venue: Cloud dragon temple 164, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi
A rate: 2,000 yen
A reservation: 090-7891-9322 (Takebe)
Sponsorship: Juubo lowering concert executive committee
A search: jubooroshi

(west inaba) the gathering event [from Saturday, November 5, 2016 to 6th Sunday] of the Tottori west inaba foot pass

The gathering event holding of the 2016 Tottori west inaba foot pass!
"A foot pass" is to walk while enjoying "plain scenery old in the forest and countryside, the area".
Please discover charm of "west inaba".
[holding contents]
  ■ Foot pass activity example presentation
     A schedule: Saturday, November 5 16:00 ...
     A venue: A communal lodge "mountain aster"
     A participation fee: Free of charge
  ■ Foot pass interchange round-table conference
     A schedule: Saturday, November 5 18:00 ...
     A venue: A communal lodge "mountain aster"
     A participation fee: 5,000 yen
  ■ Foot pass walk
     A schedule: Sunday, November 6
     A course: Ketakachotono   Course approximately 4km
          Shikanochokouchi (Kochi) course approximately 4km
               Capacity: For each 50 people
     A participation fee: 1,500 yen (I include lunch, a premium)
[application, inquiry]
 The gathering event executive committee secretariat of the Tottori west inaba foot pass
   Tel 0857-82-0809
   fax 0857-82-0884
         H P
   Charge ship entering port 

(Kano) "Kano enthusiastic bus tour" [Thursday, November 3, 2016]

On Thursday, November 3, 2016 Culture Day "Kano enthusiastic bus tour"
"Colored leaves enjoyment & Zen meditation experience. A heart is calm, and visiting Shinto shrine Buddhist temples of the autumn is held.

Corner different visiting the Buddhist temple and Shinto shrines which can go only by car as well as an everyday castle town guide courseI go the enthusiastic course reading the history of Kano from a degree. I listen to a story of the chief priest in Shinto shrine worship while I indulge in autumn taste, a temple and can experience the Zen meditation.


※It is short distance, but there is the point where a slope and stairs lead to.

   The uneasy person is not expected.

 In addition, the one where it was fallen sick on the way
   As the staff attends you, don't worry.
A guide: Meeting of the purattoshikano guide
The holding date and time: Thursday, November 3, 2016 Culture Day
               From 8:40 to 15:00
A meeting place: Shikanocho synthesis branch west parking lot
             (the Kano side dojo studio side)
The meeting time: 8:30 (I hold a reception desk and a starting expression.)
Capacity: Around 20 (I close it as soon as it becomes the capacity)
An entrance fee: 1,500 yen (I include Zen meditation experience charges, lunch, insurance)
The application deadline: Wednesday, October 26

A thing to bring: Towel, drink, rain outfit

Clothes :I would like clothes and the shoes comfortable to walk in.
Inquiry, reception desk
Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan
TEL 0857-38-0030
FAX 0857-38-0031

(Kano) a "Kano wattaina festival" are five concert [from Saturday, October 22, 2016 to 23rd Sunday]

Saturday, October 22, 23rd Sunday "Kano wattaina festival"
I hold "are five music ♪ concert".
The date and time: October 22, 2016 ① 11:00 ~② 13:30 ...
                                  23rd ① 11:00 ~② 13:30 ...
A place: Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan multi-purpose hall
Performer :Are five
Admission :Free of charge
Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan
1353, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi
TEL 0857-38-0030

(Kano) "Kano wattaina festival" [from Saturday, October 22, 2016 to 23rd Sunday]

I hold "Kano wattaina festival" on Sunday on Saturday, October 22, 23rd.
Various events are held in a venue in castle town or a riverbed
A schedule: Saturday, October 22, 2016, 23rd Sunday
Time: 22nd Saturday from 10:00 to 16:00
   23rd Sunday from 9:00 to 15:00
A venue: ①River Park (Kano eemon city, Kano side speed eating championship, etc.)
   ②At the same level as a town (festival of the meal by local people, art gallery and others at the same level as a town)
   ③A Shikano ourai kouryukan "child village dream" (screening society at the same level as a town, live concert, etc. at the same level as a town)
   ④toresen [central public hall] (cultural organization communication meeting exhibition, etc.)
   ⑤Theater (I announce an entertainment, the performance) of the bird
The Kano wattaina festival executive committee secretariat (the shikanocho synthesis branch)
TEL 0857-84-2011 

(Kano) "Juubo lowering concert in the eighth 2016" [Saturday, October 22, 2016]

"It is said Juubo lowering concert ... in the eighth 2016 and, on Saturday, October 22, 2016, holds ... to both ji gaarutoiine and me" in an old small eagle river kindergarten playing and dancing room.
Copy amateur live 17:30 ...
- Shinji Miyake, Ariyama follows it at two copies of special guest 19:00
Day of advance sale 3,000 yen 3,500 yen
Sound, lighting studio large flower road
Meeting, the small eagle river district public hall which protects a support small eagle river hometown
An inquiry: Small eagle river district public hall 0857-84-2054
    Sound City 0857-28-0910

(Ketaka) "Osaka ugui stab Festival" [Sunday, October 2, 2016]

"Osaka ugui stab Festival" is held on Sunday, October 2.
It is a traditional event to last 400 years from the trading ship authorized by the shogunate trade of the Kamei 玆 quadrature.
A schedule: Sunday, October 2, 2016
Time: From 10:00 to 14:00
A place: Vast bank pond
※Come in the top with work gloves, the clothes which may become dirty.
※I rent fishing implements "ugui" free.
※I postpone it in case of rain on Saturday on 8th.
Great bank ugui stab preservation society
Telephone 090-4579-4589 office work charge valley tail
E-mail uguituki@gmail .com
facebook size bank ugui stab preservation society -344732392388197

(Kano) "do only a town only on the weekend" [from Saturday, September 17, 2016 to 25th Sunday]

 "I show it only on the weekend of the town" and am held ga this year.
During "the 23rd BeSeTo drama festival Tottori" period, a shop only for here appears to castle town Kano.
Various shops and events including a general shop, the cafe performance become varied.
Period: Saturday, September 17, 18th Sunday, 19th Monday (holiday), 24th Monday, 25th Sunday
Holding time: 10-17:00
Of the town only for the weekend show; an executive committee
(NPO corporation insyu Kano town planning meeting)

(Aoya) plan exhibition "Hironobu Yoshinaga" [from Saturday, September 17, 2016 to Wednesday, November 23]

From Saturday, September 17, 2016 in Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio,
"Water, the ground also holds transformation" "Hironobu Yoshinaga plan exhibition generation of this Japanese paper light".

