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Furusato Shikano
Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan child village dream

1353, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi, Tottori
TEL 0857-38-0030
FAX 0857-38-0031

Opening time 9:00-17:00
※For the maintenance in the hall, I may have a closed day in a hurry.

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West inaba cycle DAY2024

Let's do the autumn west inabao ride while enjoying scenery
Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan child village dream, the west inaba executive committee (Tottori-shi west business and industry society) hold "west inaba cycle DAY2024" on Monday (holiday) on November 4, 2024.
 ※You can confirm the course from this. 
 The participation offer was finished 

Recruitment of cycling participants

 The participation application deadline: Sunday, October 27, 2024 

The health that is older than a target junior high student (the participation of the junior high student is accompanied by a protector)
Departure and arrival Roadside Station west inaba carefree village (meeting)
It is finished at start - 15:00 at reception desk start 9:00 at 8:15 at time
200 offers
An entrance fee long course: 4,000 yen (it includes a premium) 
    A short course: 3,000 yen (it includes a premium)
Please prepare for a bicycle respectively
Please bring a belonging helmet.
※The person without the helmet cannot participate.

Application method (finished)

You can apply for the participation application by the following methods.

■I propose it from sports entry (payment prior in a site)
 The acceptance was finished. 

■Google form (on the day I pay cash in a reception desk)
 The acceptance was finished. 

■I propose it by an email (on the day I pay cash in a reception desk) 
 The acceptance was finished. 

※Please input an item by the email as follows.
①The name
②Group name (in the case of team belonging)
③Address (please input from a zip code to address, the number of the room exactly)
④Phone number (number on the day to be connected)
⓹The date of birth (the Christian era)
⑥Age (the day of the holding)
⑦Visit method to a venue (carefree village) on that day
⑧The emergency contact information (phone number, the name, relation except the person)
⑨In addition, (if there are an inquiry or a request)

Schedule on that day

Holding November 4, 2024 Monday (holiday)
Meeting Roadside Station west inaba carefree village (map)
     〒689-0422 280-3, Shikanochookaki, Tottori-shi, Tottori
Reception desk 8:15 ...
Start 9:00 ... (I am divided into the plural groups, and time lag starts)
End - 15:00

Participation privilege

I prepare for the following privileges toward the participant.
There is behavior of the local food other than water supply with the eidos pot.


■Judgment of the cancellation
・Rainy weather
・When a warning was announced
※Please confirm the judgments such as the cancellation in the HP of "the Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan child village dream".


■The west inaba executive committee

 ◆Tottori-shi west business and industry society
  670-22, Ketakachokachimi, Tottori-shi, Tottori
  TEL: 0857-82-0809
  FAX: 0857-82-0884

 ◆Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan child village dream
  1353, Shikanochoshikano, Tottori-shi, Tottori
  TEL: 0857-38-0030
  FAX: 0857-38-0031

Sponsorship west inaba executive committee
The cosponsorship Tottori-shi business and industry society, Tottori-shi Shikano ourai kouryukan child village dream
Cooperation Tottori-shi, Watanabe bicycle shop, Okada motors, Katsura bicycle firm


■Flyer image
※I increase, and you can see it.
■Flyer PDF
※The PDF downloading from this
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