From Saturday, September 17, 2016 to Wednesday, November 23
[opening time]
From 9:00 to 17:00
[closed day]
On Monday (when Monday is a holiday weekdays, the following day)
[venue, reference]
Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
〒689-0514 Aoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori Yamane 313
Telephone (0857) 86-6060
FAX (0857) 86-6061

(Aoya) 2016 Ide ka beach sunset concerts [Saturday, September 17, 2016]

Rich nature including the beautiful sea and sandy beach is left in Tottori.
Was evaluated as "the Japan's best sound" in 1996; is famous
I hold a concert against a backdrop of the beach of the white rumble sand of the Aoyachoide ka beach.
Please enjoy music while feeling a sound and the wind of the sea changing from summer to autumn.
Before the start of the concert, to protect this beautiful beach
As I perform an activity of "the beach clean", I would like cooperation.
A schedule: Saturday, September 17
Time: From 15:00 to 15:30 beach clean (let's pick up the garbage of the sandy beach)
     From 15:30 to 18:00 sunset concert
A venue: Aoyachoide field service open space
     〒689-0535 Aoyachoide, Tottori-shi
A rate: Free of charge
Performer :G's Farm
2016 Ide ka beach sunset concert secretariat Fujiwara (090-2004-9229)

(Aoya) aoya rumble sand Festa vol9 [Sunday, September 11, 2016]

I hold "aoya rumble sand Festa vol9" in Aoya Coast on Sunday, September 11.
Let jump over beach clean (shore cleaning) and the B tongue (beach sandal); championships
There are various events.
As for the details, please see a flyer.
The inquiry
aoya rumble sand Festa executive committee (cafe Dell mer Shimauchi)
Telephone 0857-85-1102

(Aoya) in Aoya Terachi remains pavilion "autumn, in winter event information" [September, 2016 ...]

In Aoya Terachi remains pavilion "autumn, in winter event information"
"Let's make an original comma-shaped bead!"
・I make a comma-shaped bead made of stone, and a favorite color can be dyed.
"The making of glass beads"
・I make a marble ball and a blue ball in connection with upper Terachi remains exhumation glass bead.
Two products make a strap per person.
"The making of ancient jewel amber comma-shaped bead"
・* using the amber taken good care of as a jewel from ancient times
It is made with a ball.
※ Each experience includes the thing needing an application beforehand.
  As for the details, please see a flyer.
"Ball - small world - of the lobby exhibition glass"
Dozens of points of glass beads are excavated from Terachi remains in Aoya. Panels introduce the history and the charm of the glass bead.
A session: From Saturday, October 29 to January 9 Monday (holiday)
A venue: It is Terachi remains pavilion lobby in Aoya
Viewing charges: Free of charge
[inquiry, application]
It is Terachi remains pavilion in Aoya
〒689-0501 4064, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori
TEL: 0857-85-0841

(Kano) first step ... [from Friday, August 19, 2016 to 21st Saturday] to be connected to easy school - art of the photograph

2016 child culture art experience support project
"First step ~ to be connected to easy school - art of the photograph"


I found "the comfortable school of the photograph" only for three days this summer.
In the castle town which I can feel history and nature, I take a photograph and perform fictionization in an illustration, music, a design together with a theme.
Do you not step forward to the first step to lead to "art?"

[opening of a school day] Friday, August 19, 2016 20th Saturday 21st Sunday
[targeted for a participant] Each ten times (possible overlap participation)
[entrance fee] 1,500 yen (it includes premium, lunch charges)
[acceptance start] Monday, July 11, 2016 first-come-first-served basis
[the application deadline] Wednesday, August 10, 2016 ※I close it as soon as it becomes the capacity
[application method] Than a reception desk form in the "school of the photograph" HP


[opening of a school place] "That I do it heart" 1809-1, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi, Tottori
[sponsorship] "Tottori R29 photo caravan" executive committee (the "comfortable school of the photograph" secretariat), Tottori
[cooperation] CANON Inc., NPO corporation insyu Kano town planning meeting

(Kano) insyu Kano Bon festival dance [Saturday, August 13, 2016]

The last "insyu Kano Bon festival dance" is held in the 20th year on Saturday, August 13.
A schedule: Saturday, August 13, 2016
A place: I drain it and leave at dance (dream Honjin) 18:00 
   From total dance (river Park) 19:00
Sponsorship: insyu Kano Bon festival dance executive committee
The cosponsorship: insyu Kano town planning meeting
   Kano waits; a meeting of the building

(Kano) make the ninth castle town; that; aimlessly lotus walk [Monday, July 18, 2016]

"I make castle town, and lotus walk is held aimlessly" this year.
Please enjoy "a lotus" of the zeni shikanocho.
[the date]  H28 seven a year 18 days a month (Marine Day)
[capacity]  200 people
[start] Scholar of shikanocho agriculture training center 8:45 a.m. (opening ceremony 8:30 ...)
[entrance fee]  500 yen (I include mini-Kano side, insurance)
[application method] Telephone, fax, mail, email
[deadline for application] H28 age Friday, July 8
[application] 630-22, Ketakachokachimi, Tottori-shi
       Make Tottori-shi west business and industry society castle town; that; is a lotus walk executive committee aimlessly
       Telephone 0857-84-2402
                     Fax 0857-84-2563
 Please refer to the executive committee for the details

(Aoya) summer Aoya around stamp rally [from Saturday, July 16, 2016 to Wednesday, August 31]

Stamp rally is held around summer Aoya.
Date : From Saturday, July 16, 2016 to Wednesday, August 31
We go around 3 halls (Japanese paper studio, pavilion, native district hall) in Aoya, and let's collect stamps.
I can pull a lottery in each facility when I gather all the 3 building only in the first 200 people (there is no blank).
What kind of product hits; in fun?
Please refer for exhibition, event, facilities information in each facility.

(Aoya) the family X Inaba Japanese paper [from Saturday, July 16, 2016 to Monday, September 12] of the small bird

The world of the Japanese paper reporting it in a family photograph
The plan exhibition "family X Inaba Japanese paper of the small bird" is held.
Photographer, Shunya Mizumoto from Tottori on the stage of nature of Tottori
With "the family series of the small bird" that continues photographing a family
It is collaboration of the Inaba Japanese paper.
The date and time: From Saturday, July 16, 2016 to Monday, September 12 from 9:00 to 17:00
A closed day: On Monday (when Monday is a holiday weekdays, the following day)
    *The opening temporary on Monday, August 15, Monday, September 12
Viewing charges: General 300 yen small, middle and high school student 150 yen
    *20% of more than 20 people discount
A venue, a reference: Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
〒689-0514 313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi, Tottori
Telephone 0857-86-6060 FAX 0857-86-6061
[allied event]
●Family in aoya Japanese paper studio ... of the family photography society - small bird
I photograph a family photograph on the stage of aoya Japanese paper studio, and I am printed by Inaba Japanese paper.
The date: Saturday, July 16, 2016, Sunday
Time: From 9:00 to 15:00 (beat time required approximately 60 minutes)
A venue: Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio participation fee: 500 yen [reservation required]
Capacity: Family five sets /1 day shooting: Shunya Mizumoto (photographer)
●Let's take the family X Inaba Japanese paper photograph of the small bird
I challenge shooting with a high-performance digital camera! I print it on Inaba Japanese paper.
The date: Thursday, August 11, 2016
Time: ①10:30 ~② 13:30 ...
A venue: Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio participation fee: 100 yen [reservation required]
Capacity: Each ten times (an object: the small, a junior high student)
A lecturer: Shunya Mizumoto (photographer)

(Aoya) In Aoya Terachi remains pavilion "experience-based event in summer vacation" [from July, 2016 to August]

Terachi remains pavilion "summer vacation experience event" is held in Aoya.
Each experience includes the thing needing an application beforehand.
[inquiry, application]
   It is Terachi remains pavilion in Aoya
   Address 4064, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi
   Telephone 0857-85-0841

(Kano) a Kano dream Honjin woodwork exhibition [from Friday, July 1, 2016 to 31st Sunday]

"A Kano dream Honjin woodwork exhibition" is held.

[the date and time] From Friday, July 1, 2016 to 31st Sunday
     From 10:00 to 15:00
[venue] The second floor of Kano dream Honjin

In wind comfortable in a town of Kano in spite of being a view and the smell of the tree

Please spend slow time being wrapped.


[inquiry] Kano dream Honjin 

      Address Shikanochoshikano 11422-1

      Telephone 0857-84-1711


(west inaba) a photograph offer! San-in Coast Geopark photograph contest [from Friday, July 1, 2016 to Tuesday, January 10, 2017]

It is held "San-in Coast Geopark photograph contest".
I raise the photographs which expressed the charm of the San-in Coast Geopark.
I can apply from a compact camera, a smartphone!
[theme of the work]
(the topography, scenery section)
①The photograph which I copied the topography and the scenery of the San-in Coast Geopark into attractively
②The photograph which knows which site you photographed at first sight
(person, working section)
①The photograph which I took of the people who spent time happily in San-in Coast Geopark
②The photograph which I copied agriculture, fishery, the working of the people in the San-in Coast Geopark including the local industry into
(challenge section)
The photograph which expressed charm and the splendor of the San-in Coast Geopark that I photographed with a compact camera or a smartphone
[the application deadline]
It must arrive by Tuesday, January 10, 2017
<the topography, scenery section> <about a person, a working section>
Kyoto Tango wide area Promotion Bureau plan general affairs department plan promotion room
San-in Geopark photograph contest charge
〒627-8570 Kyoto Tango City 885, Mineyamachotanba
 A telephone: 0772-62-4300
<about a challenge section>
The San-in Coast Geopark promotion meeting secretariat
・Until August 5
〒668-0013 376-14, Nakakage, Toyooka-shi, Hyogo
 (Toyooka intermediate existence wholesale housing complex Government building)
・From August 8
〒668-0025 7-11, Saiwaicho, Toyooka-shi, Hyogo
 (Toyooka, Hyogo synthesis branch)

(west inaba) Tottori-shi west inabayokoso stamp rally [from July, 2016 to November]

I hold "Tottori-shi west inabayokoso studio plastic Lee"!
War-torn country military commander "Kamei 玆 quadrature" Prince built it approximately 400 years ago
Is castle town, and is Japanese paper, there is a hot spring
Let's make a round trip of west inabao of the * palm!
A luxurious prize hits by lot! Please participate!
Period: From Friday, July 1, 2016 to Wednesday, November 30
・Ketakacho synthesis branch area promotion section 0857-82-0011
・Shikanocho synthesis branch area promotion section 0857-84-2011
・Aoya-cho synthesis branch area promotion section 0857-85-0011

(west inaba) a foot pass cafe [Sunday, July 17, 2016]

Talk with person who wants to do something for an area, "carefree atmosphere including the person who wants to talk happily; meeting" "Tottori west inaba "foot pass cafe" holding. (there are a cake and a drink)
The date: Sunday, July 17, 2016 from 15:00 to 17:00
A place: Tottori-shi west business and industry society court noble (670-22, Ketakachokachimi Hamamura station square)
Capacity: 40 prior applications (deadline Thursday, July 14)
※When I reach the capacity, I may close it.
Inquiry, participation application point
Tottori-shi west business and industry society
Tottori-shi west inaba area promotion meeting
670-22, Ketakachokachimi, Tottori-shi
(the Tottori west business and industry society in front of Hamamura Station)
Charge: Ship entering port (irifune)

(Aoya) aoya culture Festival [from Saturday, June 4, 2016 to 12th Sunday]

A group, an individual of the Aoya-cho culture meeting position performing cultural activities inside and outside the Aoya, Tottori-shi area announces the result of the everyday approach!
[the date and time] "Work display" Saturday, June 4 - 6/12( day) from 9:00 to 17:00
     "Bonsai exhibition" Saturday, June 4 - 6/5( day) from 9:00 to 16:00
     "Stage announcement" 6/12( day) from 14:00 to 16:00
[admission] Free of charge
[venue] "Work display" Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
     3 "bonsai exhibition" Aotanicho, Tottori-shi synthesis branch second meeting rooms
     The second floor of "stage announcement" Aotanicho, Tottori-shi synthesis branch multi-purpose hall
[sponsorship] Aoya-cho culture meeting
[telephone] 090-5267-4409
[address] 〒 689-0501 2990-4, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi

(Kano) spring Kano eemon city [Sunday, April 24, 2016]

I hold "spring Kano eemon city".

[the date and time] Sunday, April 24, 2016
9: It is 00 00-15
[venue] Shikanocho synthesis branch west parking lot
(Kano side dojo studio side parking lot)
※In the case of stormy weather, it is former Kachiya Elementary School gymnasium
★11:00 ...
The twelfth Kano side early bite championship
*Entrance fee 300 yen
*The application to a reference (16 first arrival)
★13:00 ...
Free distribution of the freshly made rice cake
★Main branch thing
Make vegetables, flower platform seedling, Kano regional chicken, Inaba, and do it; meat, steamed rice

・Yakisoba, ramen, fried chicken, takoyaki

Taiyaki, cuttlefish firing, kitchen knife
Other artefacts

A request: In the case of the visit of the public transport
Please ask for the use.

[inquiry] The Kano eemon city executive committee secretariat
(shikanocho synthesis branch industry construction charging talk 84-2012)

(Kano) the twelfth Kano side early bite championship [Sunday, April 24, 2016]

I hold "the early bite competition of the side" in Kano eemon city.
[the date and time] Sunday, April 24, 2016 11:00 a.m. ...
[place] Kano side dojo studio side special venue
[participation] Participation fee 300 yen (premium)
 If three portions are the one that they can eat up, I can participate in more than primary schoolchild.
(the people who can let you introduce it such as full names, please in a venue)
[enforcement method] The speed eating before three Kano sides (Zaru soba),

      By four people compete with four sets, among each four group champions

      I decide order by the order that time is early.
[application] The Kano eemon city executive committee secretariat
     (shikanocho synthesis branch industry construction charging talk 84-2012)
   ※I close it if it becomes 16 capacity.

   The champion has a prize toward to certificate of merit and prize, second place - fourth place.


(Kano) Kano Festival [from Saturday, April 9, 2016 to 10th Sunday]

The tradition of 400 years, Shiroyama Shrine festival "Kano Festival" are held on Saturday, April 9, 2016, Sunday, April 10.


[the eve of a festival]

Saturday, April 9, 2016

A line: From about 6:00 p.m. (plan)

Shiroyama Shrine mountain climbing ⇒ Shiroyama Shrine descent from a mountain (site of castle park)

⇒Castle town kneading on fire walk ⇒ resting place for a portable shrine (Daikumachi)


[main festival]

Sunday, April 10, 2016

A line: From about 11:00 p.m. (plan)

Resting place for a portable shrine (Daikumachi) ⇒ castle town kneading on fire walk ⇒ Shinto ritual ground (Konnyacho)

⇒mokurokuhoyomi (great Hiraishi) ⇒ Shiroyama Shrine mountain climbing

(Kano) a moat and a cherry tree and a rice dumpling covered with bean jam and miscellaneous goods [from Sunday, March 27, 2016 to Sunday, April 10]

Do you not spend Kano dehokkori time of ~ spring? ...
Holding: 3/27 Sunday 4/3 Sunday 4/9( soil) Sunday, April 10
A place: Do; that heart (1908-1, Shikanochoshikano)
Time: From 10:00 to 18:00 (there is some irregularity)
An inquiry: 0857-84-1188

(Kano) a masterpiece seat of the fifth deer [Saturday, March 5, 2016]

Masterpiece seat of the fifth deer
 Masterpiece seat screening party of the fifth deer is held on Saturday, March 5, 2016.
[screening work]
Your name is Part 1
[the date and time]
Saturday, March 5, 2016
13:00 venue
13:30 screening start
(no charge for admission)
A Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan "child village dream"
1353, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi, Tottori
 TEL 0857-38-0030
 FAX 0857-38-0031
[sponsorship, inquiry]
Sponsorship: Masterpiece seat executive committee Taniguchi of the deer
TEL: 090-6402-0886
※I cannot appear for work, but will inform you in reply in the daytime if you can leave an answering machine.
[the cosponsorship]
Kano waits; a meeting of the building

(Kano) swell; a "pleasure" exhibition [from Wednesday, March 2, 2016 to 8th Tuesday]

"I swell, and a "pleasure" exhibition" is held on Tuesday for from Wednesday, March 2, 2016 to 8th.


[the date and time]

From Wednesday, March 2, 2016 to 8th Tuesday

From 9:30 to 17:00 (on the last day until 13:00)

(no charge for admission)



Cafe & gallery "that I do it heart"

1809-1, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi

(regular holiday) Monday 3/7


[sponsorship, inquiry]

Win, and look after the Tottori Prefectural Kano second; a garden

102, Shikanochoterauchi, Tottori-shi

TEL: 0857-84-3267

FAX: 0857-84-3293



(Kano) As for Kano of each event guidance spring, full of events [from March, 2016 to May]

From Saturday, March 19 to Tuesday, April 12
Kano Sakura Festival (Kano Castle trace park)
From Saturday, April 9 about 8:00 p.m.
Kano Sakura Festival fireworks display (around Kano Elementary School)
Approximately 1,000 fireworks dye a night sky of spring Kano.
From Saturday, March 19 to Sunday, May 8
Do bewitching cherry tree in; that (Kano Castle trace park)
Light up from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00
Sunday, April 24 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Kano eemon city (Kano synthesis branch west parking lot)
The shikanocho Tourism Association secretariat (inner a Shikano ourai kouryukan "child village dream")
Kano synthesis branch industry construction section

(Kano) the 29th Kano oldness and Princess musical Tottori performance Sakura story [Sunday, February 28, 2016]

"The 29th Kano oldness and Princess musical Tottori performance Sakura story" are opened on Sunday, February 28, 2016.
 Please see a story of the love that is sad, and is beautiful to reach Kano.
[the date and time] Sunday, February 28, 2016
      2:00 p.m. (opening 1:30 p.m.)
[venue] Tottori civic center
[advance sale] The public: 1,500 yen (1,800 yen on that day)
      Less than high school student: 800 yen (1,000 yen on that day)
[sponsorship] Kano townsman music festival executive committee, Tottori-shi
[cooperation] Federation of Tottori musical
[support] Tottori-shi Board of Education, Tottori-shi Japan National Council of Social Welfare
      Association of Tottori cultural organization society, shikanocho cultural organization communication meeting
      New Sea of Japan newspaper publisher, inabapyompyon net
An inquiry: (an executive committee: 0857-84-2131 in the shikanocho center public hall)
A ticket agency: Tottori civic center, shikanocho center public hall others

(Kano) the eighth insyu Kano town planning camp [from Saturday, February 20, 2016 to 21st Sunday]

"The eighth insyu Kano town planning camp" is held on Sunday on Saturday, February 20, 21st.
I have you gather in the active various places utilized the area and the local various places in each places of the whole country and am a place learning the local way and approach together.
[the date and time] Saturday, February 20, 21st Sunday
[venue] Do; that heart (no charge for admission)
[inquiry] insyu Kano town planning meeting
                 The secretariat: Make Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi, Tottori 1809-1; that heart
      A telephone: 0857-84-1188
      An email:

(Kano) geo-caravan in Kano special display [from Saturday, February 6, 2016 to 21st Sunday]

San-in Coast Geopark geo-caravan in Kano special display
 The date and time: From Saturday, February 6, 2016 to Sunday, February 21, 2016
 A venue: A Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan "child village dream"
 Time: From 9:30 to 17:30
[allied enterprise]
 Hyogo Prefectural University Graduate School open lecture
  A lecturer: Noritaka Matsubara (assistant professor at Hyogo Prefectural University Graduate School) 
 The date and time: Sunday, February 14, 2016
 A venue: A Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan "child village dream"
 An object: More than the elementary school upper grades (the primary schoolchild is accompanied by a protector)
 Tuition: It is 500 yen for adults primary and secondary student 300 yen each in the afternoon the morning
  From 10:30 to 12:00
    "I spend word rou with the earth of Tottori"
  From 13:00 to 16:00 
    ho asks for a town of Kano and "is the same level as the town full of history flavors resisting a disaster"
San-in Coast Geopark promotion meeting
376-14, Nakakage, Toyooka-shi, Hyogo
TEL: 0796-26-3783 FAX: 0796-26-3785

(Aoya) an Inaba Japanese paper light exhibition [from Saturday, January 16, 2016 to Sunday, March 27]

A light to make with Inaba Japanese paper of peace.

A national open call for participants exhibition of the Japanese paper light work. Lighting exhibition such as a light work, the art object using the Inaba Japanese paper made specially in Tottori is held.

[the date and time] From Saturday, January 16 to Sunday, March 27 from 9:00 to 17:00
[closed day] On Monday (when Monday is a holiday weekdays, the following day)
[viewing charges] General 300 yen / small, middle and high school student 150 yen
      ※20% of 20 or more discount
[venue] Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio plan exhibition room
[sponsorship] Tottori-shi culture foundation, Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
[telephone] 0857-86-6060
[address] 〒 689-0514 313, Aoyachoyamane, Tottori-shi, Tottori

(Aoya) a Tottori-shi child student interchange art exhibition [from Saturday, January 16, 2016 to Sunday, February 14]

"The Tottori-shi child student interchange art exhibition" by children of the eleventh Ketaka, Kano, Aoya is held.
(list of exhibition schools)
・Tottori City Hogi Elementary School, Tottori City Mizuho Elementary School, Tachihama-mura, Tottori-shi Elementary School
・Tottori City Osaka Elementary School, Tottori City Kano Elementary School, Tottori City Aoya Elementary School
・School, Tottori out of Tottori City Ketaka Elementary School, Tottori City Kano City Aoya Junior High School
・Tottori Prefectural Aoya High School
[the date and time] From Saturday, January 16 to Sunday, February 14 from 9:00 to 17:00
[closed day] January 18, 25th Monday, February 1, 8th Monday, 12th Friday
[venue] Tottori-shi aoya native district hall first second exhibition room
[sponsorship] Tottori-shi culture foundation, Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
[the cosponsorship] Tottori-shi Board of Education
[telephone] 0857-85-2351
[address] 〒 689-0501 3030, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori

(Kano) a cloud dragon temple garden exhibition [from Saturday, November 21, 2015 to Monday, November 23]

For three days from November 21 to 23rd, the garden of the cloud dragon temple is opened to the public.
You can enjoy the scenery of the beautiful Japanese garden colored by colored leaves.
A schedule: From Saturday, November 21 to Monday, November 23
Time: From 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
A venue: Cloud dragon temple
   (164, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi)

(Aoya) Inoue British ear, kokorekaishashinnijinten [from Saturday, November 14, 2015 to Sunday, December 6]

I run a photo studio in Aotanicho, Tottori-shi and am the exhibition of the photographer of parent and child who continue being active who settled in the ground. I divide a theme into two sittings and display a work. In addition, the gallery talk by Inoue is held, too.

[the date and time] The first half year: From Saturday, November 14 to Sunday, December 6
      Gallery talk Sunday, November 29 14:00 ...
      The latter period: From Tuesday, December 8 to January 11 Monday (holiday)
      Gallery talk Sunday, December 13 14:00 ...
[opening time] 9: It is 00 00-17
[closed day] On Monday (when Monday is a holiday weekdays, the following day)
      Year-end and New Year from Monday, December 28 to Monday, January 4
      No charge for admission
[venue] Tottori-shi aoya native district hall first exhibition room
[sponsorship] Tottori-shi culture foundation, Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
[the cosponsorship] Tottori-shi Board of Education
[telephone] 0857-85-2351 
[address] 〒 689-0501 3030, Aoyachoaoya, Tottori-shi, Tottori

(west inaba) gathering 2015in Tottori west inaba [from Saturday, October 24, 2015 to 25th Sunday] of the national foot pass

"Gathering 2015in Tottori west inaba of the national foot pass" holding!
"A foot pass" This is to walk while enjoying "plain scenery old in the forest and countryside, the area".
Please discover charm of "west inaba".
[holding contents] ※The application is from the beginning of July
  ■ Forum (lecture)
     A schedule: Saturday, October 24 15:00 ...
     A venue: Tottori City Kano Elementary School
     A participation fee: Free of charge
  ■ Exchange meeting
     A schedule: Saturday, October 24 18:30 ...
     A venue: A communal lodge "mountain aster"
     A participation fee: 5,000 yen
  ■ Foot pass walk
     A schedule: Sunday, October 25
     A course: (Ketaka) a ginger warm course
         (Kano) Castle town and village forest course
         (Aoya) Sea breeze course 
     A participation fee: 1,000 yen
 ※ The application is from the beginning of July.
[application, inquiry]
 The "gathering 2015in Tottori west inaba executive committee of the national foot pass" secretariat
   Tel 0857-82-0809
   fax 0857-82-0884
         H P charge ship entering port 

(Kano) Kano wattaina festival [from Saturday, October 17, 2015 to 18th Sunday]

I hold "Kano wattaina festival" on Sunday on Saturday, October 17, 18th.
Various events are held in a venue in castle town or a riverbed
A schedule: Saturday, October 17, 2015, 18th Sunday
Time: 17th Saturday from 10:00 to 16:00
   18th Sunday from 9:00 to 15:00
A venue: ①River Park (Kano eemon city, Kano side speed eating championship, etc.)
   ②At the same level as a town (festival of the meal by local people, art gallery and others at the same level as a town)
   ③A Shikano ourai kouryukan "child village dream" (screening society at the same level as a town, live concert, etc. at the same level as a town)
   ④Central public hall (cultural organization exhibition, etc.)
   ⑤Theater (I announce an entertainment, the performance) of the bird
The Kano wattaina festival executive committee secretariat (the shikanocho synthesis branch)
TEL 0857-84-2011 

(Aoya) welcome worship Aoya [from Saturday, October 17, 2017 to 18th Sunday]

An autumn big event of Aoya "Aoya, welcome a festival" is Aoya-cho agriculture and forestry fisherman training center and is held.
Commencing with the calligraphy contest that featured the theme of Inaba Japanese paper, I can experience papermaking and the production of the industrial art object using the Inaba Japanese paper in the display of the winning work, a high school student calligraphy performance, free of charge. I can mention autumn taste and culture only in Aoya, and the stage events are held, too.
Date and time Saturday, October 17 from 10:00 to 16:00
      18th Sunday from 9:00 to 15:00
Venue Aoya-cho agriculture and forestry fisherman training center
   (free shuttle bus service to bind main venue and Aoya-cho synthesis branch together)
Welcome it is a festival executive committee sponsorship Aoya
Telephone 0857-85-0011
   (the secretariat: Aotanicho synthesis branch area promotion inside of a section)

(Kano) atagono viewing the moon variety hall [Wednesday, September 23, 2015]

A schedule: Wednesday, September 23
Time: 19:00
A venue: Cloud dragon Teramoto temple
   (164, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi)
Appearance: Sankyo Yanagiya

(Aoya) pleasing VII ... [from Saturday, September 19, 2015 to Monday, November 23] of butterfly wedge picture exhibition - Japanese paper

I start "pleasing VII ... of butterfly wedge picture exhibition - Japanese paper" on Saturday, September 19 in Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio.
Please enjoy the picture which the Japanese paper plays.
Period: From Saturday, September 19 to November 23 Monday (holiday)
An opening time: From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed day :On Monday (in the case of a holiday the next day)
Venue  :Tottori-shi aoya Japanese paper studio
Viewing charges :Small, middle and high school student 150 yen
     The public      300 yen
Telephone 0857-86-6060

(Aoya) 2015 whole country rumble sand summit in aoya [Sunday, September 13, 2015]

The summit for the purpose of not finishing conveying "the rumble sand" which is irreplaceable nature, cultural heritage in history.
The geo-spot of the San-in Coast Geopark sounds at this time when the 20th becomes held and is held in Ide ka beach of the sand, Aotanicho, Tottori-shi with the Aoya Coast. I exchange information about the present problem and a future approach under the theme of "maintenance and inflection of the rumble sand in the Geopark".
A schedule: Sunday, September 13
Time: From 9:00 to 12:00
A venue: Aoya-cho synthesis branch multi-purpose hall (capacity: 150)
A rate: No charge for admission
<simultaneous holding>
aoya kyodokan: Charm exhibition of the San-in Coast Geopark, national rumble sand exhibition
Aoya-cho tourist association secretariat charge: Suzuki (TEL090-2869-8256) 
Sponsorship: zenkokumeisa network
The cosponsorship: Rumble sand summit in aoya executive committees, Aoya-cho tourist associations of the whole country

(Aoya) a charm exhibition of the San-in Coast Geopark [from Saturday, September 12, 2015 to Sunday, November 8]

I start "a charm exhibition of the San-in Coast Geopark" on Saturday, September 12 in Tottori-shi aoya native district hall.
In August, 2014, San-in Coast Geopark escalated an area including the Tottori-shi west area in the world Geopark and was authorized.
I introduce San-in Coast Geopark including the display of the prize-winning work of the photocontest in commemoration of the first anniversary from world authorization and perform display to rediscover the charm of the Tottori-shi west area including Aoya.
Period: From Saturday, September 12 to Sunday, November 8
An opening time: From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Venue  :Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
Entering a building charges :Free of charge
Telephone 0857-85-2351

(Kano) of the town only for the weekend show [from Saturday, September 12, 2015 to 27th Sunday]

"I wait only on the weekend and show it" and am held ga this year.
During "drama festival 8 of the bird" period, a shop only for here appears to castle town Kano.
Various shops and events including a general shop, the cafe performance become varied.
Period: It is Sunday on 27th on Saturday on Sunday, 21st (gala month for children of three, five and seven years of age), 26th for Saturday, 20 days for Sunday, 19 days for Saturday, September 12, 13 days
Holding time: 10-17:00
Of the town only for the weekend show; an executive committee → HP
(insyu Kano town planning meeting)

(Kano) a mendicant Zen priest pilgrimage [Saturday, September 3, 2015]

On Saturday, September 5, "a mendicant Zen priest pilgrimage" is carried out in Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi Castle bottom. The mendicant Zen priest who gathered from the whole country parades around Kano Castle bottom full of the emotion. ichi*kon*, the recitation of a Chinese poem of the shakuhachi, a Kano Kamei drum are shown in a height of good luck temple, and there is the mendicant Zen priest photography society (free), too.
A schedule: Saturday, September 5, 2015
Time: From 18:00 to 19:30
[shooting society]
A rate: Free of charge
Time: From 15:30 to 17:00
A meeting place: Do; that heart (1809-1, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi)
A shooting place: The neighborhood of height of good luck temple, the neighborhood of Kano Castle trace moat
An application: Unnecessary
NPO corporation insyu Kano town planning meeting
Telephone 0857-84-1188

(Kano) insyu Kano Bon festival dance [Thursday, August 13, 2015]

"insyu Kano Bon festival dance" is held on Thursday, August 13.
Do you not participate in annual "Bon festival dance" every year?
A schedule: Thursday, August 13, 2015
Time: 18:30 ...
A place: I drain it and dance (from Daikumachi public hall river Park) 
   Ring dance, night stall (river Park)
I participate in a prior exercise, and on the day does the one that has not danced not dance together?
An exercise schedule: Wednesday, August 5, 2015, 9th Sunday
 Time: From 20:00 to 21:00 (both days)
 A place: Shikanocho center public hall
The insyu Kano Bon festival dance executive committee secretariat
Telephone 0857-84-1188

(Kano) make the eighth castle town; that; aimlessly lotus walk [Sunday, July 26, 2015]

"I make the eighth castle town, and lotus walk is held in castle town Kano aimlessly" on Sunday, July 26, 2015.
Do you not walk while enjoying the lotus in Kano castle town attracting the kinds of lotuses of the world?
Date Sunday, July 26, 2015 start 9:00 (reception desk 8:00 ...)
Participation fee 500 yen (it includes a premium belonging to mini-lotus side)
 Distance    4.2195㎞
 Deadline Friday, July 17
1302-2, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi
Tottori-shi west business and industry society Kano Hall
Make castle town; that; is a person in charge of lotus walk executive committee aimlessly
TEL 0857-84-2402
FAX 0857-84-2563
Make castle town; that lotus information ⇒ facebook

(Aoya) prayer ... [from Saturday, July 18, 2015 to Sunday, August 30] to 70 years after the war Murakami Island child doll exhibition - peace

I start "prayer ... to 70 years after the war Murakami Island child doll exhibition - peace" on Saturday, July 18 in Tottori-shi aoya native district hall.
I display a doll to tell about the wartime living that a doll writer, Murakami Island child from Aotanicho, Tottori-shi produced.
In a turning point of 70 years after the war, I pray for it being at an opportunity to think about misery of the war, preciousness of life, the peace.
Period: From Saturday, July 18 to Sunday, August 30
An opening time: From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed day :Tuesday, July 21, 27th Monday, Monday, August 3, Monday, August 10, 17th Monday, 24th Monday
Venue  :Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
Viewing charges :No charge for admission
For more details, to Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Telephone 0857-85-2351

(Aoya) living ... [from Saturday, July 4, 2017 to Sunday, September 13] of ... nature and people making it with Inaba Japanese paper

I start "... nature and living ... of people to make with Inaba Japanese paper" on Saturday, July 4 in aoya Japanese paper studio.
Origami tears off the scenery of "the San-in Coast Geopark of the Tottori-shi western part" and expresses it with a picture, a flower of the Japanese paper.
Period: From Saturday, July 4 to Sunday, September 13
An opening time: From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed day :On Monday (when Monday is a holiday next day Tuesday)
Venue  :aoya wakamikobokikakutenjishitsu
Viewing charges :General 300 yen, small, middle and high school student 150 yen
For more details, to aoya Japanese paper studio
Telephone 0857-86-6060

(Kano) do a chorus, and that bank of a moat gives a concert [Sunday, June 14, 2015]

It is holding for "that I do it heart" in "that I make a chorus bank of a moat concert" on Sunday, June 14. 
I sing the masterpieces such as "Kojo no Tsuki" or "a red sweet pea", and the guest becomes the concert that I reached, too. 
Start 14:00 ...
Admission for free
The inquiry
To telephone 0857-84-3348 (Murakami)

(Aoya) photo exhibition 2015 [from Saturday, June 13, 2015 to Sunday, July 12] by the photographer of the native district

I start "photo exhibition 2015 by the photographer of the native district" on Saturday, June 13 in Tottori-shi aoya native district hall.
A photograph lover of Ketaka, Kano, Aoya area residence of the Tottori-shi, the working displays the photograph works such as scenery or the person in shooting, the four seasons when I produced it.
Period: From Saturday, June 13 to Sunday, July 12
An opening time: From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
A venue: Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
Viewing charges: No charge for admission 
For more details, to Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Telephone 0857-85-2351

(Kano) MAREKA & JUNJI, I dream kneeling joint concert [Saturday, June 13, 2015]

On Saturday, June 13, I hold "folk song and Irish investigation ♪ flowing through the town of MAREKA & JUNJI, I dream kneeling joint concert ♪ valley".
Place 355, Shikanochokobetsushiyo, Tottori-shi "old small eagle river Elementary School school grounds"
    ※It is indoor in the rainy day
Start 15:30 ...
The advance sale ticket is 3,000 yen, 3,500 yen on that day
For more details, to the Juubo lowering concert executive committee
Tel 090-7891-9322 (Takebe)

(Ketaka) Hamamura Onsen "movie viewing society" [Friday, May 22, 2015]

I hold movie viewing party in "a village trip style hermitage of the shell clause" on Friday, May 22, 2015.
Filmized the mysterious statement which heard in Hamamura Onsen that Yakumo Koizumi ever visited on a trip, the inn where stayed at on this occasion; "ghost futon of Tottori." To "welcome Hamamura" where a ghost plays an active part on the stage of modern Hamamura Onsen. I show three of "the peaceful every day miraculous positive" that photographed Ketakacho in the location. Please enjoy it with a delicious meal.
Village trip style hermitage (Ketakachohamamura, Tottori-shi hot spring) of the venue shell clause
Start 17:30 ...
Rate movie viewing and meal 2.500 yen (tax-included)
   Only as for the movie viewing 1.500 yen (tax-included) 
    ※It requires reservation by the day
The inquiry
Village trip style hermitage of the shell clause
Telephone 0857-82-0531

(Kano) night da ... [Sunday, May 17, 2015] that follow it, and Ariyama is - Kano, and is a mountain

"Do it, and follow it, and Ariyama is - Kano for that heart" on Sunday, May 17, and is a mountain; is holding in da ... at night
The curtain rises at 19:00
The advance sale ticket is 2,500 yen, 3,000 yen on that day
For more details, to Sound City Okada
Telephone 0857-28-0910 

(Kano) Kano eemon city [Sunday, April 26, 2015]

"Kano eemon city" is held.
The date and time are 00 00~15 9 on Sunday, April 26
The place at shikanocho synthesis branch west parking lot (side dojo studio side parking lot). ※In the case of stormy weather, it is former Kachiya Elementary School gymnasium
In the Kano eemon city, I start the tenth "Kano side speed eating championship" at 11:00.
I perform the free distribution of the freshly made rice cake from 13:00.
The inquiry to the Kano eemon city executive committee secretariat.
Telephone 0857-84-2012

(Kano) Choji "super the way - 2015 spring, Chugoku district ..." [Saturday, April 25, 2015]

It is "the way - 2015 spring, Chugoku district ... holding for "that I do it heart" super" Choji on Saturday, April 25.
The curtain rises at 19:00
The advance ticket is 2,000 yen, 2,500 yen on that day
For more details, to luck on
Telephone 090-8519-9064

(Aoya) a Hamada ball Otori finger image exhibition [from Saturday, April 25, 2015 to Sunday, June 21]

I start "a Hamada ball Otori finger image exhibition" on Saturday, April 25 in aoya Japanese paper studio.
Please see the world of the beauty of Japanese only finger painter Hamada ball Otori to use a finger, a nail, the back of the hand like a writing brush, and to describe by all means.
Period: From Saturday, April 25 to Sunday, June 21
A venue: aoya wakamikobokikakutenjishitsu
Viewing charges: General 300 yen, small, middle and high school student 150 yen
For more details, to aoya Japanese paper studio
Telephone 0857-86-6060

(Kano) Osamu Koganei "sings for wind across the sea" [Wednesday, April 15, 2015]

It is holding in "I sing for wind to pass in the sea" Osamu Koganei for "that I do it heart" from 19:00 on Wednesday, April 15.
I create comfortable views of the world by a singing voice with husky & luster to a fellow in a classical guitar of Koganei.
Furthermore, there is the food drink by the youth in the 20s and 30s and can appreciate it while tasting a meal of Kano.
The advance sale ticket is 2,800 yen, 3,300 yen on that day
For more details, to Daisuke Shirakawa
Telephone 070-6639-9187

(Aoya) in memory of a writer of native district Yukari Tate [from Saturday, April 11, 2015 to Sunday, May 24]

Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition starts "I remember a writer of native district Yukari Tate" on Saturday, April 11 in 2015.
A document and the work which had you donate many connections from the various places that there is introduce the work of ten writers since the opening of (1993) from that in 1993. Please thoroughly enjoy a glitter of the various talent that Tottori produced.
Period: From Saturday, April 11 to Sunday, May 24
A venue: Tottori-shi aoya native district hall exhibition room
No charge for admission
For more details, it is Tottori-shi aoya native district hall
Telephone 0857-85-2351
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